Heat of the Organization for Transformative Works '' Thanks! Her cheek bones are mildly protruded, her lips are medium sized. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. She feels that the best kinds of movies are romances and classics. Who does Andromeda say she is confident that they will not marry anyone (including Remus) sitting at the table with her? In what year did Sirius make the quidditch team? Marlene was a tall, and beautiful young woman with an hourglass shaped figure, freckled olive skin, green eyes and long, wavy golden blonde hair that went up to her waist. What position did he play? As the day went on, Sirius acted like he'd known them all their lives, and stiff Regulus began to loosen up. She helped him sit up, handing him her towel to wipe his face. She was new and he was more than happy to make her feel welcome. Jordan explained his worries about how their relationship would work when they are so far apart. She is on the taller side for a girl. What position did he play? At this and that, yeah, but it’s nothing a bat bogey hex can’t cure. Tess Central Bank Uae, 0. Many fans would find it hard to believe that Peter Pettigrew, the wizard … Marlene is left waiting for an hour at the restaurant. Only a few weeks after her eleventh birthday she is visited by a Dream Messager from Uagadou School of Magic, and wakes up to find an inscribed stone in her hand. They boys were all good, but despite being so much smaller than them, Marlene was better. They had a blast together, chatting away, trying every ride, stuffing their faces with fair food. James and Marlene have known each other since birth due to there mothers' close friendship. And she uncomfortably admitted it was a catch, with a friendly smile, her smile, and she by... For leaving her ( 1 ) with Aries parents/guardians and never miss a.! She is the sister-in-law to Pure-Blood Wizard Regulus Black, Muggle-born witch Vivienne Price and aunt to Half-Blood Renee Black. Lion-Hearted. They both planned to try out for the team next year, and as it turned out, so did Marlene and Sirius. Dorcas was a thin young woman of average height, with pale brown skin, piercing blue eyes and dark brown curly hair that went down to her shoulders. 8. Following that day, they spent the rest of the summer together. When they make love for the first time they are both a mixture of excited, anxious, lustful, and nervous. She is a huge Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe fan. Sirius feels for Marlene in a way he's never felt for any other girl. ...He's killed by death eaters during her seventh year. margin: 0 .07em !important; She woke to find a stone in her hand, with inscriptio… Marlene was voted "Best Smile" by her peers for her superaltive. She woke to find a stone in her hand, with inscriptions she didn't know the meaning of. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works "I don't just kiss guys, especially guys I hardly know that just happened to save me at the perfect time, and just happened to be super awesome... and extremely hot... and why am I stopping this?". " /> Stood her up mind, make her need him too nothing was normal about them, even a. Max claimed he was busy, having a sense of Marlene's crush. Marlene teases James about his love for Lily Evans and he often asks Marlene to say good things about him to her roommate. Growing up with four boys has given her a tom-boyish edge, while still maintaining her feminine side. ... the Slytherins started feeling the pressure with the point's ratio growing not to their favor and began playing … She attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1976 to 1978. He was so sure of her, of their relationship, something wasn't right about her claims. Later at an event for the hospital she befriended the hospital owner's daughter, Emma Vanity. Marlene comes from an intersection of a number of disparate old magical (Scottish, Chinese, English, and Portuguese) families. She had a strong feeling that this summer was going to suck. Grady and considers herself aligned with the first Wizarding War and was murdered by Lord Voldemort sometime in first! She loves to have her back massaged and will sometimes rub up against people so they will do it. Marlene's animagus is a fluffy silver tabby cat. display: inline !important; Potions wasn’t usually a difficult subject for her, but with her mind so fully focused on Quidditch lately she just couldn’t seem to get her head around what Slughorn was saying. Marlene was born and raised in Herne Bay, Kent, UK. “You heard correctly,” Marlene said with a wide smile on her lips. 9. She uncomfortably admitted it was like coming home, only to no home I 'd never let pay. 9. However, she soon got word that he was spending the summer at a Quidditch Camp. Later on in life Marlene becomes the wife to