Discord Ticket Bot About • Features • Installation • Setting Up. Kroks-Ticket-Bot. Features of Support Tickets. For am example, click here. The Tickets bot plays a key role in the management of support to let you focus on what’s important. You'll then be prompted to provide: A new prefix for the bot (although the t! The most configurable ticket bot on Discord! Upon interaction with the bot, we may also cache your member and user objects if we do not already do so. Elemental. prefix will continue to work) A welcome message that will be sent at the start of each ticket; A ticket limit that prevents a user from opening too many tickets Support Tickets is a feature-rich support ticket bot for discord Provide a way for your support team to readily help users in a clean and intuitive way. Once the bot has these permissions, you can begin the configuration process. Easy to use. A simple and powerful Discord Ticket Bot with a web UI and various ticket tools to implement an effective Discord ticket system View Add Bot Upvote. Tickets, without the fuss. Discord Ticket Bot. Ticket Organisation. Ticket Transcripts, the bot will DM the ticket creator when the ticket is closed. With our web dashboard, the setup and control of our bot is quick and easy. Support via Discord allows you to improve your quality of service and response times. This is very basic, and was just made to point people who want a fully functional ticket bot in the right direction, and you may have to add some extra features if you want to make it perfect. It is a free, open-source, and self-hosted alternative to Ticket Tool and TicketsBot premium/whitelabel plans. Easy configuration with the Web Dashboard Just one command to setup! Add to server. A small overview of my features: Ticket Systems - enables the highest configurability! Features. The following is a discord ticket bot which only works in one server, you can use it to manage your own server tickets and also have the ability to fork this repo and improve it! Just a few of the multiple key features provided by Support Tickets. 24/7 Hosting, the bot won’t be down when you are helping the users in your server. 1. They’ll be available to read the history of the chat. Lots of Features. You will have to edit some of the code for it to work for your server. Kroks-Ticket-Bot is a Discord bot for managing support ticket channels, to allow you and your team to provide better and quicker assistance to your members/customers. Take your discord support service to a new level and enjoy the benefits of Ticket Bot. Ticket Bot for Discord. An open-source and self-hosted ticket management bot for Discord - a free alternative to the premium and white-label plans of other popular ticketing bots. To start, simply run t!setup. An easy to use and highly configurable modmail Discord Ticket bot implementing a sophisticated ticket system with various ticket tools. When you invite Tickets to your server, we cache the guild object, channel objects and role objects. Easy to use, no hassle with commands just one command and it’s ready to be used. About. Helper: The Best Ticket Bot for Discord. Tickets is a fully customisable Discord support manager bot. Multipurpose Moderation A powerful, user-friendly Discord bot offering a variety of commands for moderation, utilities, modmail, logging, giveaways, polls, public roles, and more. Invite Ticket Bot Manage Servers. Additionally, we may also cache any user or member objects that Discord provides Tickets with in the GUILD_CREATE payload. Helper is the ticket bot to take your server to the next level with simple setups, intuitive ux, and a powerful system to make the ticketing process as seamless as possible. This is a bot that will create simple tickets for you. Highly customisable Creating transcripts - anytime!

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