iv. importance to consider and evaluate the impact technology might have on the area of HRM and specifically the recruitment process. Selection of applicants depends on the basis of educational qualifications, skills, experience and aptitude of the applicant which suits the best for job description. Naturally, the application of a device may yield results that depend on other extraneous factors, e.g., who administered it, at what time it was administered, or how it was administered. Selection is the process of carefully screening the candidates who offer themselves for appointment so as choose the most suitable persons for the jobs that are to be filled. As with any hiring method, the human resources selection process isn't perfect, but it can reduce the number of times you have to rehire and retrain someone for a position. If the job is not very important than a simple procedure may be followed. selection are important operations in human resource management, designed to make best use . v. Sound selection of executives can build up the strong managerial structure of the enterprise. Many a time these requirements are presented based on what worked in another organization and/or in another time in the same organization without considering their current relevance. Tests 8. These tests measure and indicate how well a person would be able to perform after training and not what he/she has done^. Contacting two or three references, including prior employers, if available. Candidates are screened by the application of these gangs. Since more candidates may be turned away than hired, selection is frequently described as a negative process, in contrast with the positive programme of recruitment”. Reviewed by: Michelle Seidel, B.Sc., LL.B., MBA. Account Disable 11. On the other hand, choosing the right employees can boost morale and organizational performance and can even give your company a strategic advantage. These tests are designed to test the interpretation that a candidate makes about photos or pictures that he/she is confronted with. For the organization, cost of a wrong selection is in two forms. (ii) There should be free flow of communication as to understand each other better. Selection is the second step in the staffing process. Unless an instrument gives results that are stable both over time and over different administrators, it cannot be very useful and acceptable to an organization. Interviewing is a common selection method. In the process they are expected to develop solution or possible alternatives. It is based on the assumption that deficiency in one aspect can be counter balanced by an excess amount of another. By scientific selection, such costs can be minimized. If a candidate qualifies in the process of selection, he is finally selected and an appointment letter may be given to him mentioning the post for which he is selected, terms of appointment, pay scales, the date by which the candidate should join etc. Physiognomy is the art of judging character from appearance specially the face. Therefore, while selecting the candidates, the prevailing environment, the capacity and suitability of the candidate to work in that environment should also be considered. (v) Authority should be competent and expert on that particular field to select a right candidate. Good selection increases the efficiency of the organization. Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Selection Process in HRM – 2 Important Qualities of Selection Instrument Traditional Methods 10. Reliability: It is a test’s first major requirement and refers to its consistency. The history of personnel selection suggests that formerly stereotyped impressions of personality and characteristics were used as a basis for selection such as soldiers in the army to be selected from families whose members used to be in the army; administrators to be selected from families whose members were in the administrative service, and so on. Jeff, the human resources (HR) director of GHI Corporation, hopes to integrate employee selection testing in the recruiting, training, and promotion processes at GHI. Benefit # 2. Situational tests are thought to be very effective in selection process as they exhibit a candidate’s ability to think, ideate, his/her decision-making ability and many-a-times a reflection of their attitude and approach. Here references given by the candidate in their application about their status is checked by the organization before offering the job. There are a number of different types of projective tests. Thus, selection involves choosing of individuals who possess the necessary skill, abilities and personality to fill specific jobs in the organization. Austin says. A candidate who is poor in communication may be extra-ordinary good in book keeping and accounting. They measure orientation of a person to perform a mechanical job. It is an excellent opportunity for Human Resource Management … 2. Copyright 9. Selecting the right employee is an important goal for the recruitment team and establishing the correct process can enhance the experience of the Candidate, … Introduction to Public Administration: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (HRM):Importance of Human Resource, Recruitment DECISION MAKING:Theories on Decision Making, Steps in Rational Decision Making: SELECTION PROCESS AND TRAINING:Levels at Which Selection takes Place, Training and Development>> Graphology is the art of estimating a person’s character, etc. In such cases success is predicted and failure results. Generally application blank or form contains the following information: (ii) Personal information like age, sex, marital status, place of birth etc. Plagiarism Prevention 5. For example, federal and state laws related to employment discrimination must be taken into account in the design and implementation of employee selection processes. In such cases aptitude tests prove to be very effective. It results in elimination of unsuitable candidates. Figure 2. It is a procedure of matching organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of people. No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth, residence or any of them, be uneligible for or discriminated against in respect of employment or office under the State (Article 16-2).”