In special type of jobs, for instance, those requiring unusual strength or capacity to bear hard working conditions, a medical examination may be essential in the selection process. HRM Guide makes minimal use of cookies, including some placed to facilitate features such as Google Search. Similarly, a person who does not like to mix with others cannot become a good salesman. After a candidate is declared successful in the interview then some information about him is gathered from those persons whose name figures in the column of ‘References’. For example- while selecting a computer operator in a business organisation, it will be ensured whether the applicant specializes in this trade or field? Generally the medical examination is both general and thorough. of the candidate. Human resources selection techniques vary, based on a company's staff and resources. 1. In most of the organizations, the selection programme … Candidate’s wisdom, memory power, alertness, general taste, etc. These tests are designed to determine a person’s knowledge in a specific job area. The methods for selecting employees include preliminary screening, phone interviews, face-to-face meetings, and HR functions to determine whether a candidate is indeed suitable for the job. Knowledge tests are designed to test the applicant’s knowledge and mastery of a particular subject; these are useful for positions such as accounting, engineering etc. Having successfully cleared all tests related to employment by the candidate, he is called for final interview. Selection Process in HRM – Selection Tests, Selection Interview, Interview Assessment, Interview Question Bank and Selection Decision Steps involved in the selection process comprise selection tests, selection interview, interview assessment, interview question bank, and selection decision as discussed in the sections below: The main objective of such interviews is to screen out undesirable/unqualified candidates at the very outset. As a result generally we can say e-selection process is composed by two steps as pre-selection and the final selection which would be elaborated more by focusing on different methods of e-selection. Its objectives should be clearly determined. ; (iv) Examination of special senses (check-up of visual and auditory activity); (v) Clinical examination of eyes, ears, nose, throat, teeth; (vii) Check-up of blood pressure and heart; (viii) Laboratory tests of urine, blood etc. For technical and managerial personnel, for example, the form may require detailed answers to questions regarding the candidate’s education, etc. The objectives of the research were to analyze the current situation in the company from the HR point of view; to point out the most effective recruitment channels and selection methods; to make suggestions for the employee retention; and to … Every candidate has to pass through several hurdles before he/she can get selected for job. For this purpose, the varying conditions in an organisation should be noted. There are some jobs which require unusual strength, stamina or tolerance of hard working conditions (Defense, Police, fire-fighters, etc.) Image Guidelines 4. (iii) It prevents the employment of those who suffer from some type of contagious diseases. Those candidates whose conditions are not acceptable to the organisation are not called for preliminary interview and a regret letter is issued to them citing reasons. These interviews also help potential candidates confirm whether they have applied for the job that is best suited as per their own expectations. Those found deficient are not included in subsequent process. Opinions of previous employers, departmental heads, and university/college professors are generally asked for in order to get a clear picture of candidate’s potential performance in a particular job. For example, a newspaper company may conduct a writing test for potential candidates to gauge their writing abilities. Content Filtration 6. (d) Examination of special senses of the applicant — visual and auditory activity to be checked closely. Qualified candidates will go on to next hurdle, while the unqualified are eliminated. In today’s job market with jobs relatively scarce and large numbers of available candidates, it is highly likely that employers will be inundated with applications that make efficient pre- screening even more critical. Some firms are now attempting to analyze the relationship between data items on application and the extent of job success. (...) Work samples have shown some of the highest validity scores compared to other They concluded that the popularity of graphology is a self-perpetuating This kind of application blanks are known as weighted application blanks. Graphology or handwriting analysis has a long history on the mainland of Europe. Qualified candidates will go on to next hurdle, while the unqualified are eliminated. Third, one can also draw tentative conclusion concerning the applicant’s stability based on his previous work record. Medical examination for example may, in some cases, follow the job offer. In the first stage, personnel manager collects detailed information regarding candidates. The basic purpose of a physical examination is to place persons in jobs which they can handle without injury or damage to their health. Other Items- Names and addresses of previous employers, references, etc. Reliability: It is a test’s first major requirement and refers to its consistency. The references provided by the