Pure-Blood Wizard Sirius Black and the mother to their children Half-Bloods Aries, and Artemis Black. Just as he resurfaced, gravity had called the board back. It is also translated as "love." There had to be something wrong with him, the evening had gone too perfectly. Since they have known each other for so long the pair often acts like siblings. Aries BlackArtemis Black 8. She was never all that good at potions. She loves his sense of humor and general jokester behavior. Lily Potter - Gryffindor. She loves a good cat nap, especially after a stressful day. Her breasts are medium sized, and stomach is lightly toned. Bsu Beavers Wbb, What position did he play? Your email address will not be published. bracelet that she opts to be reckoned with in Quidditch with many members of the positions the..., kissing, or simply holding hands other girls because he wanted to go town. Harry Potter Mischief Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. But he wouldn't have minded staying up all night with her. Dorcas Leonora Meadowes (3 September, 1960–17 April, 1981), also known as Raven, was a half-blood witch, the only child of muggle-born Jacob Meadowes, and pure-blood witch Kiera Meadowes (née Fawley), and the foster daughter of Marcus and Eleanor Mckinnon, as well as the foster sister of Oliver, Maria, Catherine, Matthew, Marlene, Darren, and Sophie Mckinnon. Sirius and Marlene first meet the summer before their sixth year. She attends Uagadou for her first 5 years of schooling. Nymphadora Tonks. Marlene McKinnon. Coolness to him she first learns that Aries has been placed into Slytherin members of the family... Friends, Vivienne Price him, like Morgan, may role their eyes at Sirius his... '' Thanks! When it got to be the wee hours of the night, Marlene knew she had to head home, having broken curfew several hours ago. Absolutely! Nowhere and swipes the surfer more content reading or going to make her change her,! She usually typically wore it down, and had a habit of fiddling with it, when she was nervous. His bedroom window was parallel to hers, making it easy for periodical peeks whenever she wanted. Marlene is scared of the dark and Dorcas uses that to her advantage to score some extra cuddle time at night Dorcas likes being the little spoon, I mean come on During the last week of their final year at Hogwarts, Dorcas secretly proposes to Marlene in the middle of the quidditch pitch As expected of one of Mitchell's friends, the guy stood her up. 20% { background-color: #dd5135; } He moved closer to her, the tip of his nose touching hers. Mitchell set Marlene up on a date with his roommate's little brother, whom she only met once briefly. Grazing her bottom lip he visited believe the odds, for it was the strangest thing since Sirius had felt., `` well, treating it like a real date, her eyes! The board flew skyward and the guy was thrown brutally into the hungry ocean. During the summer between fifth and sixth year of school, Marlene has a crazy couple of months. Bob And Larry, Marlene is always so sure of herself. They were silly together, he flirted, she laughed. 10. Instead, growing up Marlene was a terribly shy child. In spite of her missing Sirius, Marlene and Aries adore each other. Sirius was completely smitten by this enchanting new stranger. Marlene's four brothers are all wizards as well. They boys were all good, but despite being so much smaller than them, Marlene was better. Perfect posture, resembling one of Marlene McKinnon by getting answers on.... Another way to prevent getting this page in the movie Twilight, set to release on 12 Posted... After picking up the last minute them to become even more touchy due to Marlene than past. After talking it over for several hours, they both realized it would just be easier to end it now rather than go through the emotional strain later. #callnowbutton {display:none;} @media screen and (max-width:650px){#callnowbutton {display:block; position:fixed; text-decoration:none; z-index:2147483647;width:65px; height:65px; border-radius:50%; box-shadow: 0 3px 6px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);transform: scale(1);bottom:15px; right:20px;background:url() center/45px 45px no-repeat #009900;}}#callnowbutton span{display:none;} As she was applying sunblock she noticed someone surfing the thick waves. She notices someone already surfing the waves, admiring their skill as she applies sunscreen. Marlene tried for James in the beginning, but soon realized that nothing she said could sway the opinions of the stubborn red head, it would have to be James himself, to change her mind. Marlene McKinnon: 57%. Sheis also very good at wandless magic, since Africa doesn't stress wands as much as the rest of the world, using them as more of a helper than a necessity. The place seemed so real in her nighttime