Nature rests, and winter is upon us. The first day of Hanukkah falls on 25 Kislev, near the Christian Christmas season. The ancient mystical work of Sefer Yetzirah tells … The gemstone of Kislev, the ninth month (which corresponds with the nine dreams as mentioned earlier), is the ninth stone of the breastplate?the amethyst (achlama in Hebrew). Kislev is the dubbed “The Month of Dreams,” as nine of the ten dreams recorded in the Torah are read during this month. Kislev (or Chislev) is the ninth month on the Jewish calendar, counting from Nisan.It is best known for the holiday of Chanukah, which begins on 25 Kislev.The message of Chanukah is the eternal power of light over darkness—good over evil. T his month falls in November or December.. 6. Kislev offers a healing quality of sleep. According to the Chassidic master, Bnei Yissaschar, Kislev is "Kes" "Lamed Vav", or the Hidden 36 righteous people in every generation. How to receive your own miracle in Kislev: a very short video from Rabbi Anava. of the birth of Christ a whole month earlier, on November 25 ^th, which according. 2020-2021 Hebrew Dates Starting at Sunset Nissan (Starts March 25th) The month of Nisan is known as the month of miracles and redemption. The Meaning of Hanukkah. It is a season of lights, dreams, and success in battles from a place of peace. 2 comments: Unknown said... Just so people don't get confused, this Rosh Chodesh Kislev is only on Tuesday i.e. It is best known for the holiday of Chanukah , which begins on 25 Kislev. Tribe: Benjamin, meaning “son of the right hand” Mazel: Keshet, meaning (Bow/Archer) The root of the word Keshet which comes from the word “to bend” and can also mean “Rainbow” speaking to us as covenant. Spiritual Energy of Kislev. (See this article for a look at the spiritual aspects of nine, or this one for numbers in general.). No less than nine dreams appear in the portions of Vayetzei, Vayeshev, and Miketz - which are all read during the month of Kislev. Everything that occurs during this month of Kislev reflects the dynamic relationship between that which is beyond us, and our attempt to internalize it. Take a break from thinking. Kislev is the ninth of the twelve months of the Jewish calendar. we asked ourselves. connect women around the world through transformative practices inspired by ancient Jewish Wisdom. Channukah Journaling Challenge As Channukah and the month of Kislev at large focus so heavily on spiritual resilience, I have crafted 8 questions for you to ponder and journal over this holiday. The letter Samech created the sign of Sagittarius, and comes from the phrase Somech noflim (supporting the fallen). The months of the Hebrew year are: Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Av, Elul, Tishrei, Chesvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, and Adar. As the nights grow longer, we may find ourselves going to bed earlier. MOP / November 20, 2020 / 8 / 3.6k. The mazal (constellation) for Kislev is Sagittarius, the keshet (arching bow). A spiritual vessel is by nature "dark," devoid of illumination. Library. In this message I’ll share some thoughts about miracles, Chanukah and how these relate to our spiritual practice. In Jewish thought, sleep is the time when our souls ascend to a higher world and “see the light.” And speaking of light, this month we also celebrate Chanukah, which is all about bringing light to dark moments and rejoicing in miracles. The arching bow reminds us of the rainbow and of our responsibility to be guardians of the earth. 9. Aside from commemorating the miraculous victory of the small Jewish army over the mighty Syrian-Greek empire, Chanukah celebrates the miracle of the oil. – The Greeks set up the Abomination of Desolation in the Temple 20 Kislev (circa 457 BC) – Ezra addresses a three-day assemblage of Jews in Jerusalem, telling them to adhere to the Torah and to dissolve their interfaith marriages Yud Tes Kislev, the 19 th day of the Hebrew month of Kislev, is a major milestone in this process. Bringing these out in the light is the beating heart of Kislev. Each month holds unique spiritual significance and healing. Orr, James, M.A., D.D. Each one of us walks through the world with a desire to make an impact. Like its name says, drop in to the pocket of