In foreign policy, helped by the more conciliatory attitude of Édouard Herriot and Aristide Briand in France, Stresemann followed the Dawes... Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. “Analyse the results of one Twentieth century treaty or peace settlement” The Locarno Treaties of 1925 could be seen as the formal turning point for the beginning of the Locarno honeymoon era. The treaties were initialed at Locarno, Switz., on October 16 and signed in London on December 1. Hitler repudiated Locarno by sending troops into the demilitarized Rhineland on 7 March 1936. The agreements mainly focussed on the European nations. Thanks to the Dawes Plan, Germany was now making regular reparations payments. Britain and the Treaty of Locarno,", Schuker, Stephen. [4], The principal treaty concluded at Locarno was the Rhineland Pact between Germany, France, Belgium, Great Britain, and Italy. Corrections? In March 1936 Germany sent troops into the Rhineland, which had been demilitarized by the Treaty of Versailles, declaring that the situation envisaged at Locarno had been changed by the Franco-Soviet alliance of 1935. Furthermore, the first three signatories undertook not to attack each other, with the latter two acting as guarantors. France signed further treaties with Poland and Czechoslovakia, pledging mutual assistance in the event of conflict with Germany. ", Magee, Frank. These treaties (1 December 1925) briefly raised hopes that Europe was at last settling down after the First World War. In foreign policy, helped by the more conciliatory attitude of Édouard Herriot and Aristide Briand in France, Stresemann followed the Dawes agreement with the conclusion of the treaties of Locarno (, …Briand met and embraced at Locarno, swore to put the war behind them once and for all, and signed five treaties (Oct. 16, 1925) designed to pacify postwar Europe. The Locarno Agreement establishes a classification for industrial designs (the Locarno Classification).The competent offices of the Contracting States must indicate in official documents reflecting the deposit or registration of industrial designs the numbers of the classes and subclasses of the Classification to which the goods incorporating the designs belong. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Also known as the Locarno Pact, the treaty guaranteed Germany’s western frontier, which the bordering states of France, Germany, and Belgium pledged to treat as inviolable. The Treaty of Versailles ended military actions against Germany in World War I. Aristide Briand and Gustav Stresemann." Locarno seemed truly a second peace conference and was greeted with cheers and relief in world capitals. Stephen Schuker, “The End of Versailles” pages 38–56 in Gordon Martel, ed. They were negotiated between 5–16 October 1925 and formally signed in London on 1 December. These essentially reaffirmed existing treaties of alliance concluded by France with Poland on 19 February 1921 and with Czechoslovakia on 25 January 1924. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... (From left to right) Gustav Stresemann, Sir Austen Chamberlain, and Aristide Briand at the Locarno negotiations, c. October 1925. Having realized that France deeply desired a British guarantee of its postwar borders, but that London was reluctant, Stresemann came up with a plan whereby all sides would get what they wanted: through a series of treaties that promised these guarantees. Wright, Jonathan, and Julian Wright. Get information on “In the Long Run, the Locarno Treaty (December, 1925) was Destructive both of the Treaty of Versailles and of Covenant” ! Report Outline Work of the Locarno Conference The Rhineland or Security Pact Arbitration and French Guarantee Treaties History of Security Pact. In October 1923 the famous treaties of Locarno were signed. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Franco-Soviet Treaty of Mutual Assistance, Final Protocol of the Locarno Conference of the same Date and Collective Note to Germany dated London, December 1, 1925, regarding Article 16 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, Treaty of Mutual Guarantee, done at Locarno, October 16, 1925, Map of Europe at time of Locarno Treaties,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Cohrs, Patrick O. Upon hearing this proposal, British Foreign Minister Austen Chamberlain enthusiastically agreed. Germany renounced the use of force to change its western frontiers and agreed only to arbitration as regards its eastern frontiers. We have more especially undertaken it because we are justified in the confidence that the political effe… accepted the boundary changes of Versailles, and agreed to resume Reparations payments. The Locarno Treaties were a series of agreements which were produced in Locarno, a town in Switzerland. France regarded the German move as a “flagrant violation” of Locarno, but Great Britain declined to do so, and no action was taken. This spirit was made concrete when Germany joined the League in 1926, and the withdrawal of Allied troops occupying Germany's Rhineland. At the beginning of 1925 relations between Germany and its European neighbors, especially