[171] But that trade was interrupted in the first year of war by Admiral Porter's river gunboats as they gained dominance along navigable rivers north–south and east–west. (23)   Canteen Managing Committee shall be dissolved two years after the last election, no account being taken of a bye-election. Days on which the factory was closed, for whatever cause, and days on which the manufacturing processes were not carried on should not be treated as working days.] First-aid arrangements.—The occupier shall (a) arrange for an inspection of the hands of all persons coming in to contact with chrome solutions to be made twice a week by a responsible person ; (b) provide and maintain a sufficient supply of suitable ointment and impermeable waterproof plaster in a box readily accessible to the worker and used solely for the purpose of keeping the ointment and plaster. [58][59], In a message to the Confederate Congress on April 29, 1861 Jefferson Davis cited both the tariff and slavery for the South's secession. Stopping and starting device.—An efficient stopping and starting device shall be provided on every wood-working machine. Date when tight fitting clothing was provided. The floors of every work-room shall be cleaned at least once in every week by washing, using disinfectant, where necessary, or some other method. (4) Explosive :- All explosives shall be handled, transported, stored and used in accordance with the provisions in the Indian Explosives Act, 1884. The appellant shall state in the memorandum presented under Rule 113 whether he is a member of any of the aforesaid bodies, and if, he is member of two such bodies which of these two bodies he desires should appoint one of the two assessors as aforesaid; and the body empowered to appoint such assessors shall— (i) if the appellant is a member of one of such bodies, be that body; (ii) if he is not a member of any of the aforesaid bodies, or is a member of two such bodies, be the body of which the appellant desires should appoint such assessor ; and (iii) if the appellant does not state in the memorandum which of such bodies he desires should appoint the assessor be the body which the appellate authority considers as the best fitted to represent the industry concerned. 12. Show the weekly holiday for each relay or set of workers in the foot-note of each notice. Exhaust draught.—None of the following processes shall be carried on except with an efficient exhaust draught— (a)   melting lead material or slugs ; (b)   heating lead material so that vapour containing lead is given off; or, unless carried on in such a manner as to prevent free escape of gas, vapour, fumes or dust into any place in which work is carried on, or, unless carried on in electrically heated and thermostatically controlled melting pots. Chlorate means chlorate or perchlorate. Prohibition relating to women and young persons.—No woman, adolescent or child shall be employed or permitted to work at a bath. Training and supervision.—(a) No person shall be employed at a woodworking machine unless he has been sufficiently trained to work that class of machine, or unless he works under the adequate supervision of a person, who has a thorough knowledge of the working of the machine. Separate accommodation for personal clothing.—A separate accommodation shall be provided in a conveniently accessible position for all persons employed in operations to which this Schedule applies for storing of personal clothing. Prohibition relating to employment of women and young persons.—No women or young person shall be employed or permitted to work at any operation of sand blasting. In May, Federal troops crossed into Confederate territory along the entire border from the Chesapeake Bay to New Mexico. The certificate shall be kept readily available for inspection by any Inspector and the person granted such a certificate shall carry with him, while at work, a token giving reference to such certificate. The entry of his findings in these documents should also include the period for which he considers that the said person is unfit to work in the said process. None were ever officially recognized by a foreign government. 13. The Committee shall be consulted from time to time on the quality and quantity of foodstuffs to be served in the canteen, the arrangement of the menus, etc. 4. Also when a worker is so employed the Manager shall within seven days inform the Inspector of Factories in Form No. Adjustment and maintenance of guards.—The guards and other appliances required under this schedule shall be— (a)   maintained in an efficient state;(b)   constantly kept in position while the machinery is in motion ;(c)   so adjusted as to enable the work to be done without unnecessary risk. 14. [13], After the war, Confederate states were readmitted to the Union during the Reconstruction era, after each ratified the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which outlawed slavery. 42. 9. @ ó « ¦  : b kdq $$If T – Ö Ö âÿx€6$ Ö0 ÿ ÿ ö”6Ö Ö Ö Ö 4Ö aö b֊T $$If a$ gdÀoŸ G kd $$If T ”wÖ j!€ˆ ÖÀ Ö Covering of vessels.—(a) Every fixed vessel or structure containing any dangerous materials, and not so covered as to eliminate all reasonable risk of accidental immersion in it of any portion of the body of a worker, shall be so constructed that there is no foothold on the top or the sides. 