If you know another ) is for groups of any size although large groups of more than twenty people will need splitting into several teams with facilitators/spokes-people/presenters appointed, and extra thought needs to be given to the review/presentation This illustrates the power of the subconcious to think about statistics, and to agree the best tactical approach. newspaper towers This can be linked to discussions and issues concerning ageism and age discrimination. When group members have decided and written their list of the four animals in order of preference, you can then reveal the key for interpreting the results. and I'll publish the best ones on this page. business card trick portmanteau word or words for a particular purpose. Here is the instruction to group members to create the quiz: 1. This creates lots of problem-solving activity in the planning stage, and much physicality and togetherness when the ring is being passed over the group. Ask the teams to move to the/an other team's table/wall-space so that they are working with another team's describers. Order is decided according to most keys on the bunch. And especially how you will be remembered. How does this thinking differ from potentially negative or subjective judgements? Introduction: Facial expressions are an important part of communications. A common cause of differences between delegates' views - and a fascinating aspect of the exercise - is that delegates' descriptions of a greatly admired person commonly match their own self-image. Practise the team building exercise yourself first to check that it works, check timings, materials, and to ensure you have all the answers. and discussions help bring clarity and context to idealistic concepts like ethics and social responsibility far more effectively than reading the theory, or trying to assimilate some airy-fairy new mission statement dreamed up by someone at direction, which means the team needs to have good control over the positioning of the tube. Career/New Business Planner page want What will it/you be like, feel like, behave like, and what difference will the change make? THE BUILDING OF SNOWMEN/OTHER SNOW STRUCTURES IN DRIFTING SNOW OF A DEPTH EXCEEDING THE HEIGHT OF THE SHORTEST PARTICIPANT IS NOT RECOMMENDED. Beyond September/October you might have some left over in drawers that the kids aren't interested in any more. Facilitators are recommended to practice the task before asking others to try it. What helps us handle these pressures and what makes things worse? The more we think about what is likely to happen, then the easier we can plan, and the fewer surprises we have. size below. venues, coaching, clubs, etc. structure, see. (For large groups: split group into teams of 5-7 people experiential learning friendly, faithful, loyal, supportive, protective, dependable, reliable, trustful, trusting, solid, keen, hard- working, loving, dominant, fearsome, independent, decisive, proactive, isolated, aloof, leading, critical, objective, detached, focused, fearless, tolerant, passive, cooperative, respected, big, strong, controlled, calm, indomitable, revered, wise, lively, fun, free- spirited, sociable, amenable, popular, attractive, cheerful, passionate, spontaneous. The Conscious Competence model Give a toilet roll to a group member and instruct the group to: Then, after everyone has taken their sheets (do not issue these instructions until everyone has taken their sheets): Aside from the obvious values of the activity (energizing, ice-breaking, quickly introducing people to each other in an interesting way), the exercise cleverly makes the points that: There are also many ways to vary the exercise and to focus it towards a particular learning subject or workshop purpose, for example (and you will think of better orientations given your own situations/groups): The exercise naturally relates to various learning subjects notably (among others): Career/life fulfilment The demonstration is clearest if first people pour the drink and take a few sips indoors, and then walk outside, so as to compare the indoor and outdoor taste. and separately The factors can be adapted according to the circumstances, and for more complex situations (notably commercial competitor and market analysis) can entail quite detailed research (separate from the session, or part of the session, depending on the time generational in life when we help people where they are not strong, and this enables them where possible to help us where we are not strong. This goes far beyond skills, processes, policies. Produce a single team logo, themed according to the situation. It's easy for people to think eggs with very smooth shells. , etc, etc. Optionally ask the group to create the questions - for example, one question to be contributed per delegate, which works well where inter-departmental awareness is a development need. What other imagery and analogies are associated with trees? Where the exercise is used as more of an ice-breaker for a group which has only recently been introduced to each other, a separate learning illustration is how much (or little) we seek, observe and absorb about new people we meet, and whether we within each team. including rules explaining certain allowable discrimination subject to robust evidence that it is proportionate, reasonable and legitimate. and many related concepts. ) the questions. Each team member (or a given number of people per team) must read out a passage from a newspaper or other suitably detailed text to the opposing team or teams. Fold the slips of paper and put it into a cup or glass in the centre of the table, to enable 'blind' We can expand our range or opportunities by (Anon), and, "The great use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it." You will be surprised. Same as above - changing the words into the style of Shakespeare/Chaucer/Byron, etc. Go spread the word - put a big basket of sweets on your table. page. All these benefits and more result from non-work learning and experience. Consider how, where, what, when and why consumers will be buying, and from whom. More funnies What worked well in the last conversation? Multiple Intelligence Add other lines as appropriate. This is a big emotional subject which enables a variety of discussions about morality, ethics, integrity, leadership styles, policies and decision-making in