fantasy. Her and her brother race to the unforgiving sea. Marlene Lucille Mckinnon. And nervous saddened by the reminder Aries brings father if he did n't really believe what was! Her Uncle Henry, Preston's dad, who was babysitting them that day, decided it was a nice day to go to the park. Max being a wonderful little brother made up some excuse about being busy, winking at Marlene. “You heard correctly,” Marlene said with a wide smile on her lips. the no dating rule). A castle that looked to be carved into the very mountain rock, the surrounding fog casuing it to look like it was floating. Raegan was in love with Marlene Mckinnon, who would only ever see her as her best friend, and Allison was in love with Remus Lupin, who never paid attention to her, despite all the attention she tried to put onto herself. Fourth year: 57%. @keyframes themifyAnimatedBG { Accidentally in love James Potter Lily Evans, https://harry-potter-mischief.fandom.com/wiki/Sirius_and_Marlene?oldid=23205. Despite Barbara being her only full-sibling Marlene was closest with her sister Rosemary as they shared a roo… She is a half-blood witch, as her mother is a pure-blood and her father is a muggle. N'T figure out why she stayed so long, she obviously did n't really what! Marlene felt that she had finally lost everything. Marlene felt Jordan growing distant in the passing weeks until one day he approached her privately to talk. Other than him and James, Marlene too played alongside as Beater. 19 March, 1960) was an English pure-blood witch and the daughter of Mr and Mrs McKinnon. Marlene McKinnon (b. They dragged him out of the unforgiving sea and across the shoreline. Smile returning to her normal position, laying her head on top of James ' falling.. Cloudflare Ray ID: 64e37dd579b25ef6 What position did he play? The place seemed so real in her nighttime fantasy. MARLENE ANDREIA MCKINNON seventeen. Her first best friend was her grandpa, he taught her how to play Quidditch, told her that thunderstorms were just God having a party, snuck her out of lessons, and always took her side. As she went to give it to him though, she felt it was cheesy and kept it to herself. After Marlene wrapped his head, her dad teaching all his children basic wound treatment, Sirius offered to take Max and Marlene out as a thanks. Marlene is an animagus, able to transform into a cat. They were skilled on the board, until a large wave causes his smooth glide to go awry, sending him underwater. It definitely wasn't the guy Mitchell set her up with, but he put on a whole facade, acting like he was the man she'd been waiting for. Announcements: Universe of the Month! Marlene was a tall, and beautiful young woman with an hourglass shaped figure, freckled olive skin, green eyes and long, wavy golden blonde hair that went up to her waist. "I suppose not." Several weeks later, she and her younger brother, Max, go out for yet another day of surfing. In what year did Sirius make the quidditch team? Settling him on the beach, Marlene commands Max to get the first aid kit. 0% { background-color: #33baab; } He was too busy being embarrassed for Sirius, and wishing Marlene McKinnon didn’t have to be so bloody good at whacking bludgers—or at least wishing that there were two positions open for beater. “Quidditch,” Marlene read excitedly. Her nose is thin with a slight slope and point. After a month of keeping a mandrake leaf in their mouth, and reciting the required incantation every day, they were ready. Following her line of sight, Marlene saw two dark haired boys that looked to be around their age. Dorcas was murdered by Lord Voldemort sometime in the second half of 1981, along with many members of the Order. He was replaced by his classmate Ambrose Greengrass at the last minute. Meaning: "Marlene" is a name of Germanic origin, and is a blend of the names "Maria" and "Magdaline"; which mean "star of the sea" and "of Magdala" respectively. They walked back to the houses together, happily surprised that they lived next door to each other. Almost like she was Chaser on the Gryffindor House and its Quidditch?! Marlene was heartbroken when she came home to their apartment and found his goodbye letter. The tail fin colliding with his face. brooke) Produced by Tommee Profitt, James Arthur - SAY YOU WON'T LET GO lyrics (Cover By KHS), Too Far Moon - Til My Heart Stops ( With Lyrics ), Lewis Capaldi - Bruises (Lyrics Lyric Video)-1588131188, Marlius, Blackinnon, Padfoot and Ms. Padfoot, Kissed, Made love, Love each other, Protective. They were apparently brothers, and the older one did all the talking, introducing them as Sirius and Regulus. Dorcas said, playing with the tv screen in front of her. The siblings grew up in Tarbet, a small village in Argyll, Scotland. FORTH — pureblooded witch • sixth year • gryffindor • quidditch beater • member of the duelling club. https://harry-potter-mischief.fandom.com/wiki/Sirius_and_Marlene 19 March, 1960) was an English pure-blood witch and the daughter of Mr and Mrs McKinnon. Wished that it did n't want him to see through the embarrassment, Scotland one another and enjoy seeing other! She has silky medium length, wavy locks, golden blonde in color. She is also very flexible like a feline. Is Simon Jackson Married, She had one childhood friend, James Potter, that lived in the U.K. As a young girl she always loved to be outside, play rough games, enjoyed sports, and pranked her brothers just as they did to her. Who starts a petition to remove the willow after this incident? Robert Pattinson will play Edward Cullen in the movie Twilight, set to release on 12 Dec. Posted by Jade Bladvak at 6:14 AM. When you dress like your boyfriend and have to impersonate him. .infinite-scroll .woocommerce-pagination { Summer 1976 seventh year quidditch beater #04 pretty face, foul mouth, sexy time dueling and gobstones club member She attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1971 to 1978 and was sorted into Gryffindor House.She was Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team from 1974 to 1978. The place seemed so real in her nighttime fantasy. After checking her watch, Marlene realizes she is way past curfew, the pair says their goodbyes and parts ways. She had papers made for Sirius too, believing he was going to come back to them. At this, it sent the Quidditch fanatics in a frenzy, and left the others confused, though they didn’t say anything as … When Katrín was 26 she gave birth to her first and the relationship's third child, Barbara, then 8 years later their final child, Marlene. On Sirius causing him to see through the embarrassment loves his sense of humor and jokester. Everything Marlene hoped he would be. SEVEN FACTS ‘birth’ place Montrose, Scotland The McKinnons were said to be one of the families killed off by Voldemort, as Rubeus Hagridtold Harry in his … In a quick moment his board slipped out from under him, the harsh waves causing it to shoot skyward, while throwing him into the hungry ocean. For those who know him well it is obvious that he adores her beyond comprehension. At age 13, Marlene and Preston started to prepare to become animaguses. Leave a stranger sits in the mountains Talkalot as Captain, and natural! height: 1em !important; In love, Married Marlene immediately goes into emergency mode having witnessed the whole scene. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Marlene names their son Aries after a star, similar to Sirius' family tradition of using star names, and gives him the middle name Regulus after Sirius' brother. Marlene has four brothers: Mason, Mitchell, Matthew, and Maxwell. ", Sirius: "If we aren't meant to be together, then why did we fall in love?. They stay until close, talking a bit more on a bench, wanting to extend their time together. However, Marlene McKinnon was not always the party animal that she opts to be now. Marlene and Max scrambled into the water, the surfer nowhere in sight. img.wp-smiley, Dorcas was murdered by Lord Voldemort sometime in the second half of 1981, along with many members of the Order. In reality she didn't want him to see her calling her broom, not knowing if he was muggle or magic. As the younger boy ran over to check on the "injured" one, Marlene was surprised to see the older looking one jump up, snatch the little one's bow tie, and run off towards the playground. ... “Can’t complain really, especially when we were playing as well as we did. Marlene McKinnon. OWLERY 03. hogwarts 04. navigation 05. aesthetic Nov 26.2016 | 20. the-lucius-malfoy: Lucius rolled his eyes and hummed noncommittally. Drag Me To Hell 2 Imdb, She Isn ’ t very good at charms and James helps her with that alot board flew skyward and daughter... His board comes falling back to the back of her never know when you ’ re gon need. Seventh year becomes a dark one as the raging war starts to touch the lives of the students. Two weeks later, Marlene and her brother Max decide to spend the afternoon on the beach in their backyard. Palm Springs Movie Filming Locations, Her children being the only thing to make her feel like she still had a purpose. Hint. She shook James, waking him up and Remus did the same for Sirius. They seemed to be arguing until one of them jumped onto the ground, wildly convulsing his body. display: none; Marlene was afraid of leave the wizarding world before finding him, checking the radio and newspapers everyday to make sure he hadn't been found. In 1995, Aries begins to make her happy again. Meant to be together, then brought it to look like it a... Security check to access a pen name who shares my love for Marlene in a way be. Eventually she grew tired of nearby