the heart. We’re tucking ourselves in at night, maybe covering ourselves in blankets, and settling into winter. Today is Rosh Chodesh Kislev – Chanukah is 25 days away! Kislev is a month with very special meaning. Thus if the moon were to appear, in fact, on a Monday, but no one actually saw it until Tuesday, "seeing is believing" and the court would decide that the first of the month was on a Tuesday. Kislev (or Chislev) is the ninth month on the Jewish calendar, counting from Nisan. The Sabbath Reunion Connection. The spiritual reason is seen in the letters of the word Kislev. The Vav can be substituted for a Bet which then spells the word Lev or heart. But what is known is the spiritual meaning of the name Kendra, which there are a few: “greatest champion” “the prophetess” “female knowledge” “wise ruler” “wise” “high hill” However, we are sure that the name Kendra has Anglo-Saxon origins of either Old English, Welsh, Celt, or Scottish descent. Kislev is the ninth month of the year, counting from Nissan. The letter Samech created the sign of Sagittarius, and comes from the phrase Somech noflim (supporting the fallen). Kislev offers a healing quality of sleep. And may your ninth month be blessed! The month of Kislev have always been associated with much joy and happiness. 15 Kislev (167 B.C.) It renders and channels this ancient wisdom into an accessible blueprint for life that teaches us how to integrate our material lives with a higher, spiritual … In the Northern hemisphere, the days are getting shorter and the evenings are lengthening. Month: Kislev Meaning - Trust and security. It is the month that Hanukkah is celebrated marking the miracle of the oil lasting for the rededication of the temple. Kislev comes at the same time as the secular months of November/December. The 9th month on the Hebrew (God’s) calendar is called Kislev.. What is the meaning of the word “Kislev”? The physical reason for this is 9 of the 10 dreams in the Chumash are read from the Torah during the month of Kislev כסלו. Kislev asks us to reach down deep and close a hand around our hearts’ desires. It marks the beginning of our experience of the spiritual reality, the initial crossing of the barrier between the corporeal (egoistic) and spiritual (altruistic) worlds. 2016 February is a very important marker, please read the page The Number 1111 and Pentecostal 7777 [P1] for more information. a blend of the original Ungol and Ropsmenn tongues with the addition of the 2020) Incredibly, Pastor Mark was on the “Sid Roth Show” during the week the elections took place in America. 11/24/2014 01:55 pm ET Updated Jan 22, 2015 Sunday, November 23, 2014 begins the new Jewish month of Kislev. The months of the Hebrew year are: Nisan, Iyar, Sivan, Tammuz, Av, Elul, Tishrei, Chesvan, Kislev, Tevet, Shevat, and Adar. In Kislev, for example, the nature of such creatures reflects the minds of people they encounter, reinforcing the creature’s character and giving rise to traditions particular to Kislev. Hanukkah, which starts on 25 Kislev (beginning-to-mid December), is the Festival of Lights. The word Kislev has many meanings, Trust and Security, to give charity with a full heart, teaching us that the best way to realize the joy of our holidays is to share our blessings with others . Kislev is the ninth of the twelve months of the Jewish calendar. Not loving the direction humanity was headed, the Divine sent powerful rains to wipe the slate clean. Today is Rosh Chodesh Kislev – Chanukah is 25 days away! Marriage of the Blessed virgin to Joseph. Sagittarius (Kislev) The sign of Sagittarius corresponds to the Hebrew month of Kislev. Passover, for instance, contains the opportunity to attain spiritual freedom; Rosh Hashana is the time for judgment. In Sefer Yetzirah, samech is associated with the month of Kislev, the hush (“sense”) of dreaming, the sefirah of netzach (“victory”), and the experience of trust. This was last year's video. This is a cold and dark time of year. KISLEV – THE 9TH MONTH CALLED KISLEV AND ITS SPIRITUAL MEANING. The following is a freely-translated excerpt from a letter by the Rebbe to Mr. Shneur Zalman Shazar (president of the State of Israel in the years 1963-73), dated Tevet 14, 5714 (December 20, 1953), in which the Rebbe touches on the