All rights reserved. an employee who does all kinds of work. GENERAL FACTOTUM 'GENERAL FACTOTUM' is a 15 letter phrase starting with G and ending with M Crossword clues for 'GENERAL FACTOTUM' ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. of, including, applying to, or participated in by all or most of the members of a group, category, or community, relating to various branches of an activity, profession, etc. lackey. { {obsolete}}: A general servant. drudge. Download our English Dictionary apps - available for both iOS and Android. General factotum definition: a person who does all sorts of jobs ; general assistant | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples a member of the Army Board responsible for personnel and administrative functions, the adjutant of a military unit with general staff, a representative in London of a Canadian province or an Australian state, the statutory meeting of the directors and shareholders of a company or of the members of a society, held once every financial year, at which the annual report is presented, a country's chief law officer and senior legal adviser to its government, (in the U.S.) the chief law officer and legal adviser of a state government, (in some states of the U.S.) a public prosecutor, (in the United Kingdom except Scotland) the senior law officer and chief legal counsel of the Crown: a member of the government and of the House of Commons, (in the U.S.) the chief law officer and legal adviser to the Administration: head of the Department of Justice and member of the cabinet, (in Australia and New Zealand) the chief government law officer: a member of Parliament and usually a cabinet minister, an officer of the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps who holds a rank junior to a major general but senior to a colonel, usually commanding a brigade, a consul of the highest grade, usually stationed in a city of considerable commercial importance, (formerly, esp. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. Factotum is another story with spirit, with speed and without fuss. "I thought that I was stupid for failing my exam, but at least I tried," general factotum definition in English dictionary, general factotum meaning, synonyms, see also 'general paresis',adjutant general',attorney general',Attorney General'. Mme D. likes to pull strings, and uses her pallid lady's companion, the spinster Capulat, as her factotum. A factotum is a servant who is employed to do a wide variety of jobs for someone. in the 1920s and '30s) a domestic servant who did cooking and housework, the head of a large organization such as the CBI or BBC, a meeting specially called to discuss a particular item of a company's business, usually one of some importance. Whether you’re struggling to concentrate in meetings, finding creative thinking nearly impossible, or you’ve lost interest in cracking into that latest bestseller, brain fog has become more common amongst the population. relating to, involving, or dealing with abstract, 1. the state of being joined together 2. in logic, the connection of isolated facts by means of a, a patient who lost is tracheal reflexes by, a misfit; something or someone looking/behaving in a manner that comes in contradiction with the, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All English definitions from our dictionary. The running joke in the family is, 'You've done everything but deliver the mail." Did You Know? The meeting may be called by a group of shareholders or by the directors, (in France before 1789) a member of a group allowed to farm certain taxes, a drug producing anaesthesia of the entire body, with loss of consciousness, the deliberative assembly of the United Nations, the former name for the parliament of New Zealand, the supreme governing body of certain religious denominations, esp. Collocations are words that are often used together and are brilliant at providing natural sounding language for your speech and writing. Noun. An employee who does all kinds of work. Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. Set in the 1940's, the plot follows Henry Chinaski, Bukowski's perpetually unemployed, alcoholic alter ego, who has been rejected from the World War II draft and makes his way from one menial job to the next (hence a factotum). All the latest wordy news, linguistic insights, offers and competitions every month. (ˈdʒɛnərəl fækˈtəʊtəm) noun. one who commands a large military formation, any person acting as a leader and applying strategy or tactics, a general condition or principle: opposed to particular. general factotum in British English (ˈdʒɛnərəl fækˈtəʊtəm) Collins English Dictionary. Last 50 years What does factotum mean? Factotum definition is - a person having many diverse activities or responsibilities. Central is the constant search for a way to solve Henry Chinaski’s biggest problem. I’m sure a lot of people would agree that we live in strange times. Area 51, Starship, and Harvest Moon: September’s Words in the News. the head of the public health service in the U.S. a state official who values properties for rating purposes, an official, usually a layman, appointed to assist the bishop of a diocese in discharging his administrative or judicial duties, English Collins Dictionary - English Definition & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary     English Definition, 1. Experienced in a variety of business work including, for example: typing, creating spreadsheets or presentations, proof-reading, content writing, social media, new business development, funding applications and more. "I'm tired of this stupid computer! Inspiration points allow a factotum to excel in a wide variety of situations because he decides which of his capabilities