Contrary to the Hebrew Calendar which is based upon the Hebrew Alphabet - Biblically and represented by numbers! As we have now entered the Hebrew Year 5781, let me therefore share with you some insights from the meanings I have uncovered for this year. In other words, over all previous generations they thought the Lord’s Return was near …but it was NOT yet! i.e. 5781 (2020/21) – Year of the “Aleph” - OX! And God said…” - Genesis 1:1-3. from the earth to display His power, send forth His Word and bring Salvation through His Son - Yeshua (Jesus)! Thank you for your prayers and generous financial support especially during these very difficult times. Nobody comes into Israel and nobody could leave Israel. (WHO) that helped to. The holidays will go on with the emphasis on optimism for the Jewish New Year, 5781. God’s Word is true! How do we know which year it is on the biblical Hebrew calendar? We MUST watch and pray as we could truly see Communist China pushing for a world power against the West, Israel and the Church! This was historical and unprecedented as God literally closed everything and countries were like a cocoon …or like a baby in the womb and a woman about to give birth! (Daniel 11:45) After that the saints will inherit the earth and Israel as a nation will "possess her possessions.". “Now then, I (God) will crush you (pressed) as a cart crushes when loaded with grain. And then afterwards, (it will be) the time of redemption and the kingdom of heaven forever, amen. You should know that generally when I receive prophetic words I come up with my own title after writing it based on what the Lord gave me. Now we enter into the decade of the '80s, represented by the Hebrew letter Pe ( פ ), which is symbolic of the mouth. When we place Aleph in the context of the decade we are in, which we recall is symbolized to us by the Hebrew Letter Pey (a picture symbol of a mouth), then we can see this next year 5781 (September 2020 thru August 2021) has a great deal to do with connecting the dots, which makes no sense outside of Jesus and his relationship to the Father. This is the year of "Aleph" the Father’s voice! The name for Adam the first human being also begins with an “Aleph” and thus stands for God and man …and the “oneness” of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit! Sadly, many families were separated and travel bans were instituted – Local and International. A pandemic that has wrecked untold suffering and rapid, unprecedented loss of life, broken political systems, suspicion of … There are layers of revelations in the year 5781. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. The outstretched hand seeking God’s helping Hand - will become strong! 5781 (Hebrew: ה'תשפ"א, abbr. Pray about it. 5780 (2019/20) has been one that will NOT easily be forgotten and a year that literally turned ALL our worlds up-side-down! Watch – listen – watch what we speak this coming year! How do we know that our generation is special? A good example - did you know that all computers are actually based on a process of 0 and 1? ", The World NOT ready Yet - When God Shakes things. Nobody could escape it. (Acts 3:21); One Day, God will be all in all. What we say, proclaim or even consume will be important. MOP 2020-10-07. The Rabbi’s state that; “…if the Hebrew Letters were to depart even for an instant, then all of creation would become an absolute of “nothingness.” The Son cannot depart from the Father NOR the Father from the Son. He also said that the year 5780 would be a satanic year, and that the year 5781 would be "the year of the Mashiach (Messiah)!" Yeshua (Jesus) says of Himself; “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” - Revelation 22:13. ", Who is this Edom? A quick Google search and you’ll find multiple folks giving you their spin on 5781 prophetic meaning. On the 18th of September 2020, we entered a New 5781 Jewish New Year. So starting Friday nightwe entered in the year and decade of the MOUTH WIDE OPEN! But now I rebuke you and lay the charge before you" – Psalm 50:21. What is Holy Spirit saying to you about it? Biblically, this last biblical decade of the 70s was the decade of … The Lord Yeshua our “Aleph and Tav” – the “Alpha and Omega” …the beginning and the End! It’s become more of a trend over the past few years for various prophetic interpretations to be given about the Jewish New Year. He also points out that “et” is spelt “Aleph-Tav” an abbreviation for the “Aleph-Bet.”  In short, “Aleph” is “the Father” and is completely silent as with the first letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. Holy Spirit lead me to dig further into 5781, specifically looking at the Hebrew letters corresponding with the numbers. God will have mercy on Israel through Gentile believers acting as mediators towards them! With "lockdown" and difficult "recovery" still lying ahead we ARE reminded that the Wuhan Corona Virus has caused many dire needs and continue to increase here in Israel upon the already most vulnerable! But let me go, that I may hide myself in the field till the third day at evening.’