Star Trek: Enterprise was known for a few things; wacky first season (as every Star Trek is known for, minus Discovery), being canceled into its fourth season, and some interesting pre-Federation and Starfleet timelines. Not only quite cool, metal, and brutal, but also expected of this ancient warrior race! Let's finish up our review of Star Trek Discovery Season 3 and talk about some predictions and theories for Season 4, LIVE! And how do we know that? The Terran Empire may have existed since the time of the Roman Empire! Well, between TOS and TNG they changed the speeds. Trip’s passing ended up being pointless and highly questioned by the fans. People got disgruntled with warp speed changes. In the first few Star Trek Discovery episodes, it was flaunted that some of the Starfleet officers were wearing black badges. Combined with the reality that Bajorans started developing a planet-wide civilization in 500,000 BC, it could be assumed that the Bajorans evolved millions of years ago, meaning these Prophets could easily be Bajorans. It doesn’t make sense ultimately. This plotline would not only make sense, but it would give the movie some legitimacy. That's exactly what some fans have decided to do; make their own theories. This means that the Borg have been here and were coming anyway, and Q was warning them of it. Of course, this is all just a theory, but having Picard and Burnham share the screen would be a monumental event for the Star Trek franchise. She was a natural second in command for the captain. It was a risky place to be, and quite unsafe. Of course, this worked to their advantage. Why would Barclay devolve into a bug, while Spot (a cat) devolve’s into a lizard (yep, didn’t see that coming, did ya)? Although the movie makes it pretty plain that our heroes have been duped, there's an alternate theory that suggests the crew's adversary really was God—albeit the somewhat petulant God of the Old Testament, who was known to indulge in outbursts of lethal anger (flood, anyone?) Well, one theory suggests the answer lies in the past, specifically an episode of Star Trek Voyager. Further, the solution is to beam him into a casing where he pretends to live out the rest of his life. He played roles of Dwight Schrute in The Office, a store clerk in Juno, and a dumped metal musician in The Rocker. Unless all races and species were the animals of the Progenitor Race. When a female crew member is infatuated with Lieutenant Commander Data, he decides to give a romantic relationship a try. Most fans look at Star Trek's United Federation of Planets as a futuristic utopian ideal. It’s the warp drive, stupid. This device would eventually go onto invade Earth once again and be forced to interact with a Human being in order to survive. One theory about the change was that these Klingons were actually ancient Klingons, or an offshoot of the race of Klingons we have seen. However, once The Prophets said to Commander Sisko that they were “of Bajor”, it would have been assumed that they were highly evolved Bajorans. Michael Burnham was the first officer of Captain Georgiou aboard the USS Shenzhou. Through this, the fan theory that Klingons were trying to genetically test themselves became not only confirmed, but true. Well, as it turns out, the episode was theorized to be a supposed mirror episode, but the storyline fell through for some reason. This sealed the deal on the end of his campaign, making Barack Obama the Senator, which allowed him to go on and win the President of the United States. The Bajorans are a race of aliens that came out of Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Star Trek The Original Series, The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager, Enterprise, and Discovery. These seven shows (and 14 movies) all have threads of stories that continue between them in multiple arcs and character developments. Warning: we will be discussing SPOILERS for Star Trek Discovery season 3 on our live Star Trek podcast, so please go watch the episode first! Upon examination further into the episode, we realize that Q is in fact giving them a warning about the Borg. Some races went to Warp 36, while Voyager had their laughable episode about Tom Paris going warp 10 (and then devolving into a salamander and having kids with Captain Janeway...rough time for Voyager). However, nothing on the show can compare to the wild, wacky, and frankly INSANE theories that die-hard Trekkies have invented over the years. Firstly, Elon Musk, head of Tesla and billionaire scientist, says so about our world. During The Omega Directive, Kathryn Janeway (a true legend) received orders to wipe out a mysterious substance known as Omega. If warp 1 is always speed 1, then it simply involves changing the factor itself by 3 or 4. The first time we see Tom is in a penal facility and also known as former Starfleet. It makes sense, considering we are from the perspective of the Federation, the greater group. But why? They wanted to be remembered for their goodness rather than evil. Insofar that Benny is dubbed as crazy. What went wrong during the jump? It's not only hard to keep track of them all, but difficult to not make some of your own. "An ancestor of mine maintained," Spock mused, "that if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the solution." Similarly, when the Borg started taking in Humans, they developed a greater sense of individuality. Sounds like the mirror universe! So Ash Tyler is a Klingon. In fact, some Trek fans even believe that the Federation has time-travel technology that they use to send one of their black-ops squads into the past whenever something or someone threatens to disrupt or destroy their rule. Whether these theories happened during the run of the show, or after it ended, or before it even started is irrelevant. And to round out our easy predictions, we have Captain Lorca, who commandeered Discovery for a short time, ended up being from the Star Trek Mirror universe. One explanation for this theorizes that during the Trek universe's Eugenics Wars, the evil Khan Noonien Singh wiped out much of the region's population—and when World War III erupted, a nuclear strike completely devastated the rest, thus ensuring that peoples of Eurasian descent would forever remain a tiny Starfleet minority. In it, Benny is a struggling, black science fiction writer who can’t seem to get his editor to read and like his stuff. Basically, it’s a Klingon Ship of the Dead that uses coffins as shields for the ship itself. And they were right; some of these theories actually got confirmed. Theory: Discovery Season 4's Villain Is From The Original Star Trek Movie - John Orquiola Star Trek: Discovery season 4 will center on a new threat to the galaxy but it may actually be a familiar enemy for longtime Trekkers: V'Ger from Star … They are the ultimate transhumanists. Or in non-technobabble terms: you get copied and your original body doesn’t come back. In that case, it would make sense! During The Next Generation episode Q Who, Q demonstrates how ill-prepared Starfleet is by sending the Enterprise D into distant space. However, it was eventually revealed that it had to do with being a spy for the Klingon House Mo’Kai. Also, the symbol for the Empire uses Latin, which was the official language of the Roman Empire. Harry Mudd is known for his crazy antics, his androids, and his ability to access technology that isn’t well known yet. by Sean Ferrick. This show was predicted down to a ‘t.’ And one of the first predictions was that the new crew member, Ash Tyler, was actually Voq. Some think it’s a weapon, some think it’s a higher intelligence, some think it’s a map. In Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, the crew of the Enterprise are lured to a planet at the center of the galaxy, where it turns out that a being impersonating the Vulcan god Sha Ka Ree has drawn them in order to escape imprisonment by hijacking their ship. There are several fan theories about Kovich’s true identity. Back before Star Trek Enterprise premiered, the Klingons underwent another great redevelopment. Ideas, Speculation and Theories about all things Star Trek! When speaking down to Burnham she mentions how they got rid of those ideas a long time ago. Eventually the speeds are too high in number. Although in this case, some of them decidedly came true! In the short term it really wasn’t too clear on why Voq had to do all this stuff. Feb 27, 2021 February 27th, 2021. And although these Klingons are now considered the new Klingons, the ancient Klingons thing isn’t that far off. You won’t believe what happened next! He ended up being a confirmed mirror universe baddie who simply wanted to take control of the mirror universe throne from not as bad of a people! However, they sometimes go a bit too far in what is considered possible and impossible. Future Guy is in there somewhere. Thus, a greater warp is now smaller. This meant that he would have access to a whole new world other than Vulcans. When they accidentally traveled to the mirror universe, Burnham was meant to confront the Emperor of that alternate reality. Star Trek … That's what makes it so fun to talk about and discuss! Jeri Ryan’s Borg drone undersuit sells at auction by Rachel Carrington. As science fiction geeks, Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Raj are all fans of Star Trek. It helps that Voq disappears and we never see him again, but we do see Ash Tyler constantly. 10 Star Trek Fan Theories That Became Fact. They coded all aliens in the galaxy to look like them in some small form. The fans had a semi difficult time figuring this one out! Join us on this list and see if you came up with any of these yourself! All that mattered was that someone was thinking about Star Trek at some point enough to want to make a greater story in their head about it. Star Trek Picard: 3 biggest fan theories surrounding the return of Q. It helps that some of the beta-canon agrees with this analysis. It is the 1940s and 1950s, but the main book he’s written (Deep Space 9) is considered outlandish for the time. Warp factor works by constantly ramping up the speeds through a greater factor than before. He was known most widely as being Tom Paris, the admiral’s son and main comm and nav officer for Voyager. They embodied the religious and at times extremist political viewpoints of a society. One of the earliest theories to come out of Star Trek: Discovery was that the ship itself was the product of Section 31, a deep cover special operations and … Emperor Georgiou surmised that the Federation reality had democratic values of equality, freedom, and liberty in them. Speculation paid off when he was shown as Mudd in a Klingon prison ship. The connection between our favorite Vulcan and the Victorian-era sleuth has been a fun bit of Star Trek lore since a scene from the franchise's sixth film, The Undiscovered Country, in which Spock paraphrases a quote from the 1890 Holmes story The Sign of the Four. Benny Russell is a sci-fi writer living in 1950s New York whose identity Captain Sisko takes on during a vision from… And as revenge to Captain Lorca for abandoning him on the ship, he came back with a vengeance, destroying Lorca hundreds, if not thousands, of times. In The Best of Both Worlds, a Borg sphere wipes a crater size colony off the face of their planet. Luckily, it was fixed when rumors came around that a happily gay couple would be coming about in Star Trek Discovery. Can we all have a collective, “FINALLY!”. It wasn’t overdone, and their being gay wasn’t the basis of their characters on the show. The main ship they use in Discovery that helped them obtain the cloaking technology is called The Sarcophagus. For every cool Trek character or concept that comes back, there are a dozen that we never see again. Star Trek started out as a low-budget TV show before making the jump to the big screen. Star Trek was never one to shy away from religion, but it usually had a scientific explanation for it in some way. Of course, this is not always the case. Although fans were obviously well aware of the reasons for the change, they concocted a theory to explain it anyway, postulating that the Klingons had experimented with genetic mutation that robbed a generation of their beautiful bumpy noggins. The episode was universally panned as being a quick end without any real legitimacy. The Borg are highly collective creatures that expand and conquer by absorbing other species and their technology into themselves. Let's talk about Q's return for Star Trek: Picard Season 2. The plotline for Star Trek The Motion Picture was always going to be difficult and convoluted to think of and enact. Further, in order to continue to deal with the Humans they needed to create more individualistic Borg, which resulted in The Borg Queen and a desire to make Human/Borg leaders, like Locutus. It’s a weird storyline, but it has one thing going for it: it created the Borg. However, in a revealed deleted scene for the final episode of season 1 for Star Trek Discovery, former emperor Georgiou would be approached by Starfleet officer who would offer her a position in Section 31.

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