institutions and organisations, and the wider world. Whether to allow or mention touching - for example secret hand-squeezing, which teams might think to try - is at the discretion of the facilitator. This relates to risks of making assumptions, and the merits/risks/surprises associated with guessing, short-cuts, working from habit/instinct, etc. This is particularly so in all service businesses. are performing outside work in some activity or other that is way, way, way above their status and responsibility at work. Johari Window The activity is based simply on posing the question(s) to team members: "Imagine you are dead - you've lived a long and happy life - what would your obituary say? Here's one on my kitchen table. mental illness. Then ask the group to think (again silently and individually) : "What is it about that person that enables them to be successful?". Issue pencils/drawing/colouring equipment and paper (big enough sheets) and make rulers available for measuring. Having achieved the task with this team was it/would it be easier/as difficult with a different team? Find a location without an upper age limit ideally. There is no limit to human ingenuity when behaving irresponsibly under the influence of drink and any other stimulants of emotion or substance. These photographs and pictures are everywhere - on the internet, newspapers and magazines, in your own snapshot collections and photo Be adventurous with fillings and if appropriate enforce penalties and forfeits for anything you could buy in a sandwich bar. One half of the team (called 'the watched') should stand facing a wall unable to see the other half of the team (called 'the watchers') which should stand together, evenly What were the unforeseen problems? Name all the Big Brother winners in order. why is this issue being resolved now and not twenty or fifty years ago? In this situation it is particularly helpful to clarify that people do not need to reveal or discuss their aims with the group unless they want to, since for some people this enables more relaxed and creative thinking. These activities ideas are not only for Christmas. Obviously this is more appropriate for commercial competitor situations. - Defer Until The Christmas Holiday Is Ended. connections with other parts of the world, amazing facts you never knew about (the region/country). Certain characters are useful for different sorts of skills development role-plays. on the team building games page 1, which might give you more ideas for extending and varying these activities. the budget... Use these words or similar: "In the event that the puzzle is completed (within...) a prize will be awarded," rather than referring to 'the winning team," which is not technically correct, because the activity is one of cooperation to discuss and explore comparisons between 'utensils' and people associating with them, and various personality types from whatever personality models are of interest and relevance to the group. . I am open to better explanations. Ask the group as individuals to take a couple of minutes to close their eyes and imagine running their own ideal business or enterprise If not is it always okay?.. rigid lightweight stick or tube will do, and if you can't improvise a stick then other materials and shapes can be used instead, as described below. to a contentious subject. With a full day or more it's very useful to include something on personality types and how this affects teams, style of management required, learning styles (eg and problematical.). And here are some tips for more conventional team building activities: Tips for quick games and exercises for warm-ups and team building. Involve the group in this if you wish (but avoid being distracted by other discussions about the selection, unless you welcome such discussion). Ask group members to create their own version of the Psychological Contract 'Iceberg' diagram - individually, in pairs or teams, and review/discuss as appropriate for your situation. tube, and a fourth team member, say, at 6 o'clock, has a string connected to the bottom of the transporter tube to enable the tipping. Sharon Drew Morgen's Facilitative Methodology or another suitably relevant team roles/skills reference model. What does this teach us about the different ways we prefer to work/learn/communicate/think/solve problems/conduct relationships/etc? Always have spare materials and equipment to allow for more people, breakages and the inevitable requests for freebie items ("Can I take a couple home for my kids?..."). generally exposes many more ideas and opportunities than normally arise from formal appraisal, surveys and training needs audits, or personal development review discussions. This extremely flexible exercise encourages and enables thinking and subsequent discussion about how situations, demands, needs, priorities, etc., change according to circumstances (predictable events, trends, etc). Equality life 'partitions', time management and prioritising, life balance, responsibility, even delegation and management. The Smartie Hunt Game Check out our Awards Leaderboard for 2019/2020. Where the game is played between competing teams, the facilitator can choose to give a different number to each team (rather than require teams to communicate the same number). How does mutual awareness (knowing each other better) help team-work, cooperation, communications, etc? ensure syndicates have necessary equipment and materials, depending on format - eg flip chart paper, pens, laptop, acetates. 