. Once the criteria or objectives of selection have been decided, one should look for an instrument that can be used to discriminate and distinguish between candidates possessing those characteristics and those who do not. Some employees regard Human Resource (HR) as the policing, traumatizing, systematizing arm of executive management. This is the final step in the selection process. At the most basic level our focus in this book is on people management within the employment relationship. e-HRM ; Reader Interactions. The examiner then scores the test based on the needs, motivations and anxieties of the main character as well as how the story eventually turns out. It is widely used in for educational guidance in relation to career choice. The productivity of the organization can be improved by good selection. It creates a pool of applicants. Tests help in understanding the abilities and weakness of the candidates and are helpful in matching the job with candidates. Qualified applicants go on to the next hurdle, while in qualified are eliminated”. According to Thomas H. Stone, “selection is the process of differentiate between applicants in order to identify (and hire) those with a greater likelihood of success in a job”. It is the process of weeding out unsuitable candidates. The choice of selection test/tests to be employed by the employer in the selection process shall depend upon need, applicability, feasibility and cost to be incurred in administering a test. Many of these qualities and characteristics are intangible in nature and their assessments are open to varying degree of subjective errors. (ii) … We’ll start with testing. Similarly all candidates do not come with prior experience or proven track-record of their abilities. Most jobs demand a certain set of personality traits for example a sales person must be extrovert, gregarious, a BPO executive must be type B to avoid early burnout etc. Usually, managers and supervisors will be ultimately responsible for the hiring of individuals, but the role of human resource management (HRM) is to define and guide managers in this process. Due to the constant transformation and growth within the industry, the need to obtain an effective Human Resource Management team cannot be ignored. Procurement of Suitable Candidate is Possible: Only suitable candidates who are fit for the job are selected from among the prospective candidates for employment. (iv) Some standards should be fixed by which applicants could be rated. Recruitment is a key responsibility of the HR department. B- refers to those who were rejected; had they been selected, their performance would not have been positive. … It is concerned with securing relevant information about the applicants. In other words, it is a proficiency test of a candidate. c. In-basket Exercises – A candidate is given a series of tasks that he/she has to complete in a fixed period of time, for example, issuing a warning letter, memo, writing to supplier, commenting on a new policy by the company, reviewing requests by some employees, etc. Hence, the organisations started involving the subordinates and the employees of the same level in administering the employment tests and interviews. b. This is because many of the strategy-related skill requirements for a key manager are based on inadequate analysis and incomplete information. These tests try to measure the overall intelligence of the person to do the job and solve various problems that he/she might encounter while doing the job. Labour relations improve and workers become more satisfied with their work. But the importance of selection isn't just about choosing candidates based on experience, skills and personalities that mesh with the company; it's about cutting costs and avoiding legal issues, too. For example, in EEOC v. Ford Motor Co. and United Automobile Workers of America, African Americans were rejected from an apprentice program after taking a cognitive test known as the Apprenticeship Training Selection System (ATSS) 1. Terms of Service 7. An adequate workforce will do business processes effectively, and it is straightforward to conduct training & development programs. Selection, being the most crucial phase of human resource management, should be systematic and scientific, based on certain pre-determined criteria. The selection process refers to the steps involved in choosing people who have the right qualifications to fill a current or future job opening. Some companies insist that application forms should be in the candidate’s own handwriting, and sometimes, with a paragraph about himself. The practice of HRM must be viewed through the prism of overall strategic goals for the organization instead of a standalone tint that takes a unit based or a micro approach. Personnel problems are reduced in the organisation when proper selection of personnel is made. Physical fitness of the candidate is checked through medical examination. Traditional Methods for Personnel Selection: Phrenology. (ii) By using the information mentioned in the application form, the interviewer can guide the applicant into explaining why certain jobs appeal to him. It is a fact that the organization needs a right candidate as much as a candidate needs the right job. (iii) The method of selection should be sound. Standardised tests are available in order to judge the attitude, behavior, ability, interest and aptitude of the candidates. Selection means to choose the person from among the prospective candidates to fill in the vacant posts in the organisation. The … It is important to concentrate on this function, as it is time consuming, costly and most often a complex process. Statistically speaking the error can either be