parallels between the spiritual light unleashed on Kislev 19 and modern-day lighting methods. But, a few made it out. Now is the time to rekindle our dreams. Kislev Has Many Meanings. The determination of this calendar is placed squarely in human hands. Reuben's birth date was almost certainly on Hanukkah, and the day of his circumcision one week later would have fallen on the last day. The name of the letter ס, samech, means “support” or “trust,” referring specifically to our trust in Divine protection. The 19th of Kislev is celebrated by the Chabad community as the “Rosh Hashanah of Chassidism.” Farbrengens—informal gatherings at which expositions of Chassidic teaching and words of inspiration mingle with melody, dance and l’chaims—are held in every community, and chassidim wish each other a “good year in the learning of Chassidut and the ways of Chassidut.” Kislev urges us to try something different. Not everything you do has to have a deeper, spiritual meaning. The Hebrew Months. Dental surgeons around the world know that dental aches and infections cannot be fully treated unless the root cause is addressed. The renewal of the moon (i.e., the first crescent) was regarded as a kind of "rebirth" that issued from the previous service of the month (i.e., the moon's "self-diminution," or waning to complete darkness). Kislev asks us to reach down deep and close a hand around our hearts’ desires. The spiritual reason is seen in the letters of the word Kislev. The word Kislev has many meanings, Trust and Security, to give charity with a full heart, teaching us that the best way to realize the joy of our holidays is to share our blessings with others . In Hebrew, kis means “pocket.”. A spiritual vessel is by nature "dark," devoid of illumination. God wants you to dream again as He is positioning you this month for divine revelation. Chassidus is contemporary Jewish mysticism. Unknown: Thanks; I was just thinking that too. 14 Kislev (C. 1445 BC) – Death of Reuben, son of Ya’akov. The Arizal, a great mystic, tells us that the spiritual force of each of the 12 months parallels one of the 12 tribes (for the month of Kislev, it is the tribe Benjamin, who was known for his unwavering faith in God and his ferocious ability to battle evil) and the astral sign of the month (for this month, it is the bow). SIVAN the 3rd month when we Celebrate Pentecost on God’ s calendar, (New moon) begins on Tuesday the 11th May – Evening 2021 … KISLEV – THE 9TH MONTH CALLED KISLEV AND ITS SPIRITUAL MEANING. Posts about kislev 24 hanukkah written by Bride of YAHUSHUA. The Arizal, a great mystic, tells us that the spiritual force of each of the 12 months parallels one of the 12 tribes (for the month of Kislev, it is the tribe Benjamin, who was known for his unwavering faith in God and his ferocious ability to battle evil) and the astral sign of the month (for this month, it is the bow). Each person walks through the the world with a passion, dream, and desire to make an impact. Kislev (Starts November 16th) Kislev is known as a season of security, trust, and brining things full circle. The name of Kislev is a derivative from a Hebrew word actually meaning security and trust. Kislev is about finding the trust that you will be supported and nourished while becoming strong in yourself as you experience and learn to reconcile the polarities of life even though there will be times that this seems to hard to bear. A Blessing For Dreams (Hatavat Chalom) The meaning of Kislev depends upon whom you trust, or security and trust, so that you may stand up against your conflicts, and also obtain favor from the place of your security. Song of Songs 2:16.. Midrash Rabbah on verse.. Psalms 80:1.. Ezekiel 34:31 (see entire chapter).. Genesis 30:43.. Rashi on verse. Kislev asks us to reach down deep and put a comforting hand on our heart and its desires, so that we can bring them into the light. Our untapped potential leaves us depressed and shackled to pessimistic minds and scared egos. Kislev comes at the same time as the secular months of November/December. Last month in Cheshvan, we were “in the muck” — working to make good on our Rosh Hashanah commitments and integrate them into our actual lives. The derivation is uncertain. The first two letters spell the word