France, were beset by the troublesome issues of war reparations and compliance with the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles of 1919. It was signed between the Allies to discuss how to return Germany to its normal state. The first treaty was the most critical: a mutual guarantee of the frontiers of Belgium, France, and Germany, guaranteed by Britain and Italy. This was seen in Germany’s admission to the League of Nations. Locarno divided borders in Europe into two categories: western, which were guaranteed by the Locarno treaties, and eastern borders of Germany with Poland, which were open for revision. These treaties also showed that relations between France and Germany had not improved to a large extent. [2], For the British government, the main goals were promoting Franco-German reconciliation, and the expectation that reconciliation would lead to France dissolving its Cordon sanitaire, as the French alliance system in Eastern Europe was known between the wars. Stresemann believed that through signing the Pact, it would increase confidence in Germany amongst her own people but also other European powers. What did Germany recognize in the Locarno Treaties? Poland especially, and Czechoslovakia as well, felt threatened by the Locarno agreements and these treaties were an attempt to reassure them. Locarno, treaties of, 1925. The main treaty focussed on Germany, France and Belgium. The Nobel Peace Prize was given to the lead negotiators of the treaty, going to Chamberlain in 1925 and jointly to Aristide Briand and Stresemann in 1926. [citation needed]. Kellogg-Briand Pact. The treaty of mutual guarantee provided that the German-Belgian and Franco-German frontiers as fixed by the Treaty of Versailles were inviolable; that Germany, Belgium, and France would never attack each other except in “legitimate defense” or in consequence of a League of Nations obligation; that they would settle their disputes by pacific means; and that in case of an alleged breach of these undertakings, the signatories would come to the defense of the party adjudged by the League to be the party attacked and also in case of a “flagrant violation.” The treaties of guarantee between France and Poland or Czechoslovakia provided for mutual support against unprovoked attack. The Locarno Treaties were seven agreements negotiated at Locarno, Switzerland on 5–16 October 1925 and formally signed in London on December 1, in which the World War I Western European Allied powers and the new states of central and Eastern Europe sought to secure the post-war territorial settlement, in return normalising relations with defeated Germany. In the event of aggression by any of the first three states against another, all other parties were to assist the country under attack.[5]. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. They were agreed in London in December 1925. The second and third treaties called for arbitration between Germany and Belgium, and Germany and France, regarding future disputes. These countries are France, Germany, Belgium, Poland, Czechoslovakia, the United Kingdom and Italy. Germany made no effort to arbitrate its dispute with Czechoslovakia in 1938 or with Poland in 1939. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. We have undertaken the responsibility of initialling the treaties because we live in the faith that only by peaceful cooperation of States and peoples can that development be secured, which is nowhere more important than for that great civilized land of Europe whose peoples have suffered so bitterly in the years that lie behind us. The Foreign Office Reception Room today where the Locarno Treaties were formally signed on 1 December 1925 The Locarno Treaties included arbitration treaties between Germany and … [citation needed]. Today we see the significance of the Locarno Treaties in the light of the historic context. The success of the Locarno agreements led to the admission of Germany to the League of Nations in September 1926, with a seat on its council as a permanent member. Germany freely admitted that it would not invade the demilitarized zone of the Rhineland. Germany was treated like an equal, rather than the loser of the First World War. Germany formally repudiated its Locarno undertakings by sending troops into the demilitarized Rhineland on 7 March 1936. The Locarno Treaty was signed on 1 October 1925 in Locarno, Switzerland. Summary - Locarno treaties 23. They promoted expectations for continued peaceful settlements, often called the "spirit of Locarno". What advantages did Germany get from The Locarno Treaties? Germany also agreed to sign arbitration conventions with France and Belgium and arbitration treaties with Poland and Czechoslovakia, undertaking to refer future disputes to an arbitration tribunal or to the Permanent Court of International Justice. What was the meaning of having the Locarno Conference? French withdrawal from the Occupation of the Ruhr was scheduled for January 1925, but Stresemann sensed that France was very nervous about its security and might cancel the withdrawal. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The Locarno Treaties were seven agreements negotiated at Locarno, Switzerland. in Steven Casey and Jonathan Wright eds. Locarno Pact, 1925, concluded at a conference held at Locarno, Switzerland, by representatives of Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. The Locarno Treaties, also known as the Pact of Locarno, were a series of treaties between Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy and Belgium designed to guarantee peace in Western Europe following World War I. To reassure them, Stresemann signed a new Soviet-German treaty in Berlin on April 24, 1926, confirming and extending the friendly relations established at Rapallo. German foreign minister Gustav Stresemann made his highest priority the restoration of German prestige and privileges as a leading European nation. The powers initialled the agreements in Locarno, Switzerland, on Oct. 16, 1925 (Sharfman, 1999). The clear meaning of Locarno was that Germany renounced the use of force to change its western frontiers but agreed only to arbitration as regards its eastern frontiers, and that Great Britain promised to defend Belgium and France but not Poland and Czechoslovakia. As signatories of the agreement, Britain and Italy committed themselves to help to repel any armed aggression across the frontier. It also stated that Germany would never go to war with the other countries. Locarno contributed to the worsening of the atmosphere between Poland and France, weakening the French-Polish alliance. The Locarno Treaties were was known as the “keystone” of the improved western European diplomatic climate of 1924-1930. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, Yale Law School - Lilliam Goldman Law Library - The Avalon Project - The Locarno Pact. Pact of Locarno, (Dec. 1, 1925), series of agreements whereby Germany, France, Belgium, Great Britain, and Italy mutually guaranteed peace in western Europe. The main treaty, the…. Treaty of Rapallo in 1922 allowed for German soldiers to train in Russia The Locarno Pact, 1925 is signed by Britain, France, Germany and Italy Guarantees borders to European countries Demilitarizes the Rhineland, and brings insecurity to the east . Germany formally recognised its new western borders acted by the Treaty of Versailles. The consequences of World War One finally seemed under control – French-German borders were guaranteed as established in the Versailles treaty and the subsequent withdrawal of allied troops from Germany’s western Rhineland was decided. There were 4 key benefits of the Locarno Pact: War was less likely because the relationships between Germany, France, Britain, Belgium and Italy improved. Germany, France, Belgium, Great Britain, and Italy. A few men knew that the spirit of Locarno was a fragile foundation on which to build a lasting peace.[7]. [9] Proposals in 1934 for an "eastern Locarno" pact securing Germany's eastern frontiers foundered on German opposition and on Poland's insistence that its eastern borders should be covered by a western guarantee of her borders. "One Mind at Locarno? [1] The foreign ministers then convened in the Swiss resort of Locarno in October 1925, where they came to an agreement on the treaties. Seven countries participated in the negotiations and signed a series of agreements, collectively referred to as the Locarno Agreement. The United Kingdom and Italy stood as guarantors. A further consequence of the pact was the evacuation of Allied troops from the Rhineland in 1930, five years ahead of schedule. The Locarno Pact of 1925 was an agreement signed on 1st December 1925 between Britain, France, Belgium, Italy and Germany. They confirmed the inviolability of the frontiers between France, Belgium, and Germany, and the demilitarization of the Rhineland. Thus, there would never again be an August 1914, or, inversely, an invasion of the Ruhr. "The End of Versailles" pages 38–56 from, Wright, Jonathan. The Locarno Treaty forms an event of utmost significance in the world history. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Summary - Manchuria and abyssinia crisis 22. Omissions? The … They promoted expectations for continued peaceful settlements, often called the "spirit of Locarno". The Locarno Treaties marked a dramatic improvement in the political climate of western Europe in 1925–1930. The Locarno Conference was called partly because of the failure of the Treaty of Versailles to satisfy many nations and solve conflicts between countries that remained after World War I. In chapter 4, when discussing the Locarno Treaty, Brose describes Streseman as "wily" and as a 'foreign minister [who] refused to budge' when it cam time to make pledges about Geramny's eastern borders. Pact of Locarno, (Dec. 1, 1925), series of agreements whereby Germany, France, Belgium, Great Britain, and Italy mutually guaranteed peace in western Europe. Summary - To what extent did the locarno treaties lead to a revision of the treaty of versaille... They were initialed on October 16 at the Locarno Conference of 1925 and signed in London on Dec. 1, 1925. Summary - To what extent did the locarno treaties lead to a revision of the treaty of versaille... 