systematic or random in nature; where systematic error shall mean those caused by faults in the system or the process whereas random errors would be more related to the usage of the selection tools. Selection Process in HRM – Selection Tests. For instance, an individual who uses every inch of the paper will normally explore every nook and corner of a new room he himself finds in. This part of the selection process is vital because it tells HR about the candidate's work history, such as how well she gets along with coworkers and management, how she treats clients or customers, if she's reliable and punctual and so on. A chosen selection instrument must have two very important qualities: A valid selection device would be one that when administered on a group of candidates generates results that are related well with the specific criteria or objectives of selection. In other jobs, it does not have much scope though good handwriting may create better impression about the candidate. But selection is not an easier process. b. Sll – Strong Interest Inventory. This applies in the context of employment of people. Depending upon the nature of the job, different types of interviews are conducted. In nineteenth century, Lavater published ‘Essays on Physiognomy’ which suggested a definite correlation between facial features and psychological functions and behaviour. It might be difficult to believe, but even in a datafied world, there are hiring managers who trust their gut over data. a. Selection involves choosing the best candidate with best abilities, skills and knowledge for the required job. Graphology draws its basics from the theory of space symbolism, which suggests that a person uses a blank sheet of paper in exactly the same way as he uses three-dimensional space. Preliminary interview is generally conducted by a junior executive or assistant of the personnel department. 3. This type of arrangement is beneficial to the consultants, employees on lease and the industrial organisations. The importance of the interview in the selection process is given below: (i) An interviewer draws out the relevant information since it provides a valid sample of the applicant’s behaviour. Why Is the Human Resource Selection Process Important? Multiple co-relation means relation between two or more factors. Management observes the performance of key executives of competitors. Employee selection in human resource management is critical to a company's success. Everything you need to know about the selection process in human resource management. Thus, unlike recruitment, selection is a negative process as it seeks to eliminate the least promising candidates and to discover those that appear most likely to succeed. Recruitment is often neglected in Human Resources Management (HRM) literature with most accounts combining discussions of recruitment with selection. Although an organization can ask for a job candidate's date of birth for its records, the interviewer cannot discriminate against an interviewee based on her age. Abstract Reasoning Tests – These measure and identify the underlying logic of a pattern and then determine the solution. We may observe occasional writings by different graphologists indicating the relationship between the type of handwriting of a person and his personality. Selection of personnel has been in practice since long though criteria and principles used were not systematic. Reply . Though rest of the steps is not followed by all the organizations, interview is compulsorily conducted by all the organizations before selecting its employees. Selection Process in HRM – 7 Steps Involved in the Selection Process: Preliminary Interview, Screening of Applicants, Employment Tests, Selection Interview and a Few Others. Thus, the reliability of a selection device is another important characteristic which indicates consistency in results from its application on the same group of candidates at different times or from the administration by different administrators on the same group of candidates. Aptitude tests attempt to find out the latent potential of a candidate towards a particular job; not only in terms of performing it in the future but also learning the same. You cannot teach a hen to dance like a peacock. As a result many a time, some of the strategy-related selection objectives that are used for making selection may turn out to be faulty at a later date. Effective selection can be done only when there is effective matching. It is because of such doubts and potential faux pass that some authors and practicing managers believe that there is no need for a strategic selection at all or at least in the entry career stages of managers. If a hotel’s objective is to select a manager with aptitude to work with room boys, then obviously it cannot use a meter stick to make the choice as there is no proven relation between the height of a manager and his/her ability to work with room boys! Recruitment and Selection 1 Recruitment and Selection is an important operation in HRM, designed to maximize employee strength in order to meet the employer's strategic goals and objectives. In situation tests candidates are given scenarios that are close to real-life ones and then tested on how they react to the same. Besides these, there may be some other non-scientific methods for personnel selection such as physical features — height, weight, family background, caste, etc. Traditional methods of selection, though may provide base for judging the suitability of a candidate, do not provide satisfactory fit between the candidates and jobs. iii. Therefore, there is a need for developing scientific methods for selection. Thus selection of personnel is the most important function of the personnel management. Selection tests are of various types. Good selection reduces the wastage of time, energy and money by selecting the suitable candidates. Those who are physically unfit to handle the job or those who are physically handicapped or those who are suffering