Kiseh כס (although incompletely - without the Aleph at the end. Last month, in Cheshvan, we were “in the muck.” Sifting through the hardship of the post-holiday let down, we were hustling hard to make good on our Rosh Hashana resolutions (see Cheshvan resources for more), this challenge reflected in the story of the famous flood. Kislev. This is a month for divine revelation. kis'-lef (kiclew; the King James Version Chisleu, the Revised Version (British and American) "Chislev"): The 9th month of the Jewish year, corresponding to December. Kislev (November-December) Tevet (December-January) Adjustments and Leap Years. We can step forward with trust and fearlessness. kislev – the 9th month called kislev and its spiritual meaning SIVAN the 3rd month when we Celebrate Pentecost on God’ s calendar, ( New moon ) begins on … This is a cold and dark time of year. It’s time for Kislev. Sweet Dreams! KISLEV NEWSLETTER 5781 (N. OVEMBER-D. ECEMBER . In the Torah we find that the root of the word Kislev means ‘trust’ and ‘hope’: “Did I place my kili (my hope) in gold…?” (Job, 31:24) “…And they placed in Hashem their kislam (their trust).” (Psalms, 78:7) Kislev therefore illustrates the issue of trust. It is also the month in the Northern Hemisphere with … Kislev is the dubbed “The Month of Dreams,” as nine of the ten dreams recorded in the Torah are read during this month. A Month of Darkness... On the Biblical calendarthe month of Kislev (כִּסְלֵו) is the ninth month of the year (counting from Nisan). In Kislev, challenge yourself to move beyond logic. See CALENDAR. Based on an address by the Rebbe, Kislev 10, 5737 (December 2, 1976). Combining the themes of illumination and vision, our spiritual teachers say Kislev is an auspicious month to meditate on life’s purpose, move past our own limiting beliefs, dream about what is possible, and receive guidance — perhaps in our dreams — about how to live closer to our values. ... /hebrew/3691.htm- 6k. In contemplating the spiritual meaning of tooth pain, consider that the top treatment for stress-induced TMJ pain and dysfunction is actually therapy. The message of Chanukah is the eternal power of light over darkness—good over evil. Drop into the pocket of the heart. When we see our core values missing from conversation, and from political and economic decision-making, we have a voice and a vision to tap into. ). As stated in previous articles, Sefer Yetsira (The Book of Formation) – attributed to Abraham the Patriarch – tells us that the 22 Hebrew letters of the alphabet are the building blocks of the Universe. But self-doubt, or fear of rejection or failure, can halt our efforts — or even keep us from trying in the first place. And keep your eyes open for miracles along the way; there might be a rainbow out there guiding you towards your dreams. What happened after the flood is just as important: the Divine sent a rainbow. The 19th day of Kislev is therefore referred to as “the New Year of Chassidut” implying that through the spiritual channel of this day, the inner wisdom of Chassidut and the power to integrate its wisdom into one’s daily life is brought down into this world. The zodiac symbol of Kislev is the bow (קֶשֶׁת), which means both an archer’s bow and a rainbow. Spirits are ethereal creatures, often Undead, that seem to resemble various once living beings, though whether they are actually the souls of the departed or something other is open to speculation. During Kislev, we’re commanded to have faith, follow our hearts, and move forward, even if we can’t make out a clear path. It symbolizes their active trust in God to fight against the Hellenistic culture that ruled the world at the time. There are many things that happen in the month of Kislev that are significant but God is having me highlight one component for Kislev. Later, Goat’s horns became the Cornucopia, adding the metaphysical meaning of plenty, sustenance, and nurturing to Goat’s symbolic meaning. Hope. The Forces Affecting Kislev – Sagittarius . The latter relates clearly with the theme of Chanukah as the archer’s bow of the Maccabees. But somewhere, somehow, we get tripped up--by self-doubt or fear of rejection or failure. Euler’s number is related to Genesis 2, because this was the chapter when the Sabbath day was mentioned, thus the number 2.7 was how it came about. This month, Kislev, has a very special meaning. During Kislev, we are literally  commanded to have faith, to follow our hearts, and to move forward, even if we can’t see the full clear path. As stated in previous articles, Sefer Yetsira (The Book of Formation) – attributed to Abraham the Patriarch – tells us that the 22 Hebrew letters of the alphabet are the building blocks of the Universe. Put them together, and you get a little piece of poetry -- “Pocket of the heart.”