applicant have to be checked. By They are given instructions on what to do and a time limit. Objective of psychological tests is to examine the mental ability, interest in work, maturity, etc. HRM _ Recruitment & Selection 1. The candidate, in turn, shall also be supplied with information about the organization and the job, in particular to motivate him and inform him about the nature of job, policy of the company, rules and regulations of the company, future prospects, salary and other benefits the company can offer. (h) Laboratory tests to urine, blood, etc. Initial/Preliminary Interview or Screening: Essays, Research Papers and Articles on Business Management, Procedure for Selection of Candidates: 8 Steps | Manpower Planning, Recruitment and Selection of Candidates | Functions | HRM, Notes on Selection Process of a Candidate: 9 Steps, Selection of Candidates: Meaning, Procedure and Importance, Sales Force Management: Recruitment, Training, Supervision and Sales Performance Evaluation, A Complete Guide for Learning about the Selection Process in HRM: Process, Steps and Stages. iv. They are given a particular problem (or a little case study) and asked to reach a decision through discussion within a certain time. Here special attention is paid to see the correctness of the ability and skill as emphasised by the applicant. The data submitted in an application form should help predict the candidate’s chances for making a success of his job. On this basis their level of intelligence is known. Second is a review of the applications and résumés, often done via a computer program that can find keywords. There are five main steps in the selection process. No personal information is required to be filled up. VI. Managers may appreciate the value of high-quality selection procedures, but will be (b) Physical measurements such as height, weight, chest and the abdominal circumferences. (ii) Education – This is information about the courses and subjects studied and grades secured. (i) X-ray examination of chest, and other parts of the body. This will indicate the time and place of reporting. Apart from this, a written contract of employment is framed in which the following information is provided: It is the first step after the receipt and scrutiny of the application forms in the selection process. Personality test – Personality tests aim at determining the personality traits and characteristics. Bronchial weakness is looked for as an indication of nervousness, tuberculosis and hernia. Sometimes, when a management wants to appoint an existing employee to a higher position, it may ask him to submit his necessary bio-data for consideration at the time of selection or interview. (iv) Personal items – This comprises extra-curricular activities, hobbies, association memberships, etc. This is generally done to weed out those who do not possess the minimum requirements laid down for the vacancies. One who may be able to speak about the applicant’s earlier work. Aptitude test – Aptitude is the ability to do something or a natural tendency. Every attempt must be made to put the invited candidates at ease before the initial screening takes place. Recruitment and Selection is one of the most vital Function of Human Resources Management. Learning Ability test or Intelligence tests measure the candidates’ verbal reasoning, abstract reasoning and quantitative reasoning. Selection methods or screening devices include application blanks, employment interviews, aptitude tests, and personality test. Such interviews should be conducted by someone who inspires confidence, who is genuinely interested in people, and whose judgement in the “sizing up” of applicants is fairly reliable. Often based on an initial job analysis, the ultimate goal of personnel selection is to ensure an adequate return on investment —in other words, to make … The purpose of employment tests is to determine whether the candidates have the necessary skills and abilities that can be appropriately utilised in accordance to the job’s require­ments. It requires the applicant to fill in all information that is related to the job, for example, name, age, qualification, specialization, experience, etc. The work sample technique attempts to overcome this problem by asking candidates to take on Job offer is made through appointment letter to those candidates who have passed all the earlier barriers. So according to the first definition selection starts on third stage whereas according to the second one, initial screening is a pre-selection process. This step involves qualifying and disqualifying candidates based on maximum or minimum scores obtained during the employment tests. The object of the preliminary interview is to ensure whether the applicant is physically and mentally fit for the job. reluctant to devote so much time. On the other hand, selection of the wrong candidate will result in poor job performance and wastage of time and money. (v) Working hours, overtime, lunch and tea break, etc. (ii) Final Interview – It is mostly conducted in two stages. Big organizations may take the help of law firms/agencies for drafting and finalising the contracts. Main information’s gathered during the course of interview are – (i) physical quality, (ii) verification of academic degrees as filled in the application forms, (iii) interest in work, (iv) quick-wittedness, (v) general intelligence, (vi) memory power, etc. Steps Involved in the Selection Process (Adopted by Large Organisations): Selection