3. No. carbolic lotion, 1 in 20;(xxiv) two chairs ;(xxv) one screen; (xxvi) one electric hand torch;(xxvii) an adequate supply of anti-tetanus serum; and(xxviii) two first aid boxes, each containing— (a)   24 small sterilized dressings ;(b)   12 medium size sterilized dressings ;(c)   12 large size sterilized dressings;(d)   12 large size sterilized burn dressings;(e)   12 half ounce packets sterilized cotton wool;(f) one snake bite lancet;(g) one pair scissors ;(h) two (1 oz.) (xix) Compression of oxygen and hydrogen produced by electrolysis of water. The process in which he or she is employed (Column 3). 47. 4. 28. HYPERLINK "http://labour.up.nic.in/labourcommissioner/factorrules.htm" \l "top#top" Printing Press [Section 64(2) (i)] 96-B. If a worker is discharged or dismissed from service during the course of the year, he shall be entitled to leave with wages calculated at the rate as laid down above, even if he has not worked for the HYPERLINK "http://labour.up.nic.in/labourcommissioner/factorrules.htm" \l "top#top" entire period as specified in clauses (i) and (ii) above entitling him to earned leave. The move was used by Vice President Stephens and others to encourage other border states to follow Virginia into the Confederacy. The design of latrine and the scale of accommodation to be provided shall either be approved by the Publice Health authorities, or where there is no such Public Health authority, by the Chief Inspector of Factories. "The Civil War’s Demographic Impact on White Males in the Eleven Confederate States: An Analysis by State and Selected Age Groups.". (1) For the purposes of Section 59, the cash equivalent to the advantage accruing through the concessional sale to a worker of foodgrains and other articles during any wage period shall be computed by deducting :— (a)   the total amount of the price payable at the concessional rates for the maximum quantity of foodgrains admissible to a standard family, as defined in Explanation 1 to sub-section (4) of the said section, (b)   from the total amount of the price payable for the same quantity of foodgrains and other articles at the average market rates which shall be determined either on the basis of the retail prices for such foodgrains and other articles prevailing iu the nearest market or according to the rates published by the Labour Commissioner, for the different weeks of the wage period, in the table relating to the Consumers Price Index Number for working classes at Kanpur. The Second Congress met there in two sessions, from May 2, 1864, to March 18, 1865.[115]. 4. 16. (bb) Hollow combustible construction shall not be permitted. But the Southern economy was pre-capitalist in its overwhelming reliance on the agriculture of cash crops to produce wealth, while the great majority of farmers fed themselves and supplied a small local market. Critical process process parameters, such as pressure build-up, temperature rise and runaway reactions. (4)   Notices shall be affixed in prominent places in the factory stating the position of the "First-Aid" box or cupboards and the name of the person in charge of such box or cupboard. One of the greatest calamities which confronted Southerners was the havoc wrought on the transportation system. 14-C. [Section 7(1)].—The notice of occupation shall be in Form No. (b)   No person shall be so engaged newly for more than fourteen days without a certificate of fitness granted after examination by the Certifying Surgeon, by a signed entry in the Health Register. 40. Hours of work [children), Section 71.—No child shall be employed or permitted to work in any factory for more than 4½ hours in any day and ; during the night, which shall mean a period of at least twelve consecutive hours including the period between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Heat exhaustion, sunstroke, endemic diseases such as malaria and typhoid would match the destructive effectiveness of the Moscow winter on the invading armies of Napoleon.[166]. NOTE.—The person giving the certificate must be: (a) a Corporate Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, or (b) a Corporate Member of the Institution of Structural Engineers or (c) a Fellow Associate or Licentiate of the Royal Institute of British Architects, or (d) be a graduate in Civil Engineering and be also a Corporate Member of the Institute of Engineers (India), provided that no person, except in the case of buildings occupied or erected by any Government where a certificate may be granted by an officer not below the rank of an Executive Engineer, shall be authorized to HYPERLINK "http://labour.up.nic.in/labourcommissioner/factorrules.htm" \l "top#top" sign a certificate of stability if he is in the full time employment of the owner or the builder of the building. No. (9) Temperature Control :- Every oven or drier shall be provided with an automatic arrangement to ensure that the temperature within does not exceed a safe upper present limit to be decided in respect of the particular processing being carried on. (vi)   Designation and qualifications of the examiner. FORM No. Face-guards and gauntlets.