…  So, David hid in the field, and when the New Moon feast came, the king sat down to eat.” - 1 Samuel 20:5, 24. It’s an entirely different approach to take these symbolic meanings and then try to declare what they mean about the future. Without God’s voice you’re simply practicing divination – operating out of your own earthly wisdom. And I believe it will be a time to inspect the foundation of our lives. With the Hebrew calendar God set in motion layers upon layers of seasonal symbols and rhythms. Here’s an extract as follows; "As is well known, as stated in the dream of the Prophet Daniel, the fourth kingdom is the kingdom of Edom (Daniel 2) and it ends in the year 5780. We’ll be sharing some more articles on what we’ve been hearing from God as we ask him about this new year and you may see other such posts from others. What’s ahead for the Jewish New Year, 5781? Nobody could escape it. Look again at DAY 1 of Creation as we read in Genesis 1 that light is separated from darkness and instead of indicating division it is separation that demonstrates the set-apartness of God and His Light from the "darkness" and just so He is separating His Church from the "darkness" of this world today. For the Jewish Years 5780 & 5781 (2020-2021) When blessing the new month in the synagogue on the Shabbat before Rosh Chodesh , it is customary to announce the time that the molad (birth of the new moon) occurs in Jerusalem , so that it can be kept in mind while saying the blessing. God's Hebrew Alphabet & Prophetic Meaning. The despised element is always a noticeable element in the purpose of God. When Israeli’s PRAY "the Shema" (Deuteronomy; 6:4) it affirms God’s authority over heaven and earth. We serve an awesome God and we are humbled by this opportunity to bring you this information. Once again – Thank you! The Lord is NOT slack concerning His Promises as some count slackness, but is longsuffering towards us, not willing that any should perish – but should come to repentance. The swift will NOT escape, the strong will not muster their strength, and the warrior will not save his life. 2021: Shin is the 21st letter in the Hebrew alphabet. The story, as many of you know, is filled with rich meaning and no doubt at services the rabbi will recount some of these powerful images. Ox against Ox? Expect to see new, bold voices of authority emerge during this period - across the Church, businesses, political, and community realms. Shalom Precious Partner and Friend of Israel, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Strengthen the foundational rock of Yeshua in your life… R—Remember His Word O—Observe and obey C—Confess and comply K—Keep the covenant relationship. . The 5780 DECADE which is about our mouths and what we should speak! The “Aleph” is inter-linked with God’s master plan and is made up of. But hear me clearly. It’s one thing to interpret symbols about the past, to examine data and structures and understand their meaning. Does it agree with scripture and what we know of the nature of God? God is birthing NEW things and which is now emerging through unusual or new partnerships with creative ideas that Churches and many believers obtained during the COVID-19 Lockdowns and are now becoming evident. With 5781 the gematria can be spelled out two ways: This method uses the gematria for 5,000, 700, 80, 1. Yes, this is a most challenged New Year, this 5781. We are in the Decade (5780-5789) of "Peh" (80) – Mouth and year of "Aleph" (1) – Ox Head… "Peh" (also written "Pey") means "mouth" so what comes out of it or what comes in will determine the outcome! Then it was said among the nations, 'The LORD has done great things for them. ' It was exaggerated by the Liberal Media causing panic and FEAR. The Hebrew 5781 (Strong’s = to be pressed, crushed, straightened. On “Rosh Chodesh” Israeli’s pay special tribute to the re-appearance of the new moon! People have to use hand sanitizers and wash their hands repeatedly as well as wear masks and social distance! Other forms of numerology use the gematria number value of the letters to spell out words, or use the meanings of the letters themselves to derive significance. (WHO) that helped to cover-up literally a “crime against humanity!” Yet they are NOT being held liable by man but we as believers take comfort that our God Yahweh is a Holy God, Self-sufficient and Eternal – the “Aleph and Tav” – “Alpha and Omega” and is on our side. “when is He returning…?” In verses 8-9 we see that 1 day is as 1,000 years for the Lord and a 1,000 as 1 day. 5781 Prophetic Meaning: Understanding the Gematria, simple forms of numerology are common in Christianity, Miracles and Dedication: Christian Devotions for the Festival of Lights, How the 12 Tribes Are Associated With the 12 Months. This is one of the most amazing revelations ever given to the