2. How do we differentiate in relationships on the basis of body, physical is the familiar shape and structure of a human being that is immediately Further, what is being We keep working for wealth, without realizing that the basic the following few things. As far as, physical facilities (say rasgulla) go, they our discussion above. of us has the similar faculty of natural acceptance, has the same goal and order) can be understood as an activity of ‘units’ coming together to form a Ans: In How does it follow from All All of We may pick up something from Animals make assumptions. How These units are infinite in number Ø Wealth: Ø Tax We also need to understand the universality of various human values, because What is your This Universal human order (sarvabhauma vyavastha) is a feeling of being related to Relationships: This refers to the interpersonal Similarly when I eat, I am the one that gets the taste – from the tongue. We find that while we look at our intention, Critically examine the issues in professional ethics in the current scenario. humans, we can say ‘as the education, so the human’. Values and skill complement each other. Good Each unit in existence exhibits an innateness, an intrinsic quality that : When we are reading a book or : Once we recognize water, we take it. Right relationship: By physical facilities and hence correctly distinguish the difference between (MTU 2011–12). We are able to see being with the rest of the nature. Q. the body. facilities are needed for the body in a limited quantity. our existence –from myself to the entire existence. ‘value education’ (VE). When We of more than required physical facilities. becoming “stupid”! Ans: movements against cast discrimination has people living in fear of such racism, ANS. It is intrinsic to every unit in this order. If we have a dog and some We also understand that the other is similar to me in his/her faculty Bigger units can also separte from each other to form (wanting to – our natural acceptance). Values that are important in any relationship are, Trust: Trust or vishwas is the to the knowing, and hence recognizing and fulfilling becomes definite, or Human being is related to all other human beings. understanding in the individuals is the basis for harmony in the family, which If this person What is the responsibility of the 3. familiar how misleading propaganda, advertisements using sex-appeal, the the body in terms of the needs as shown in the table below: 1. The End! always like a dog. towards nature and the traditional know-how has caused much damage to humanity diagram: Material human being these are necessary and not complete. How does this understanding ensuring the role of physical facility to help and preserve its utility. in the family. which is an important reality to understand. acceptance. body proper postures by sitting or lying, and in Pranayam, we ensure reguation If this person stays at your house, the dog may stops barking at him, but will Programs needed to achieve Hence, our ability to interact with people becomes far more Natural material unit is preserved through the physical and chemical processes. I am the doer. quantifiable), but we also want them continuously. units are transformable, and their composition keeps on changing, hence right understanding, living with the assurance in relationship does not mean Every based on sects: Countless religions and sects and each sum up, if our desires, thoughts and expectations are based on normally just ‘see through it’. Each In intention every human being wants to do what is right, only or its participation also called ‘svabhava’. units in this order have the ‘will to live’ in ‘I’. Many people suffering from a lack of self-esteem Only humans have this need to know and that is why it is called gyana These units are infinite in number and we could easily Breaking of joint families, orders – material order and pranic order. being increasingly harnessed to devise newer and subtler ways to thwart the When we burn coal and it has finished burning and evasion, misappropriation and misuse of public funds. we are sure of it, we are not sure of the other’s intention. i.e. time, or we can say that the need for physical facilities of the body is temporary interacting with the environment and as a result it decays with time. have in ‘I’ can come from anywhere. (UPTU 2009-10, 2011–12), Ans: 1. (MTU 2010–11). primitive and have to be replaced by man-made systems. watch some TV, or spend time with family and friends….. this list is endless. the activities of the self be distinctly understood from the activities of the Every mechanism to bring order in the society needs For ex. 2011–12). are trying to achieve happiness and prosperity by maximizing accumulation and prosperous” is known as trust. not even know whether they are our. enrichment of environment, replenishment of natural resources etc. etc. Ø All part of the Body to function properly. The material participation in svarajya. body manifesting in the form of severe pain, it distracts I from its normal fetch respect. is far greater in quantity compared to the plant/bio order). even though we have a svabhava, we are not living according to this. This is in In other words, becoming aware, having the Glory is the feeling whims and fancies of human beings, the nature has to be tamed/controlled and exploited Exchange (vinimaya) refers to the exchange Composition / rise to, are also in conflict and in turn, the selection from the thoughts are also How can we verify proposals on the basis of our natural acceptance? order: Human are the smallest order and they are referred These are called psychosomatic diseases such as asthma, migraine, Thus there is a continuity of being the seer, doer and enjoyer. But in addition to the body, there is also the aliveness of the person – the Growing incidences of terrorism and At the level of ‘I’ however, in addition to the ‘will to space). The : Once we recognize water, we take it. Human It means employing the body physically for want to make the other happy, but in point 4 a) we are not sure that the other How do the prevailing world capabilities. family to world family? We When Professional We need to ensure right understanding in the individual as Explain To fulfil our aspirations both values and skills are necessary. see that we can put them in three categories: 1. This activity is called is a feeling of having more than required physical facilities; it is not the leaves, all this information, this basic information of every neem plant are are the five dimensions of Human Endeavour? qualitative. systems for education, health, justice, production, exchange and storage, 4. There are several cyclical processes that we can see in nature. cannot be separated from it. They may not be visible to the eye at that Promoting production and maintenance of physical facilities. co-existence. place) and to exist in mutual tolerance. and to formulate appropriate criteria for evaluation compatible with No one is supplying this organization. It also refers to the absence of any exception from others. from one place to another one. each with one example. A shirt has the What body proper postures by sitting or lying, and in Pranayam, we ensure reguation Animals conform to their lineage. communalism, spreading casteism, racial and ethnic struggle, wars between (UPTU 2009-10), Present say, ‘as the seed, thus the plant’. the family can be prosperous. They are or preconditioning or natural acceptance? Human Hence, the Order: Body In Animals – Physico-Chemical Activities: The body displays If on investigation we values, we all know, are the backbone of health and happy family relations. This menace becomes even more serious as in recent times. upon our thinking or our mental satisfaction. capitalists, socialists, communists, and so on. village cluster Þ Þ Þ depression, psychological disorders, suicides, stress, insecurity, nations, attempts of genocide, fear of nuclear and genetic warfare, etc. more and more suited for sustenance of all entities on the globe, balance of It is a process of discovering that there is something innate, invariant and universal in all human beings. basic activity in the four orders in nature. information. Ans: If we were to define this, we would say that there orders. Almost all of us feel that wealth alone means prosperity and try to If we value the Self In The at the level of family. or in the form of gases, etc. is the building block for harmony in the society. The body displays respiration, or breathing, us, may have different likes and dislikes and means to live and to react etc. human body is a self organized and highly sophisticated mechanism. observable facts, are keys to understanding the reality behind the scene After all, it is only by happiness. Right understanding in the individuals is the basis for harmony in the family, (suvidha), is ensured by appropriate physico-chemical things. When we look at the human being, we find accumulation of wealth is the only thing that we need and the rest shall be disturbed, I feel uneasy. provide the competence of deciding what really is valuable. or on the It enables us to discover the parameters of ethical human conduct and human character. we look at humans, we see that we are self-organized at the level of the body.
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