21. Yet for some peace remained a desperate hope rather than an actuality. The basic document of the Locarno Treaties was the Rhine pact, a general guarantee treaty between Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, and Great Britain. The agreements consisted of (1) a treaty of mutual guarantee between Germany, Belgium, France, Great Britain, and Italy; (2) arbitration treaties between Germany and Belgium and between Germany and France; (3) a note from the former Allies to Germany explaining the use of sanctions against a covenant-breaking state as outlined in article 16 of the League of Nations Covenant; (4) arbitration treaties between Germany and Czechoslovakia and between Germany and Poland; and (5) treaties of guarantee between France and Poland and between France and Czechoslovakia. The Locarno treaty was heavily undermined by the Franco-Soviet Treaty of Mutual Assistance on May 2, 1935, which the German government claimed was a violation of its "spirit." The Locarno Pact, also known as The Locarno Treaties, were discussed at Locarno, Switzerland, on 5–16 October 1925 and officially signed in London on 1 December. Józef Beck ridiculed the treaties saying, "Germany was officially asked to attack the east, in return for peace in the west. As the Locarno Pact had been negotiated between Germany and the other countries, unlike the Treaty of Versailles, it was more acceptable to the public. The Pact of Locarno was regarded with grave suspicion by the Soviets, who feared that Germany might join an anti-Soviet bloc. The treaties were initialed at Locarno, Switz., on October 16 and signed in London on December 1. a series of treaties on guarantees for the western borders of Germany and on arbitration. In Poland, the public humiliation received by Polish diplomats was one of the contributing factors to the fall of the Grabski cabinet. The fourth and fifth were similar arbitration treaties between Germany and Poland, and Germany and Czechoslovakia. "Stresemann's Diplomacy Fifty Years after Locarno: Some Recent Perspectives. "The First 'Real' Peace Settlements after the First World War: Britain, the United States and the Accords of London and Locarno, 1923–1925,", Enssle, Manfred J. BIBLIOGRAPHY. The Locarno Treaties marked a dramatic improvement in the political climate of western Europe in 1925–1930. Which countries signed the Locarno Treaties? The Locarno Treaties (also known as Locarno Agreements or Locarno Peace Pact) refers to the series of agreements whereby Germany, France, Belgium, Great Britain, and Italy mutually guaranteed peace in Western Europe. [3] If France were to dissolve its alliances in Eastern Europe, Poland would peacefully hand over the territories ceded by Germany in the Versailles Peace Treaty: the Polish Corridor, the Free City of Danzig (modern Gdańsk, Poland) and Upper Silesia. The Locarno Treaties were seven agreements negotiated at Locarno, Switzerland, during 5 to 16 October 1925 and formally signed in London on 1 December, in which the First World War Western European Allied powers and the new states of Central and Eastern Europe sought to secure the post-war territorial settlement, in return for normalising relations with the defeated German Reich (the Weimar Republic). Henceforth the spirit of Locarno would reign, substituting conciliation for enforcement as the basis for peace. Adding hope for the people as international peace, also known as the “spirit of Locarno”. The distinguishing feature of the Locarno Treaty was the localized police principle (regional security). It resulted in the Rhineland Security Pact as well as 6 other treaties. The Locarno treaty was heavily undermined by the Franco-Soviet Treaty of Mutual Assistance on 2 May 1935, which the German government claimed was a violation of its "spirit". Negotiations began on 1 October. This page was last edited on 9 March 2021, at 07:23. France realized that its occupation of the Ruhr had caused much financial and diplomatic damage. "Locarno: a democratic peace?". Shedding some light on Streseman's reasoning at Locarno treaty This is an excerpt from "A History of Europe in the Twentieth Century" written by Eric Dorn Brose. "[8] Józef Piłsudski would say that "every honest Pole spits when he hears this word [Locarno]". This spirit was made concrete when Germany joined the League in 1926, and the withdrawal of Allied troops occupying Germany's Rhineland. Image Courtesy : "Limited Liability"? Under the chairmanship of President von Hindenburg the Cabinet of the Reich, in full plenary session, recorded unanimously last week its complete concurrence with the procedure of Herr Stresemann and Dr. Luther in initialing the Locarno treaties (see INTERNATIONAL). Treaties between Poland and France and Czechoslovakia provided mutual support against unprovoked attacks. Updates? the keystone of the improved western European diplomatic climate of 1924–1930, introducing a hope for international peace The Nobel Peace Prize was given to the lead negotiators of the treaty, going to Chamberlain in 1925 and jointly to Aristide Briand and Stresemann in 1926. LOCARNO, TREATY OF. [6] Pact of Locarno.

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