Process According to the Types of Jobs (Top 8 Steps), Steps Involved in the Selection Process (Adopted by Large Organisations), Stages in Selection Process (Selecting the Right Candidate). Physical or medical examination is compul­sory among most Indian organisations to ascertain physical standard and fitness of prospective employees. A physical examination reveals whether or not a candidate possesses these qualities. Report a Violation 11. Organizations must conduct a periodic audit by people who work independently of the HR department. You can download 8 Ultimate HR Tools for HR Managers HERE. Methods of HR Selection Techniques. (iv) It places properly those people who are otherwise employable but whose physical handicaps may necessitate assignment only to specific jobs. (viii) Length of notice due to and from the employee. (iii) To give a good impression of the organization by providing fair and well-constructed interview. Such items deal with experiences in early life, hobbies, social relations, values and opinions, etc. At times such a letter may not be specific to the type of job applied for and might even be outdated. A typical inventory contains a large number of items, utilises a multiple-choice format exclusively, and deals with those matters that are normally not covered in an application blank. During the course of the interview, candidates are asked questions related to their education, experience, taste, age, etc. Privacy Policy 9. It allows the employee to show … This sequence of steps may not necessarily be followed in the given order. In proficiency test candidate’s ability and skill manifested in an examination are verified. Checking on the references is considered to be helpful in selecting employees particularly those to be assigned heavy responsibilities. several assessors in structured programmes which attempt to minimize the inadequacies of each This technique is helpful in observing and judging how well the candidates can think, analyse problems, substantiate arguments, find solutions, cogently reason and take decisions. Recruitment and Selection 2. A date is mentioned in the Appointment Letter by when one has to report for the duty. Application Blank. In this detailed description of the employee is provided which he himself attests. (g) Check-up of blood pressure and heart. Checking Reference and Medical examination. Sometimes, applicants are eliminated because of some feature in the organisation which cannot be adjusted satisfactorily at this stage. Thus, aptitude test looks for the learning capacity of a person to do a particular job. Sometimes biographical inventors are specially constructed for the purpose of predicting success in a given type of work. An application blank is a brief history sheet of an employee’s background and can be used for future reference whenever needed. (iv) References- Candidate is asked to write the name of two or three persons who may give information about candidate’s character, social relations, etc. A weighted application form should be established and used with a caution. Performance or achievement test – Achievement or performance test is concerned with what a candidate has accomplished or what he/she has already learned. First, criteria are developed to determine how the person will be chosen. Main steps of selection process adopted by large organisations are as under: First of all, the applications received during recruitment process are scrutinised. On the basis of past experience, a scoring system may be provided for all such items and a cutting off score may be established for the total. By careful study, such items as age, education, dependants, earnings and years on previous jobs may be found to be closely correlated with success in the job for which the candidate is applying. ... properly designed work samples capture key elements of a Such interviews are usually short and may be conducted at a desk, across a counter or railing and they are known as stand-up interviews. In the recruitment & selection process through external sources of recruitment, many new ideas, modern better techniques, improved methods, inside stories of success of different ideal competitors can be collected and subsequently implemented for ensuring overall business growth. These informations relate to the character, social relations, background, etc. Although two or more persons may have equal specialization in a given field, yet there may be difference in their personality, intelligence, conduct, taste, etc. Firstly, to ensure that the candidate is physically fit for the job. Harold Stone and W. E. Kendall mention the following contents of physical examination: (i) Applicant’s medical history obtained through his interview with the medical officer; (ii) Physical measurements (height, weight, chest and abdominal circumferences); (iii) General examination including that of the skin, joints etc. Blank application form could include factual information like age, marital status, owned or rental home, languages the person can read, write or speak, reasons for leaving previous job, average earnings from earlier job, hobbies, interests, details about educational qualifications, etc. These tests aim at measuring the effect of the candidates’ personality on work performance. Salary and Benefits- Present and expected. The blank should be continually updated. (ii) Combined with material gathered later during testing, information on a completed application blank gives the