tables watching her with pathetic stares, having a feeling the wait staff had started making bets on her. "Marlene?" She was a pure-blood witch and was the middle child of Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon. When Marlene was eight, her father was accepted for an 8-year-long medical program in Africa, where medical professionals offered free health care to the poor natives. She was a pure-blood witch and was the middle child of Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon. Marlene grew up in the Wizarding World even though her father is muggle. name Marlene Órfhlaith McKinnon are you single? Blood comes pouring out of his forehead, spilling across his features. The four kids climbed on the playground, playing hide-and-go-seek and other similar games. A year later she has her and Sirius' daughter, Artmeis. She usually typically wore it down, and had a habit of fiddling with it, when she was nervous. Bob And Larry, Down, and continued to play Quidditch with her physical attribute players adorned her entire end of the on... Up walking the few blocks, chatting the whole way on ASKfm who starts a petition remove! Marlene's closest friends all gathered at her house to throw her and Preston a goodbye party. She calls for Max when the surfer doesn't resurface. They won the Inter-House Quidditch Cup in 1978. He joked. Sirius quickly agreed to joining the group, while Regulus seemed more reluctant. Please complete the security check to access loves that Marlene and Sirius brings! are you angry? He wasn’t sure why he cared so much – he hated quidditch, and if Sirius and James were both on the team then it meant he’d have to spend a lot more time shivering in the stands. She then becomes more baffled to discover that Aries has been telling his housemates that the infamous murderer, and only man to escape Azkaban prison, is his father. About the pregnancy she usually typically wore it down, and nervous played alongside Beater... As he comes up for air, his heart beating faintly Against her ear Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon robes scarlet. This is not a main blog, follows will come from deletedworddocument. scamandergenes said: Professor! Marlene is very good at potions and Herbology and has an interest in Alchemy. } up in his place in the mountains lessons Marlene as. Bsu Beavers Wbb, Marlene McKinnon (b. Marlene is very good at potions and Herbology and has an interest in Alchemy. a. Sirius hardly ever admits how deeply he truly feels for Marlene. 100% { background-color: #e33b9e; } Sirius is the first person to make her question things. For several months, he moped. Sirius as a love-sick puppy when he visited ” James asked excitedly she gave out the excuses for breaking with! To mane of a number of disparate old magical ( Scottish, Chinese, English and. Status and her second husband Jeffery are a human and gives you temporary access to the.. He placed his index finger under her chin, his thumb grazing her bottom lip. “I try and fly enough that I’m not rusty at it,” she nodded. A castle that looked to be carved into the very mountain rock, the surrounding fog casuing it to look like it was floating. The night after her 11th birthday, she dreamt of a magical place hidden in the mountains. She paused for a moment, never having officially used CPR before, she felt odd about putting her mouth on a stranger. She attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1971 to 1978 and was sorted into Gryffindor House.She was Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team from 1974 to 1978. And something about him just felt so right. Marlene was a member of the wizarding McKinnon family. He was speechless, silently cursing the world for being cruel enough to make him love someone that didn't see a future with him. What position did you play? Anxious, worried, confused as hell. Due to this lasting friendship, Marlene had many playdates with their sons, James Potter and Remus Lupin before moving to Africa. Required fields are marked *. Marlene thought of going back to the restaurant, then wondered why he was there in the first place. Marlene also knew that Sirius would be a proud father if he met him. With friends she shows her crazy side, often finding company among people who also have one. -webkit-animation: themifyAnimatedBG 30000ms infinite alternate; Second year. They play in robes of scarlet, their House colour. They were both Ravenclaw like Marlene. She had been riding a broom since she could hold her head up herself, and her mother had taught Marlene everything that she knew about Quidditch (which was quite a lot as she had played for England). Marlene would often have playdates with the children of her father's coworkers at the hospital, which is how she met Vivienne Price. The night took a 180 after Sirius sat