to bolster. The term " factotum " refers to a general servant and comes from Latin where it literally means "do everything". [formal] Synonyms: Man Friday or Girl Friday, handyman, jack of all trades, odd job man More Synonyms of factotum. : Alain Locke's role as a general factotum of the Harlem Renaissance has tended to overshadow the full dimensions of an active and productive life. How to use factotum in a sentence. general factotum. But do they have to be so strange that Area 51 is making headlines? This story takes place around the end of the Second World War, in several cities in America. Factotum, Charles Bukowski Factotum (1975) is the second novel by German born American author Charles Bukowski. And best of all it's ad free, so sign up now and start using at home or in the classroom. Find more similar words at! skivvy. factotum definition: 1. a person employed to do all types of jobs for someone: 2. a person employed to do all types of…. "he was employed as a general factotum" Similar: odd job man, (general) handyman. minion. general paresis, adjutant general, attorney general, Attorney General. Information and translations of factotum in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. September’s Words in the News explain all. We have almost 200 lists of words from topics as varied as types of butterflies, jackets, currencies, vegetables and knots! See more. There are many diverse influences on the way that English is used across the world today. I don’t know how it was that I became familiar with them; to me it seems like something I’ve always known, but if I had to guess, they were probably more in use in my folks’ generation and I picked them up there -- or possibly in my reading. gofer. Last 300 years. We look at some of the ways in which the language is changing. A friend of ours, upon retiring, volunteered as a general handyman at a Bible camp and printed business cards with his name, phone, fax, and title: Chief Factotum. [Medieval Latin factōtum : Latin fac, imperative of facere, to do; see dhē- in Indo-European roots + Latin tōtum, everything, from neuter of tōtus, all; see teutā- in Indo-European roots.] general factotum in British English. such a strike that took place in Britain in 1926, the governing body, under Parliament, of the Church of England, made up of the bishops and elected clerical and lay representatives, the theory of gravitation, developed by Einstein in 1916, extending the special theory of relativity to include acceleration and leading to the conclusion that gravitational forces are equivalent to forces caused by acceleration, (in the philosophy of Rousseau) the source of legitimate authority residing in the collective will as contrasted with individual interests, the representative of the Crown in a dominion of the Commonwealth or a British colony; vicegerent, a governor with jurisdiction or precedence over other governors, the head of the Spanish court of Inquisition, the head of an inspectorate or inspection system; an officer with wide investigative powers, a staff officer of the military, air, or naval service with the responsibility of conducting inspections and investigations, , judge advocates general, judge advocate generals, the civil adviser to the Crown on matters relating to courts martial and on military law generally, an officer holding commissioned rank in certain armies, air forces, and marine corps immediately junior to a general, an officer immediately junior to a lieutenant general, the executive head of the postal service in certain countries, (in Britain) a nurse who has completed a three-year training course in all aspects of nursing care to enable the nurse to be registered with the United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery, and Health Visiting, a chief administrative official, as of the United Nations, (in Britain) the law officer of the Crown ranking next to the Attorney General (in Scotland to the Lord Advocate) and acting as his assistant, (in New Zealand) the government's chief lawyer: head of the Crown Law Office and prosecutor for the Crown, the bicameral legislature of the Netherlands, an assembly of the estates of an entire country in contrast to those of a single province, the assembly of the estates of all France, last meeting in 1789, the sovereign body of the Dutch republic from the 16th to 18th century, (in the British, U.S., and certain other armies and navies) the senior officer of the medical service. endeavour for all developers and devops to maintain their local environment with a cohesive set of tools within and across teams, with proper versions and configurations If it’s for an hour, a day, a week or more, General Factotum can give you time to work on your business. The definition of a factotum is a person hired to perform an assortment of jobs. 3. Examples of ‘general factotum’ in a sentence. Collins English Dictionary. a title for the head of a religious order, congregation, etc. You can complete the definition of general factotum given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... English-Definition dictionary : translate English words into Definition with online dictionaries. Musings of a Factotum Tuesday, February 15, 2011. Brain fog has been on people’s minds in more ways than one during the pandemic and after the recent lockdownversary. factotum { {obsolete}}: A person having many diverse activities or responsibilities. More example sentences. Amaze your friends with your new-found knowledge! Factotum is a 2005 French-Norwegian drama film co-written and directed by Bent Hamer, adapted from the 1975 novel of the same name by Charles Bukowski.It stars Matt Dillon as Bukowski’s alter ego, Henry Chinaski.Although events in the book take place in Los Angeles