Contract of Employment: After getting the job offer, the candidate has to give his acceptance. The new employees are familiarized with their units, supervisors and fellow employees. You can see some Chapter Notes - Chapter 6 : Staffing, BST, Class 12, CBSE | EduRev Notes sample questions with examples at the bottom of this page. On-The-Job Training. Development involves growth of an employee in all respects. Employment Interviews: The main purpose of interview is: (a) to find out suitability of the candidates. Define the staffing process and the various steps involved in it. (ii) Improvement in Quality and Quantity of Output: Training makes it possible to improve the quality and quantity of output. (ii) Recruitment: The process of recruitment includes the search of the various sources of employees, and encouraging them to send their applications to the enterprise. A list of candidates to be called for employment tests made and unsuitable candidates are rejected altogether. On the job method of training: Under this method, the trainers are asked to do a particular job on a machine or in a workshop. 6. (iii) Helpful in Continuous Survival and Growth of the Enterprise: Every enterprise aspires for its continuous survival and growth. Promotions: It refers to shifting an employee to a higher position carrying higher responsibilities, prestige, facilities and pay. The consulting team recommends perhaps one coach or trainer to handle a class of 15 to 25 employee trainee’s presence interactive including materials uses. By learning the art of operating the machine, the rate of accidents can be minimised. 2. Increased performance by the individual help him to earn more. 4. Staffing Important Questions for CBSE Class 12 Business Studies Training, Development and Methods of Training. It means learning while doing. On-the-Job Training Methods – 6 Most Popular Training Methods: Job Instruction, Coaching, Mentoring, Job Rotation, Apprenticeship, and Committee Assignments . In many enterprises, Personnel Department is established to provide assistance to managers in performing their staffing function. It is economical and less time consuming. 6. 3. Induction training is a type of training given to help a new employee in settling down quickly into the job by becoming familiar with the people, the surroundings, the job and the business. Preliminary Screening: After applications have been received, they are properly checked as regarding qualification etc. Trained employees use these machines and material properly and minimise wastage. (ii) Helpful in Better Performance: Through the medium of staffing, right people are posted at right places. Training given to people in a supervisory or managerial capacity is – Lectures, Group Discussions, Case studies, Role-playing, Conferences etc. However, both are related processes; training helps the employees in learning job skills whereas development shapes attitude of the employees. By continuing, I agree that I am at least 13 years old and have read and agree to the. Staffing function is concerned with training, development and performance appraisal of human resources. Off the job methods of training. (b) Assessing future human resource needs of all departments. are provided free of cost by the employer. 5. (A) Internal Sources of Recruitment: Internal sources refer to inviting candidates from within the organization. Factors Influencing Compensation Plan: The following factors must be considered while fixing compensation: What are the advantages of training to the individual and to the organisation?OrWhy is employees' training necessary in an organisation? Complete Improved skills and knowledge of employee. The following are the methods of On-the job training: 1. External Sources of Recruitment: When the candidates from outside the organization are invited to fill the vacant job position then it is known as external recruitment. Identify and state the next three steps for choosing best candidates. In order to develop the workforce in all the sectors and zones of the organization, this method is used. On-the-job training allows employees to learn by observing and participating in the work of more seasoned employees. Staffing function of management directly deals with human element in the business. Methods of training
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2. The period of training may often vary from two to seven years. Managers. Training is imparted to the employees through two methods: On the job methods of training. The trainee is required to work with an expert for a specific period of time. Off the job method of training: Under this method, training is imparted to the trainees at a particular place other than the place of work. Campus recruitment and labour contractors can be used for the purpose. 4. He gives an advertisement and shortlists some candidates after conducting selection tests. 5. It enhances employee’s productivity and quality. (a) Psychological tests which are based on assumption that human behaviour at work can be predicted by giving various tests like aptitude, personality test etc. Why are internal sources of recruitment considered to be more economical? Staffing as a part of Human Resource Management: The scope of Human Resource Management is wider than staffing. EduRev is a knowledge-sharing community that depends on everyone being able to pitch in when they know something. Job Analysis is an intensive way of finding details related to all jobs. Wider Choice: The management has a wider choice in selecting the people for employment. It is duty of every manager to perform the staffing activities. 3. Combined Pay Plan: A combined pay plan can also be created in the form of time based pay plus incentives for higher performance. job training benefit from financial incentives when they bring on employees to teach trainees the skills they need to succeed in specific positions at the firm. The following are the methods of On-the job training: 1. Dissatisfaction among existing employees: Recruitment from outside may cause dissatisfaction among the employees. Mainly it includes the on the job and off the job training. The induction provides a good opportunity to socialize and brief the newcomer with the company’s overall strategy, performance standards etc. by screening committee. (iii) Less Requirement of Supervision: Trained employees are skilled in their jobs, so their work does not require much supervision. With on-the-job training, not only are employees actively involved in learning, but they also participate in real activities that relate to their current or future job. Job Offer: After a candidate has cleared all hurdles in the selection procedure, he is formally appointed by issuing him an Appointment Letter. iii. a program designed to help employees gain hands-on knowledge in the workplace.This type of training involves employees using the resources available for them at their workplace, and it allows them to learn while integrating into their everyday work environment.Typ Costly process: A lot of money has to be spent on advertisement therefore this is costly process. Commerce Chapter Notes - Chapter 6 : Staffing, BST, Class 12, CBSE | EduRev Notes Summary and Exercise are very important for 3. Employees get new technical knowledge. The document Chapter Notes - Chapter 6 : Staffing, BST, Class 12, CBSE | EduRev Notes is a part of the. Recruitment: It refers to identification of the sources of manpower availability and making efforts to secure applicants for the various job positions in an organization.

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