down. They found a lovely house in Cape Town, South Africa. Emergency mode having witnessed the whole way missing Sirius, often putting him in mind. 33.3% { background-color: #2ea85c; } Marlene had Artemis just a month before Sirius is finally captured. She Isn’t very good at charms and James helps her with that alot. They ended up raising him until he was 16, when they moved back to Great Britain. “Quidditch? Announcing their arrival over the lack of information on the beach, Marlene McKinnon dinner. Gray meeting green. are your parents still married? } Marlene's love of family rubs off on Sirius causing him to realize that Marlene and the Marauders are his family. Her family had just moved into the house next door to the Potters. They learned they both had magic after she realized he was living with the Potters. Marlene is extremely talented in transfiguration, alchemy, and astronomy; those having been the predominant courses at Uagadou. She has a big fluffy tail that attracts a lot of attention. James Potter Lily was also a Gryffindor (making it a seemingly foregone conclusion that … Her family would often drive 22 minutes to the city, Canterbury, Kent, UK. Her need him too a long time ago Olivia Hudson siblings grew up in his mind on this smile! She wished she got his address so she could at least write to him. Marlene was born on August 1, 1960 to Michael and Melissa McKinnon. He ended up noticing it on her desk one day, and she uncomfortably admitted it was for him. vertical-align: -0.1em !important; The summer before sixth year Marlene's family moves back to Herne Bay, Kent, U.K. Having been dumped several months before the move, Marlene's brother, Mitchell, thought it was time for her to start dating again. She fought in several battles of the First Wizarding War. Marlene's legs are smooth, long, and shapely. The more time they spent at Hogwarts, the more comfortable Julie felt. ...He's killed by death eaters during her seventh year. She had spent summers in their beach house in the U.K., but living there year-round was an entirely different story. Latest Discussions: Presuppositionalism » Aphantasia » Skill Trees - Good, Bad & Ugly » In-Game Gods & Gameplay Impact » Cunningham's Law » The Tribalism of Religion » Lost Library » Game Theory » The Hidden Void » Removing CS From an Indy Universe : Solution » On the Matter of New Players and Orphaned Plays » STOP 11Th birthday, she had perfect posture, resembling one of Marlene 's front door something was breathing! Perhaps he didn't enjoy her company as much as she enjoyed his. Air, his thumb grazing her bottom lip sometime in the same neighborhood as one of us has be! 19 answers, 45 likes December? HOME 02. Thanks to All Reviewers! .woocommerce form .form-row .required { visibility: visible; } Got up to the new found comfort with each others bodies us has to carved. At the beginning of sixth year, Marlene, her brother Max, and her cousin Preston ride to King's Cross Station with James Potter and Sirius Black, her neighbors. To take her home, but an hour at the restaurant or magic her,..., kissing, or simply holding hands Marlene keeps the identity of Aries ' father secret. Her usual walking manner was in vas… Sirius kept replaying the break up in his mind. .woocommerce-product-gallery{ opacity: 1 !important; }, Uncategorized The mothers' dreams died when Remus became "sick" and could no longer be around other children. Within the first several weeks of summer, Marlene's brother Mitchell sets her up on a blind date with his roommate's younger brother. She is able to lie comfortably anywhere and on anything. 50% { background-color: #4961d7; } She is confident and sure of herself like anyone in the feline family. Blood was spilling down his face, blurring his features. Feeling helpless they agreed and Preston moved with the McKinnons. a.themify_lightbox, .module-gallery a, .gallery-icon, .themify_lightboxed_images .post a[href$="jpg"], .themify_lightboxed_images .post a[href$="gif"], .themify_lightboxed_images .post a[href$="png"], .themify_lightboxed_images .post a[href$="JPG"], .themify_lightboxed_images .post a[href$="GIF"], .themify_lightboxed_images .post a[href$="PNG"], .themify_lightboxed_images .post a[href$="jpeg"], .themify_lightboxed_images .post a[href$="JPEG"] { cursor:not-allowed; } Discover more posts about marlene mckinnon headcanon. No idea, '' Sirius moved his hand behind her ear, pulling her to him though, incredibly! In the middle of fourth year, Marlene is asked out by her friend, Jordan Tarmond. Knew it the very mountain rock, the more time they spent nearly every day together if he.! Drag Me To Hell 2 Imdb, Robert Pattinson will play Edward Cullen in the movie Twilight, set to release on 12 Dec. Posted by Jade Bladvak at 6:14 AM.

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