in the … If someone is granted clemency , they are punished less severely than they could be. An example of a factotum is a personal assistant. Factotum definition, a person, as a handyman or servant, employed to do all kinds of work around the house. ‘She is perpetually and dangerously angry, bluntly refusing - although employed in a factotum capacity - to perform many of the chores she is given, often colouring her … A Case for an Expanded Militia. Learn more. Hopiakuta 03:30, 18 August 2006 (UTC) . Our new online dictionaries for schools provide a safe and appropriate environment for children. ... it is largely because of our numerous Guard forces that we have been able to successfully sustain two wars without a general mobilization. factotum. Read more… Since Exist noun Man Friday or Girl Friday, handyman, jack of all trades, odd job man, maid of all work, odd-jobber, man of all work I was a sort of office boy and a general factotum. Get the latest news and gain access to exclusive updates and offers. Definition of factotum in the dictionary. For National Limerick Day Collins Dictionary looks at the ground rules and patterns a limerick must follow, and discusses their origin. of the Presbyterian Church, loss or damage to a ship or its cargo that is shared among the shipowners and all the cargo owners, General Certificate of Secondary Education, an election in which representatives are chosen in all constituencies of a state, a final election from which successful candidates are sent to a legislative body, (in the U.S.) a national or state election or (in Canada) a federal or provincial election in contrast to a local election, a hospital not specializing in the treatment of particular illnesses or of patients of a particular sex or age group, an officer holding a commission of brigadier's rank or above in the army, air force, or marine corps, a disease of the central nervous system: a late manifestation of syphilis, often occurring up to 15 years after the original infection, characterized by mental deterioration, speech defects, and progressive paralysis, (in Britain until 1969) the department of the central Government that provided postal and telephone services, a physician who does not specialize but has a medical practice (general practice) in which he treats all illnesses, having a range of uses or applications; not restricted to one function, a school of thought, founded by Alfred Korzybski, that stresses the arbitrary nature of language and other symbols and the problems that result from misunderstanding their nature, officers assigned to advise commanders in the planning and execution of military operations, a strike by all or most of the workers of a country, province, city, etc., esp. 2. The Need for the National Guard. "That's not how you do it, stupid!" ", tempting someone with promise of reward (an attractive person in. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. tum (făk-tō′təm) n. An employee or assistant who serves in a wide range of capacities. ; not specialized, give me a general idea of when you will finish, having superior or extended authority or rank, designating a degree awarded at some universities, studied at a lower academic standard than an honours degree, relating to or involving the entire body or many of its parts; systemic, (of a statement) not specifying an individual subject but quantifying over a domain, an officer of a rank senior to lieutenant general, esp. a person who does all sorts of jobs; general assistant. Factotum-definition. Synonyms for factotum include handyman, knockabout, PA, do-all, Fixit, handyperson, jack of all trades, odd-jobber, general employee and general handyman. : His factotum, George Dolby, records that Dickens would nerve himself one hour into each journey with a draught of brandy. Search general factotum and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Study guides for every stage of your learning journey. 2002 © … General factotum परिभाषा: a person who does all sorts of jobs ; general assistant | अर्थ, उच्चारण, अनुवाद और उदाहरण According to Merriam-Webster factotum means: 1) a person having many diverse activities or responsibilities, 2) a general servant. A person who works very hard without proper remuneration or appreciation. Whether you're in search of a crossword puzzle, a detailed guide to tying knots, or tips on writing the perfect college essay, Harper Reference has you covered for all your study needs. Meaning of factotum. Noun. Definição de general factotum: a person who does all sorts of jobs ; general assistant | Significado, pronúncia, traduções e exemplos Copyright © HarperCollins … It has become a word that I feel describes me quite well for I have done many things. Some people thought, until they saw his ruddy, blond complexion, that he must be a Native American. slave. (caps.) The factotum class gives players a chance to be the archetypal jack of all trades. One doesn’t hear the words “general factotum” much any more. Read our series of blogs to find out more. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. Last 10 years While other classes are locked into certain abilities, a factotum has unmatched flexibility. general factotum. Create an account and sign in to access this FREE content, The man, whose name was redacted from the. British literary. Last 100 years View usage over: ‘he was employed as the general factotum’. And what’s this about fish the look like aliens. (usually of a person) lacking in intelligence, common sense, or just in, 1. general factotum definition in the English Cobuild dictionary for learners, general factotum meaning explained, see also 'general election',general knowledge',general practice',general …

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