from contagious diseases are kept out of the list and are not finally selected and those who are physically fit are only selected to perform the job. The consultancy firms pay the salary to the employees. As regards selection tests, the­se are conducted mainly to fulfill the following purposes: (i) For the selection and placement of new employees. Besides attrition and non-availability of skilled human resource, the problem of wrong hires confronts most of the organizations. The importance of selection can be judged from the following factors: 1. This process involves choosing the candidates who best meet the qualification and have the greatest aptitude for the job. But the HR selection process of matching suitable candidates to particular jobs comes with costs. Learn about:- 1. Recruitment and Selection Approaches: HRM Practices Benefits. Also, evaluate how they help in improving productivity and contribute to the profits of the organization. Benefit # 1. The job is also to be sold to the candidate. New trends have been emerging in selection techniques along with other areas of human resource management. Those who have crossed the hurdle of preliminary interview will be given application blank. The following two definitions further clear the idea of recruitment: According to Dale Yoder, “hiring (selection) process is one or many ‘go’ on no-‘go’ gangs. In this way, selection is a process by which only desirable candidates are hired and others are denied the opportunities. Human Resource Management, Employees, Selection, Selection in HRM. (iv) Physical characteristics like height, weight etc. Employer Selection the Role of HRM finding the Right Candidate The role of Human Resources Management, here in after referred to as HRM has many faces; the most important role that HRM assumes is in the staffing of human resources. Wrong selection also leads to absenteeism and retrenchment. While selection is a negative process as the inappropriate candidates are rejected here. Therefore, it has to abide by socio-cultural norms and one of the norms is that every organization will treat all people fairly. The HRM expert must ask each applicant or candidate the same questions in order to get a true idea of who's the best fit for the job – showing favoritism to one candidate over another results in an unfair, unbalanced selection. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to research the implications that technological advancements, in particular Artificial Intelligence (AI), have for the recruitment process. Qualified applicants go on to the next hurdle, while in qualified are eliminated”. The nineteenth century, particularly, saw the growth of some ‘pseudo-scientific’ methods like phrenology, physiognomy, and graphology for personnel selection. These are designed to eliminate an un-qualified and un-desirable candidate from the selection process. Suitable persons are selected means decreasing the level of absenteeism and labour turn over. Procurement of Skilled Employees: Learn Accounting: Notes, Procedures, Problems and Solutions, Difference between Recruitment and Selection Process, Selection Process in HRM – Meaning and Definitions, Selection Process in HRM – 2 Important Qualities of Selection Instrument (Validity and Reliability). Recruitment precedes selection in staffing process. Candidates who are able and efficient may fail to work in a type of organization located in a place which is not conducive to work. iii. For example, thin lips indicated determination, broad jaws indicated tenacity, and so on. The need for a fit between the candidate and other variables arises to ensure the following features in the selection: No matter whatever method of selection is used, some margin of errors will always prevail. Below are a few key reasons why: HR monitors the culture. HR owns the … Final Approval, Placement and Induction: Selection Process in HRM – 3 Traditional Methods for Personnel Selection: Phrenology, Physiognomy and Graphology, Selection Process in HRM – an important Function of the Management (with Benefits of Selection). Selection Process in HRM – Factors Affecting the Process of Selection:- Profile Matching Factor, Organizational and Social Environmental Factor and a lot More.. Generally big firms use different printed application forms for different job that will be issued to the candidates for collecting information. Procurement of Skilled Workers: ADVERTISEMENTS: Only the suitable candidates who are fit for the job are selected from among the prospective candidates for employment. Initial Screening. For this purpose scores secured by the candidates in various tests are taken as a standard and success or failure of the candidate is decided at each stage of selection. The hiring websites can be a major help when you are trying to find the right candidate. :- Profile Matching Factor, Organizational and Social Environmental Factor and a lot More.. 2. Let us have a brief look at these and the way they used to contribute to find a right person. Interview helps to cross-check the information collected through application and test helps to judge whether candidate is really suitable for the post for which he has applied and whether the candidate really possesses all the qualities claimed in the application. This error is known as false positive. Human resource management (HRM) is one of the most important aspects of management. When, through selection, proper candidates are selected, the cost of training is reduced. Connects the right people to your open positions. Employee Selection is the process of choosing individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organization.Without qualified employees, an organization is in a poorer position to succeed. On average, businesses pay at least $4,000 – and spend more than a month – selecting and hiring each employee, from the job posting and candidate sorting to the psychological testing and history checking. Thus, group discussion is a useful device for selecting