'Interesting and surprising' does not include working for the same company, living in the same town or country or having the same colour hair. And your own policy material on harassment and child protection as appropriate. Hand the formulated questions and answers to the facilitator, who can then run the quiz for the whole group using all questions. , and make the drinks fit the theme. with the which can be used to address all sorts of issues - environment, cultural diversity, technique, quality, ageism, etc. If there's a risk of causing offence then adapt them or avoid them. related to life purpose and values, which can be used in support of this activity, for example: "He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead" The bigger the teams the more requirement there will be for good facilitation by a team leader Ideally for teams of eight to ten people. Recipes are available on the web. This difference and variation can be characterised by race, gender, age, religion, physical shape and ability, social class and background, personality and ability: any, some, or all of these. For . Facilitator decides how many paper balls are involved in the game, and where the balls are placed to begin (not crucial, provided some way from target). Why wait for the deadline to Players can only turn over one card at a time, in other words, if a player has two 4's they must wait for two fours to be 'called'. - for outside (or indoors if you live in a mansion with a banqueting hall at least fifty feet long). Ask all delegates to ), Superman, Lex Luthor, Batman, Catwoman, other comic book heroes and anti-heroes (for mediation roles-plays too..), George Bush, Tony Blair, Nelson Mandela, Hillary and Bill Clinton, other politicians, Characters from TV Soaps; Eastenders, Coronation Street, Friends, Sex in the City, etc, Characters from Sci-Fi and fantasy adventure: Dr Who, James Bond, Harry Potter, Bilbo Baggins, etc, Rupert Murdoch, Clive Thompson, Richard Branson, and other notable corporate leaders in the news, Cruella Deville, Snow White, Homer Simpson, other cartoon characters, Tom and Jerry, Roadrunner and Wile E Coyote, (for arbitration role-plays..), Madonna, Naomi Campbell, Paul Gascoigne, OJ Simpson, and other controversial celebrity figures. The science is not especially clear about this and if there are any professors of egg balancing out there I'd Change the task so that the group creates a paper ring large enough to fit over the entire group -. for inspiring positive outlook and triumph through adversity. With a bit of imagination it can be adapted into a much bigger activity, if the idea appeals and fits the situation. An employer's duty of care (and potential liability) at corporate events traditionally was fulfilled by ensuring no-one tripped over the electrical cable for the overhead projector. , and perhaps introduce a the sub-group sections, which many people will find very challenging - they have to create the structure from nothing and then fit themselves into it. A modern ethical employer's duty of care and social responsibility extsnds to the families of its employees. know and consider how they might work with papier mache. . While 4 and 8 pull the tube towards the clockface centre, 12 plays out, keeping a tight string. This activity takes about three minutes in its basic form and requires just a flip chart or equivalent. The human perspective is obviously considerable, including the institutional position up to the August 2006 announcement. For example - three teams of three would be fine for a small group event, or ten groups of five would be okay for a conference. - an interesting type of neutral enabling questioning, used in therapy. See more about Portmanteau words are new words that are made from the combination of (typically) two other words. expectation, etc). - various ideas, quizzes, Xmas curiosities, etc, seasonal team games Close your eyes and imagine the days of the week, alignment of people with organizational aims, work/management/leadership relationships with employees, mutual awareness (employee/employer) and organizational transparency - and especially in identifying hidden or confused perceptions which may be obstacles to improving employee/employer relationships, true acronyms (which either seem like a word or make a real word, using the first letter from each word in the full expression). (Decide a points target mindful of total maximum score per round per team - for example teams of five can potentially score five points in one round.). More balls = more complexity/difficulty/time. learned and experienced in life is transferable one way or another to people's work. concept.). Here are some examples of different resources which can be used in creating teambuilding events and activities. At least one team member needs a string connected to the bottom of the tube to enable the tipping. Schools could potentially develop various extensions to this activity. (At facilitator's discretion) teams may stand, sit around the same table, or on separate tables, although separate tables makes cheating less easy to detect. is perceived to be different because of the outdoor context and situation. And also values and philosophy. Lots more review points will arise, and you will think of your own depending on your own situation and purposes. Here are some ideas for activities us about the identification of skills (to be developed/taught) for a given task? For example, a subject could be a team, department, division, or an entire corporation, or a market including suppliers, customers, competitors, etc. A socially responsible employer should be able to demonstrate they have Duration is half an hour, or longer if you increase the complexity for big groups, and/or increase the size of the work. and competition, and as an adapted exercise it prompts teams to work together to approach a complex statistical challenge. The Roman/Greek god theme below has absolutely nothing to of other privileges. Similar exercises are possible using other sale/hire/services scenarios, e.g., cars, houses, party/wedding Split larger groups into smaller teams and appoint team leaders to chair and facilitate. Here are four separate ideas which can be used for exercises and team games. (it's the thin tube at the lace ends - it's not a necessary part of the exercise but is a point of trivial interest), relevance for given scenario(s)/learner audience. Thanks to R Chapman (no relation), for the contribution of this excellent exercise. Your task, should Introduce a rota or matrix for inter-team chat telephone appointments - timings to suit workloads - again with no aims other than to have a chat and learn something about each other. Under the law, individuals The task can be made more complex for large groups by: The resulting assembled whole picture will indicate how well each team communicated and managed its own divisionalization of the task. Relate the experiences of the game to the work situation, especially effective team working and communications. . Here are some ideas for desert island or plane crash stranded survival exercise for a politician For teams of three upwards, subject to the type and length of 'stick' used in the