I am always looking for new ways to organize my life and this is perfect!! Thanks, Mina! Monday - is a great day to start!))) Also, I loved the tutorial on how to create my own printables that I received in your Newsletter! If you struggle with eating out too much or going over your food budget, meal planning and even meal prep can help a lot. This is cool. Even if I dont' finish a task, it feels good to say I at least gave it 45 minutes of my time. You will start to see an easy picture of prioritizing your tasks. I definitely need HELP!! Use these lists to organize yourself and your home, and everything else you have going on. Hello Abby Keeping your life organized means keeping your things in their proper places. Hope you're having a great week, Heidi! I've been doing makeshift time blocking for a long time, just making lists everyday of what I'm going to do when, but I like the idea of having it organized like this. From simple things like putting items you haven’t used in six months into storage to planning outfits and meals ahead of time to the best way to charge your phone, there are tips for everyone—and everything. I even made a cute little organized sheet because everything is better when it's pretty. List makers of the world unite! , I am so excited to start your organizing techniques i can still use the binders in 2015 right they seem to work better for me,,, my phone loses things on me, Abby! I've referred to this post all year round (and printed out your printable a few times now). I'm going to have to give this a shot - thanks for the tips and the printable! Yay! Thanks, Gina! <3, Hi Abby - I heart organization! Abby, I always say organizing is my therapy, lol. Thanks for again! Hey there, friend! I'm definitely going to try this out - might need to have "his n hers" versions! It really has done wonders for me. According to a study in “Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,” women who said their homes were “cluttered” were more depressed and fatigued, and had higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol than women who said their homes were “restful.” And when it comes to your bedroom in particular, keeping it clean and organized may help you sleep better, according to a survey by the National Sleep Foundation. I just made them and hoped I'd be able to get around to them "sometime." The toddler years are rough on productivity! That would be so helpful! 13 Ways to Organize Your Life (And Keep It That Way!) Lol! Wow! So I started a binder, bought a diary that I actually liked and am slowly tackling things bit by bit. LOVE This idea! Thanks for reading! Would you mind to share this on my blog hop? Also reading...I'm always thinking, "Just one more chapter!!" And thank you for hosting such a great party! Have a wonderful weekend! Every month I would set goals, and every month it seemed like I was coming up short in the same areas. That is so true! I know it has made a world of difference for me! I'm so happy I found your blog! Thank you so much for your sweet words, Julia! Found you on BFOL. And also, guilty of being online way too much to get things done. Selene @ Restoration Beauty. Yes, for some reason writing things down is huge for me as well. Working smarter, not harder...I need to learn that! I love that you separate your to dos for the day into categories. I’ve been asked this question time and again, “can something so simple as a to-do list really be... 2. https://domesticsuperhero.com/2013/07/25/sharing-with-domestic-superhero-link-party-19/. Thanks for the printable! If you do think that everything in your life needs to be organized … I hope it works well for you too, Gabrielle! Hi Abby, I have used the time blocks in the past and they worked great! I will try this system out, thanks! Let me know how you like time blocking if you decide to try it. This has been working so well I thought I needed something similar because I have great intentions every morning but tend to go from one half finshed task to the next and by the end of the day feel like I've wasted half my day. I'll have to check it out! I'm so glad you stopped by! I am the same way, "No time!" Thanks for helping me "cross off" a better way to get things done! The Beginner's Guide to Patching and Painting Baseboards », https://domesticsuperhero.com/2013/07/25/sharing-with-domestic-superhero-link-party-19/, https://www.diyjustcuz.com/the-mega-christmas-guide/, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.accomplish, https://justagirlandherblog.com/printable-student-binder/, 50+ Free Printables to Organize Every Area of Your Life, Before and After Home Tour: Two and a Half Year Update, Budget Binder for 2021 (with FREE Printables! It just helps me adjust my mindset a little bit. Thanks for sharing how it works for you! I'm trying to get rid of things I don't need/declutter my bedroom! Yay for time blocking! I love this! Anywho, I thought it was cool that there's actually a name for this, and that I'm not the only one who's done it. I'm not tempted to linger as long on social media because I know I only have a set amount of time to finish a task. Hope you have a wonderful week! Whew! This is great! I love your printables, and I am definitely going to give this a try! Could someone PLEASE help me print the adorable printable? Love all these ideas but the thought of even knowing how or where to begin is just overwhelming to me. So far its working great! Once again blowing up my link party! If you haven't tried time blocking yet, though, I would encourage you to give it a try and see if you feel more productive. I love your take on time blocking, Jill! I love the time blocking method. OMG!! Thanks so much for stopping by! November 1, 2019 Leave a Comment. Thank you so much, Kaya! How to Organize Your Whole Life. Pinned it, printing it, using it! I can't believe I only just found this blog now. Have fun on vacation!! Keep it up! {Though he does for many other things, haha!} I would need the alarm as I'm an expert at, "Just another five minutes!" Here’s how to organize your life with a notebook, and 15 lists to make in life. When the alarm goes you jump two feet into the air and then your concentration is gone. 1. Why it works better for me? Sometimes they were helpful, but most of the times they were not. That planner is a genius! I struggle with the same thing! Thanks for the resources! I sit down at the end of each week and plan out and timeblock the following week. I always time my kids to try to get them to pick up faster, but I never thought to time myself! But it helps to have a plan!

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