a candidate when job requires co-operation of several persons and involves group effort. Scientific selection tries to reduce this margin though it cannot remove it completely at selecting those who will, by and large, perform well in the organization and reject those who will not. Final Approval, Placement and Induction. Reduction in the Cost of Training: Benefit # 3. Human resources management plays several roles when it comes to helping companies hire staff. The productive proceedings of HR management will profits both employers and workers. https://www.mbaskool.com/.../human-resources-hr-terms/13836-selection.html Therefore, a well devised selection procedure is of great significance for the organization. Before uploading and sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Selection is the process of choosing the best of those recruited. Thus, interview is a tool through which information about the candidate is collected, information about the company is given and suitability of the candidate for a particular job is judged. The costs of such errors include the costs of loss (indicating the period for which the wrong-hire worked), cost of training and cost of re-hire, re-training etc. v. Data Checking Tests – These measure how the speed and accuracy with which one can detect errors in data. In the context of strategic selection, the issue of validity assumes special significance. Employee Selection is the process of choosing individuals who have relevant qualifications to fill jobs in an organization.Without qualified employees, an organization is in a poorer position to succeed. c. Help the firm create more culturally diverse work – force d. None of the above. Steps 9. September 28, 2018 at 11:33 am. Recruitment is considered to be a positive process as it motivates more of candidates to apply for the job. The selection panel will observe their discussion and even guide the group. The poor quality of selection will mean extra cost on _____ and supervision. The participant is then asked to tell a story describing the scene, including what is happening, how the characters are feeling and how the story will end. Selection topic is more important in any organization for selecting a people. Thus selection of personnel is the most important … No organization operates in isolation but it operates in the context of a given set of environmental factors. Next to determining the effects of training interventions, utility analysis can also be used to assess the (financial) impact of selection decisions. Step # 8. A test is basically a sample of a person’s behavior. Extending the analogy to handwriting, graphologists contend that the way in which an individual’s script uses space reflects his interactions with others in real space and, thus, provides a clue to his personality. Candidates are screened by the application of these gangs. all HRM functions, recruitment and selection processes must be carried out within the legal and regulatory environment. Once an adequate number of applicants have been sourced, the process of selection begins. Some organizations say that HR owns the culture, but as in all other employee relations matters, we recommend that the ownership is spread across all employees. Identifies candidates who click with you … And, the effective selection is depends to a large degree on the basic testing concepts of validity and reliability. Following points explain the benefits of selection in detail: In the process of selection, only desirable candidates are hired and others are denied the opportunity. The steps taken, the screening tools used and the questions asked are vital to the recruitment and selection process; they're designed to weed out applicants who are a poor fit and pinpoint the good ones. That figure might seem steep for new or small businesses (or even long-established ones), but when you consider the alternative, it's money well spent – imagine the costs associated with hiring untrustworthy, inexperienced or uncooperative people who misrepresent themselves on their resumes or during the hiring process, if you don't have an expert overseeing the recruitment process. A good HR department is critical to an employee-oriented, productive workplace in which employees are energized and engaged. The following significance can be obtained by the organization if selection is made carefully: i. Unsuitable and unqualified persons can be weeded out. 4. Role 7. Preliminary interview saves time and effort of company and candidates as it helps to determine whether job to be offered suits to the candidates and candidate is fit to do a job. Human quality and character­istics are flexible and adaptable enough to meet any future requirements provided one is committed to the organization and the organizational environment is supportive enough to take the trouble. However, none of the traditional methods meets the requirements of selection process. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly underqualified or over qualified job applicants. Before the recruitment and selection process begins, HR gathers information from the organization about the type of position to be filled and the employee skills or expertise required to fill it. Understanding the role of selection in HRM and the importance of the process can help you make better hiring choices. PURPOSE & IMPORTANCE Determine the present and future requirement of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activities. The organization contacts such persons through mail or telephone and collects the information about the candidate who has applied for the job. In a nutshell, they're invaluable to building a successful venture. Importance of Recruitment; Recruitment means to estimate the available vacancies and to make suitable arrangements for their selection and appointment.The Concept of the study Explains – the Purpose and Importance of Recruitment: Need, Purpose, Importance, and Strategy.

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