activity. It is not to be presented or used as a scientific assessment of personality change requires the brain (and often the body too) to learn something new, or to re-learn or accept something in a different way. Review (various options depending on your situation): Exclude sex from highlights if there is a risk that it will unhelpfully distract, embarrass or be too dominant. What cultural These are daft, but daft is thought-provoking, fun, and a great leveller, which makes the topics helpful for relating to each other What aspects or information were most impressive and why? The winning team can be decided at the end by a secret ballot, which will tend to produce a more satisfying conclusion (even if there's no outright winner) than a decision by the facilitator, who can vote or not, or have casting vote in the event of a brainstorm Scissors and sheets of paper, A4 size or similar. Ensure that team-building activities comply with equality policy and law in respect of gender, race, disability, age, etc. Food reflects culture, and so offers a helpful basis for improving mutual awareness. The questions and answers should be simple - everyday things that we all take for granted, except when it comes to other people, which is the point. the aid of a testing instrument. (Optionally and ideally ask delegates to justify their suggestions.). Allow discussion and debate of matters arising as appropriate, according to the needs and timings of your session. Beware of promoting age diversity by suggesting particular correlations between age and capability, which can in itself be discriminatory. Note that this financial aspect can be a big extra challenge for some learners Give each pair a raw egg (still unbroken in its shell). If the group has expertise in personality theories and psychometric systems, then for extra focus on the technical aspects of personality theories you may select more than one theory for delegates to work with (which means delegates give more than one An additional angle would be to enable/encourage teamworking on the project between team members prior to the assessment day, via a facebook group (or suitable VLE - virtual learning environment - or employer intranet forum). been duly careful and diligent in minimizing such risks when organizing any work events. below, artistic tasks get people thinking in new ways. more pressure is put on the team if only one set of instructions is given - less pressure results from giving each team member a copy of the task instructions. The design evolved from study of scientific, psychological, theosophical and spiritual teachings. This game can be played by one group, or between two or more teams competitively. anyone is entirely happy with their bunch of keys ask them to think ahead five years. Ask people to suggest specific benefits which age (or any other) diversity brings to organisations. Extend the exploration to sweet chestnuts, which of course are very tasty roasted or toasted under a grill and rather easier to prepare than acorns. Use relevant reference materials if helpful, for example: Johari Window model need a leader and tend to take longer than a pair or team of three. Taking written notes while listening is optional at the discretion of the facilitator. This would also require adjudicators to swap roles with guides or walkers of Using simple non-work-related tasks such as cooking a breakfast enables good focus on the project management method, and an enjoyable quick activity, rather than using real work issues, which can become overly detailed, distracting and/or tedious. , and then asking questions like: The exercise does not aim to produce brilliant artwork - instead it aims to produce fresh thinking and simple visual ideas about the issues which cause outcomes to differ from expectations. What is our policy on the minimum / living wage? A simple exercise with deep meaning, for any group size subject to appointing discussion leaders if appropriate. We can all benefit by checking old assumptions. You can organise the group's response to each picture in different ways - in open discussion, or split the group into pairs or threes and give them a couple of minutes to prepare their interpretation for presentation and discussion in turn, or split the in sales, management and the more extroverted people-oriented roles within organizations). This exercise is a simple team-working idea, adaptable for any group size, and any ages. Discussions can be in pairs or threes. Or a school, college, a community or an industry sector, or even a region or country, or view of the The job of training managers and trainers how to run team building sessions is different to running a team-building session per se. . Obviously, given snowy weather, take everyone outside and build a snowman. You are seeking to rent a holiday cottage in a particular area (say Cornwall, or whatever). See also the (Alternative motion: "England would have done better at the World Cup if the FA was run by women rather than men."). closed questions She never received any training or development. Presentations can be in any format to suit the timescales, numbers of teams and delegates, and the emphasis given Modern ethical socially responsible organizations What else happens while we ask questions, aside from the words between us? Who would win an election if one were called now? Typically teams are instructed to rest the stick on the outside (nail-side or 'backs') of fingers, however specifying a side of the finger is not critical to the activity. Instruct and demonstrate the rope twirling correctly, so that the skipping rope just touches the floor on each downward part of the twirl. others. . (teambuilding games page 1), and the Johari Window (If the target mat is too thick it will stop the ball rolling over it). Who prefers it straight out of the box dry? You can easily expand the game, add complexity, and turn it into a much longer planning and tactics exercise. We all tend to classify and stereotype each other - 'pigeon-holing' is a common expression for this. organizational modelling activity Positive behaviour of one person is sometimes immediately rewarded or acknowledged by others, but often the effects are not immediate. Question grid (devise your own as appropriate): These questions are just examples.

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