Church – an opportunity to do something that carries the highest priority in the heart of God. In the Hebrew calendar, we have just entered the 5780’s – a decade symbolised by the Hebrew letter ‘peh’. But the goal in any prophetic word should be to connect with the heart of God, not to have some exciting thing to say and impress others with. It is said that when the king visits a city together with his ministers, all the attention is given to the king. With "lockdown" and difficult "recovery" still lying ahead we ARE reminded that the Wuhan Corona Virus has caused many dire needs and continue to increase here in Israel upon the already most vulnerable! Now, more than at any time is the time to support Israel and the Jewish people - the Lord’s Brethren! “Now then, I (God) will crush you (pressed) as a cart crushes when loaded with grain. ; as soon as they come out in leaf, you see for yourselves and know that the summer is already near. God exposed (and still is exposing) ALL wickedness of corrupt Draconian Governmental Laws in many countries (such as South Africa). Now go back to what you wrote down earlier – what was God telling you about 5781? The Number “80” is a picture of a mouth wide open. Rabbi’s also believe that 5781 (Sept 2020 - 2021) will be a good year! “David said to Jonathan, ‘Behold, tomorrow is the new moon, and I should not fail to sit at table with the king. Tashpa contains the … (Isaiah 46:10; Revelation 21: 6; 22:13); One Day, there will be a restoration of all things. Two hands; God represents the upper “Yod” reaching from above and man represents the lower “Yod” reaching from below up to God …but the two are separated by a VAV …and is also joined together by a VAV = a nail / God’s Word …and VAV could also mean a human being …the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus)! The 40 days of Teshuvah ends on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, at sundown on September 27. According to the current, modern Hebrew calendar, which is figured from creation, we have just started the year 5781. The archer will not stand his ground, the first footed soldier will not get away, the fleet-footed soldiers will not get away, and the horseman will not save his life. This is going to be a period being characterised by declarations, prophecy, and Prophetic intercession that will emerge as a great force in the Church for the Kingdom of God. Yet, sadly, so few have seen the potential and the rewards of serving God in this manner - as agents of mercy to, "…things that are despised God has chosen," 1 Corinthians, Now, more than at any time is the time to support, and the Jewish people - the Lord’s Brethren! The godless openly REBELLED against God to have Him removed from Society and at the same time the Church persecuted. Or could we be the generation seeing the rise of the “kings of the East?” (Revelation 16:12) The Bible predicts that the preparations for the attack of China upon the Middle East and Israel involve a combination of human and angelic events. The … The “oneness” of God (Deuteronomy; 6:4 Revelation 1:8) is UNIQUE and not just a number. So from those letters’ meanings you could come up with all sorts of “prophetic” meaning – 5781 will be a year to look at our work and continue the voice of our leaders. Thank you for your prayers and generous financial support especially during these very difficult times. The “oneness” of God (, The Lord Yeshua our “Aleph and Tav” – the “Alpha and Omega”, There is a Rabbinic story about this Hebrew letter “Aleph” and the story goes like this. Thank you for your love and support for God's chosen people (Ruth 2:12). (Revelation 7:17); One Day, YHWH – God will dwell permanently among men. They say it was a decree from God – a general decree and a worldwide decree! Aleph is characterized by strength and leadership. The first day is called "tov" or "good" and the first day of creation is called "One Day" rather than the "first day," insinuating the wholeness and perfection of the day …and a Prophetic future return to Yom Echad (One Day). While the "PEH decade" or next 10-years will see much unfold …and many new things NOT yet even seen! However, in February 2020 it just so happened to be Communist China’s Zodiac Year of the “RAT!” There are NO coincidences with God! He highlighted scripture Matthew 26v 41 “Stay awake and pray, so that you won’t enter into temptation. Through the Biblical Hebrew Calendar, we are seeing a NEW move of God. This new year we believe God wants us to talk more about Him and share Him to others too. Everyone ALL over the world had to painfully endure a cleansing process! The reason it varies on the secular calendar is that the Hebrew calendar, which is lunar based, has around 354-355 days in the year. Prophetic destinies often have ties to the meaning or play on a meaning of a name – for example in, "Peh" (also written "Pey") means "mouth" so what comes out of it or what comes in will determine the