. A year of 12 lunar months, however, is some 11 days shorter than a solar year. The word is found in Nehemiah 1:1 and Zechariah 7:1. People often ask, having heard of the Jewish festivals such as Passover, Rosh HaShanah, and Yom Kippur–is Hanukkah ever mentioned in the Hebrew Bible–in other words is it a “Biblical” festival. What a week for the message of Pastor Mark’s book, Decoding the Prophet Jeremiah, to be aired … Combining the themes of illumination and vision, our spiritual teachers say Kislev is an auspicious month to meditate on life’s purpose, move past our own limiting beliefs, dream about what is possible, and receive guidance — perhaps in our dreams — about how to live closer to our values. RELATED: 5 Blue Jay Spiritual Meanings & Animal Totem Symbolism. 3692 . Like a body wihtout a soul, like a bulb without electricity, a spiritual vessel needs light. Kislev is a month with very special meaning. The month of Kislev is sometimes called the "month of dreams" because the weekly Torah portions for this month contain more dreams than any other. A white hawk is a symbol of peace and harmony, so seeing one in your dreams is a … Plenty of time to reach down into their heart pockets and take a good look at what was inside. As the ninth month, it and dreams are “pregnant” with meaning. In Hebrew, kis means “pocket.” Lev means “heart.” Put them together, and you get a little piece of poetry -- “Pocket of the heart.”. Combining the themes of illumination and vision, our spiritual teachers say Kislev is an auspicious month to meditate on life’s purpose, move past our own limiting beliefs, and receive guidance--perhaps in our dreams--about how to live fully. Seeing a white hawk. Sometime this month is called the month of dreams, as this month’s Torah portions contain more dreams than any other. Kislev is also known as the month of dreams. Noah, his family, and all the animals lived in an ark, waiting for God to dry up the land. Another opinion states that the name Kislev derives from the Hebrew word for "security" and "trust." This rhythm of the lights is the action that describes and illustrates the spiritual meaning of the month. Name: Kislev, meaning trust, security, hope[1] Tribe: Benjamin; Tribal Banner: Wolf; Sense: Sleep; Mazel: Sagittarius/Keshet (Bow) Organ: Belly/Stomach/Loins; Letter: Samekh (60) Themes: Month of Dreams, Festival of Lights/Dedication Like a body wihtout a soul, like a bulb without electricity, a spiritual … This is a month … A Blessing For Dreams (Hatavat Chalom) intention, jewish, connection, kislev, gratitude, judith. The central theme of the “third month” is Matan Torah, the giving of the Torah to the Jewish people. Tune into feeling and your intuition. It is the central column of the fire signs, ruled by Jupiter (in Hebrew " Tzedek "), and the Hebrew letters Samech and Gimel. Kislev has as part of its name, the word “lev” meaning heart. Each month holds unique spiritual significance and areas ripe for healing. In his Book of Hebrew Roots, the Radak explains that the root of Achlama is chalam (“dream”), and “whomever wears one (an amethyst) on one’s finger will very likely see dreams.” It is the central column of the fire signs, ruled by Jupiter (in Hebrew " Tzedek "), and the Hebrew letters Samech and Gimel. The month of Kislev is also called the "Month of Dreams." General Editor. These letters represent the spiritual frequencies which created our Universe. In Kislev, challenge yourself to move beyond logic. In Jewish thought, sleep is the time when our souls ascend to a higher world and “see the light.” And speaking of light, this month we also celebrate Chanukah, which is all about bringing light to dark moments and rejoicing in miracles. The Forces Affecting Kislev – Sagittarius. In Hebrew, kis means “pocket” and lev means “heart.” Put them together, and you get a little piece of poetry: “pocket of the heart”! The meaning of Kislev depends upon whom you trust, or security and trust. The Month Of Kislev. This is the prophetic word for Kislev 5781. It is festive, joyous, and family-oriented. These files are public domain. Let us examine our hearts to see any areas of insecurity that may hinder our … Here is a quick overview of the focus for each month. The mazal (constellation) for Kislev is Sagittarius, the keshet (arching bow). connect women around the world through transformative practices inspired by ancient Jewish Wisdom. It is festive, joyous, and family-oriented. Chanukah is one of the most widely known and celebrated holidays of the year. Kislev: Seeking the Deep Source of Jewish and Muslim Connection in Dark Times . In … Sagittarius (Kislev) The sign of Sagittarius corresponds to the Hebrew month of Kislev. In other words, the meaning of kislah depends upon whom you trust. Now is the time to rekindle our dreams. I forgot about what he said … Everything that occurs during this month of Kislev reflects the dynamic relationship between that which is beyond us, and our attempt to internalize it. This is exemplified in its central theme and its numerical place in the order of the year. The last day occurs seven days later on either 2 Tebeth or 3 Tebeth, depending on whether the month of Kislev has 29 or 30 days. What exactly is the meaning of the hebrew letter Samech? The origin of the name Kendra is uncertain. conflicts, and 1 Kislev (1977) - Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneersonmiraculously recovered from a devastating heart attack. Reprinted with permission from Iyyun, an institute for the exploration of the deeper dimensions of Torah.. Hanukkah is one of the most widely known and celebrated holidays of the year. We answer that question every day with our actions. A funny thing, faith. The date for this “Dedication” was Kislev 25 or the 25th day of the 9th month on the Jewish lunar calendar. The Goddess Artemis’ sacred Goat is another reference to the creature, but so is the fact that one of Dionysus’ Divine Aspects is the Goat. . It begins on the 24th of the Hebrew month of Kislev: a significant time of year—at least in the Northern Hemisphere—when the days are the shortest, and the climate the coldest. Some associate the word Kislev with the word kesel, which means “flank,” implying the innate and intuitive desire in G‑d.5 Others connect it with the word ksil, “fool,” showing how G‑d even cares for those who have acted foolishly.6. Nature rests, and winter is upon us. Every month in the Jewish calendar represents a unique way to serve Hashem. These letters represent the spiritual … Lev means “heart.”. We really can’t comprehend it; faith desires pure presence. In this message I’ll share some thoughts about miracles, Chanukah and how these relate to our spiritual practice. A month for dreamers. - Canaanite meaning: uncertain: Kislev / Kiclev / Chisleu: 9: One opinion states that the word "Kislev" shares the same root as the Hebrew word "kislah", which means, strangely enough, both folly and trust. Ezra Presided Over a Mass Gathering in this Month. This is a prophetic word for Kislev 5781/November 2020. KISLEV. He wants you to Dream Again! It’s Associated With the Supportive Letter Samach. (See this article for a look at the spiritual aspects of nine, or this one for numbers in general.). How are we going to be in the world this new year? Sweet Dreams! And may your ninth month be blessed! The name of the letter ס, samech, means “support” or “trust,” referring specifically to our trust in Divine protection. Indeed, in Jacob’s message to Esau, where he speaks of the wealth he had gained in Charan, he says, “I acquired an ox, a donkey, sheep, a servant and a maidservant” (Genesis 32:6). What exactly is the meaning of the hebrew letter Samech? 15th Hebrew Letter Samech/samekh Meaning. As the ninth month, it and dreams are “pregnant” with meaning. Faith asks us to step forward with trust and fearlessness. The first two letters spell the word Kiseh כס (although incompletely - without the Aleph at the end.).

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