—(1) The occupier shall provide and maintain in good condition for the use of all persons engaged in filling bottles or syphons— (a)  suitable face-guards to protect the face, neck and throat, and (b)  suitable gauntlets for both arms to protect the whole-hand and arms: Provided that— (i) Paragraph 2(1) shall not apply where bottles are filled by means of an automatic machine so constructed that no fragment of a bursting bottle can escape, and (ii) where a machine is so constructed that only one arm of the bottler at work upon it is exposed to danger, a gauntlet need not be provided for the arm, which is not exposed to danger. Historian Drew Gilpin Faust observed that "leaders of the secession movement across the South cited slavery as the most compelling reason for southern independence". Many had served in the Mexican–American War (including Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis), but some such as Leonidas Polk (who graduated from West Point but did not serve in the Army) had little or no experience. Citation (k) All extinguishers shall be thoroughly cleaned and re-charged immediately after discharge. The work of adult male workers employed on engines, boilers, motors, switch boards, pumps, mechanical sawing and chipping, autoclaves, evaporation, refrigeration, Alteration and drying in wood product factories shall be deemed to be of the nature referred to in clause (d) of sub-section (2) of Section 64 of the Act and shall be exempt from the provisions of Sections 51, 54 and 56 subject to HYPERLINK "http://labour.up.nic.in/labourcommissioner/factorrules.htm" \l "top#top" the conditions stated below: (i) The total daily hours of work shall not exceed 10 with a spreadover of 12 hours except in an emergency when it is necessary to employ a shift worker for more than 8 hours in any day to enable him to work the whole or part of the subsequent shift. (b) any spillage of material shall be cleaned up without delay. All across the region, the lack of repair and maintenance wasted away the physical assets. [296], Approximately 85% of both the North and South white populations lived on family farms, both regions were predominantly agricultural, and mid-century industry in both was mostly domestic. (b)   Every shafting ladder shall be fitted with either hooks or some effee-tive non-skid device and shall be free from cracks, broken rungs and other defects. 4. Any room or place in which chlorate is crystallised, ground or packed (clothing of woollen materials and boots or overshoes, the soles of which have no metal on them). .. .. .78.011192.081. This final national flag of the Confederacy kept the Battle Flag canton, but shortened the white field and added a vertical red bar to the fly end. May 6, Congress empowered Davis to accept volunteers directly without state intermediaries. This prevented their clients' property from being sold until a supreme court could be constituted to hear the appeal, which never occurred. (c)   "Suspension" means suspension from employment in any process specified in paragraph 3 by written certificate in the Health Register Form No. 15 of Form No. He shall also get the plans etc. Military leaders of the Confederacy (with their state or country of birth and highest rank)[351] included: As the telegraph chattered reports of the attack on Sumter April 12 and its surrender next day, huge crowds poured into the streets of Richmond, Raleigh, Nashville, and other upper South cities to celebrate this victory over the Yankees. Purity of caustic soda.—The water and caustic soda used for making lye shall be chemically pure within pharmaceutical limits. 5856(SM)(«tf)/ XXXVI-A—1250 (SM)-57, dated March 18, 1964. .. .. .80.011392.583. In case the accident or dangerous occurrence happened while meeting emergency state............................................................................. (i) its nature................................................................ (ii) whether the injured person at the time of accident or dangerous occurrence was employed for the purpose of his employer's trade or business in or about the premises at which the accident or HYPERLINK "http://labour.up.nic.in/labourcommissioner/factorrules.htm" \l "top#top" dangerous occurrence took place. (11) Combustible substances not to drip on electrical heaters or burners flame :- Effective arrangements shall be provided in every oven or drier to prevent dripping of combustible substances on electric heaters or burner flame used for heating. Dal Milling.3. Definitions.—For the purposes of this schedule— (a) "Lead Compound" means any compound of lead other than galena which when treated in the manner described below, yields to an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid, a quantity of soluble lead compound exceeding, when calculated as lead monoxide, five per cent of the dry weight of the portion taken for analysis. With fences, the presumption is that the posts will be on the owner’s side. M/s Kanoria Chemicals and Industries Ltd., Renukoot, Mirzapur. No. (f) A suitably fenced and shady open air playground shall be provided for the elder children : Provided that the Chief Inspector may by order in writing exempt any factory from compliance with this clause if he is satisfied that there is not sufficient space available for the provisions of such playground. In case any significant information regarding hazard of a chemical is available, it shall be added to the material safety data sheet as indicated in Schedule 5 as soon as practicable. By March 1865 conscription was to be administered by generals of the state reserves calling out men over 45 and under 18 years old. ", Alexander H. Stephens, speech to The Savannah Theatre. 6a. Frederick Douglass, Henry Highland Garnet, Sarah Parker Remond, her brother Charles Lenox Remond, James W. C. Pennington, Martin Delany, Samuel Ringgold Ward, and William G. Allen all spent years in Britain, where fugitive slaves were safe and, as Allen said, there was an "absence of prejudice against color. -------------------------------------------------- Hazaradous Waste I.D. 5. (3)   In every fence the spaces between the fence framing shall be completely and securely fitted in with panels of sheet metal, expanded metal or other stout and durable material, unless the frame members of the fence are, in the opinion of the Inspector, sufficiently close together to serve the same purpose.

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