outcome! For example; Genesis 1:1-2; “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now look at the letter of “Aleph” closely - it has two hands. How is the Aleph connected to the Lord’s return? “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. What we have already witnessed these past months is but only the beginning of things that will either rise or fall, prosper and/or change this new decade in different ways. He IS watching to see how the nations are treating His people – Israel. Here you see God wants man restored to Himself! We think Yeshua’s return is far off – but I fact it’s around the corner! Did you know that Biblical Hebrew doesn’t have a representation for number zero or “0”? You could also then take that 3 and look at it through gematria. Whilst this was taking place, God was/is cleansing nations INWARDLY - exposing unrighteousness embedded in the wickedness of the deep hatred of radical Liberalism, Socialism - together with their cohorts Media, Hollywood, as well as Islamists, so-called Elites, sports idols, Academia. Lastly, Six Years ago Rav Berland, shlita, said about this then; "We are now preparing in this Yom Kippur of 5776 in preparation for Yom Kippur a day of Salvation of 5781 (27th – 28th September, 2020) when there will be a day for relief for 5781 and so WILL the true salvation to Israel, which Daniel prophesized 2,300 years ago - which will end in 5781 - the year of Israel’s salvation. through PAYPAL by clicking on "Make A Donation" LINK above or by visiting our Donations page where you will find the list of ministries where you can be a blessing to. Maybe it isn’t a word for you, maybe it’s mixed with the writer’s own perspectives, maybe part of it is good but part of it is a bit off. Then, it seems that the rule of the nine months will begin, as stated in the Gemara. There is a Rabbinic story about this Hebrew letter “Aleph” and the story goes like this; “God was asking all the Hebrew letters of the Alphabet; “which one should be first?” And they all spoke up and gave their reasons why – BUT Aleph didn’t say anything at all! And I believe it will be a time to inspect the foundation of our lives. It was a worldwide decree that NOT only affected Israel, BUT ALL the nations! This can be done SECURELY through PAYPAL by clicking on "Make A Donation" LINK above or by visiting our Donations page where you will find the list of ministries where you can be a blessing to. Wondering what the new Hebrew year holds? 5 = “Hey” means breath, air, spirit, feminity and behold (to make known). The message of the peh for 5781 may be that we need to be reminded of the power of our words and who is listening, and that our words do have meaning and do have consequences. The Hebrew language does not have separate characters for numbers, so the letters themselves have assigned numeric values. Most of the words being given about the 5781 prophetic meaning (and any other year) rely on a form of numerology using gematria. What “sound” is heard more loudly in Scripture than when our Lord Yeshua (Jesus) the Lamb was slain upon the cross? 'MO'EDIM'- Appointed Times & Feasts of the Lord! (Revelation 19:15) The mighty ‘boulder’ of God’s Kingdom will smash all of those world empires arrayed against the Messiah and then that ‘Boulder’ of God’s Kingdom will fill the whole earth. God is warning us and He is with us and He is speaking! Here is another update on the Hebrew Calendar year 5781 from Eric Burton and Groundbreaker International! , the WHO and their evil cohorts’ agendas; have been silent; you thought that I was one like yourself. Does any of that 5781 gematria make sense with what you heard from him? The NEW Biblical Hebrew Year 5781 which began on Rosh Hashanah coincides with our Gregorian Calendar years 2020/202. It is a time for prayers as NEVER before as Satan will NOT give in easily! It is the same and has “cause and effect” …because everything starts from 1 and then increases and multiplies. Even if you changed the final form Nun to a regular Nun it doesn’t spell any words. involve a combination of human and angelic events. This Rosh Hashanah is like no other. The swift will NOT escape, the strong will not muster their strength, and the warrior will not save his life. This year has 353 days. And none of those meanings are actually prophetic, unless you’re exploring all of this with Holy Spirit as your guide and leaning into whatever he wants to communicate through it. The Lord needing the old to be dismantled, or you removed from it, for the new to birthed in green pastures (His presence). For the year of 5781, I (Seneca) am pulling a lot from the book of Amos. (1 Corinthians 15:28); One Day, every tear will be wiped away. What is wrong, is for us to take all those symbols, rhythms, language and prophesy from them without God actually speaking through them. It is also characterized by its sound, which is completely silent.

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