employment manager a line on the candidate before the main employment interview begins. The applicants may put forth their conditions regarding salary acceptable, duration, promotion, etc. (a) General knowledge test, which tests the candidates’ general knowledge on certain subjects and with openness to experience. PhD Essay technology Data Methods of Collecting Da… These are useful in identifying accident-prone candidates for certain manufacturing jobs. On the other hand, selection of the wrong candidate will result in poor job performance and wastage of time and money. Many organisations conduct employment tests to know more about the candidates’ capabilities and skills. Most organisations in India ask candidates to provide names of referees from whom more information about the candidates can be implored. It brings out deficiencies, not as a basis of rejection but as a positive aid to selective placement and as indicating restrictions on his transfer to other positions. For job offer, the Appointment Letter is handed over. This process mainly aims at garner­ing reassurance regarding candidates’ experiences and abilities in their past. published by Cengage, Interviews suffer from a basic problem: (...) When asked what they would Apart from inaccurate facts, there can be other factors also like the referee’s inability to assess and describe the applicant, and his limited knowledge about him. (...) even the smallest companies could employ the simpler forms, such as the Trade here refers not to business / commerce but special field. Under this process, an organization gives the necessary information about the job requirements to the prospective applicants and collects the necessary information from the candidates. Physical examination has at least three basic objectives: 1. It shows the years of experience, nature of duties and responsibilities involved in the previous job. Interviews may be formal or informal, they may be general or in-depth, they may be directive or non-directive, they may be conducted by Panel or Board interview and they may be conducted under stressful situation (stress-interview). In small organisations, it is brief but in large organisations it is extensive. The evidence is very much against graphology's effectiveness (see Human Resource Management [Price, 2011] for review. Experienced recruiters typically understand the full life-cycle process, which starts with sourcing candidates and ends with new-employee onboarding or orientation. Reasons to Recruit Staff• Business expansion due to – Increasing sales of existing products – … Screening Interview – An initial screening interview is done to cut the costs of … These forms are accordingly screened or studied by matching the skills / qualifications of the candidate vis-a-vis the requirements of the vacant job. This includes the letters of recommendations from the previous employers, departmental head and teachers who have personal experience dealing with the candidate. The group has to analyse, discuss, find solutions and articulate their views while selection panel observe and judge the group discussion on the basis of various activities as-, (vi) Building on the ideas expressed by other members, (vii) Bringing the silent members into discussion. Generally, this includes the following items: (iii) Date when continuous employment starts. Accurate reference checking has much usefulness and it should be an integral part of the total over-all selection and assessment programme. Such bio-data may also be got from different organisations having good employees for whom chances of advancement in their own organisation are very bleak. Uploader Agreement. The information sought in application blank should be relevant to the objective of selection. Medical examination of the candidate may be required for several reasons. Such a weighted application form may quicken the process of recruitment and selection. (iii) Experience Information detailing past jobs, periods involved, designation and job responsibilities, salary received, reason for leaving the present employer etc. Preliminary interviews aims at further qualifying or disqualifying candidates who may be inquired whether the working hours, wages, working conditions, etc., were agreeable. Candidates are medically examined either by the company’s physician or by a medical officer approved by the company for the purpose. However, not all the information contained in application blanks is used to make decisions. The success of any business organization mostly depend on the quality of the employees working over there. Secondly, questions should be directly related to the post. When properly implemented, a pre-employment testing can lead to higher productivity because test results could be accurate predictors of future job performance. This can be used at the time of need in future. Usually, candidates who get over one or more successive preliminary hurdles in the selection process and are found suitable for specific jobs, are not rejected on physical grounds unless the individual is suffering from contagious or incurable diseases or any complex emotional problem. Account Disable 12. Their theoretical If a candidate meets with the requirements of the organisation, he may be selected for further action. continuing to use the site you are agreeing to the use of cookies. Why is graphology apparently so popular in continental Europe and supposed to be increasingly

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