You know I’m sure there’s a lot of compelling back and forth, … back and forth, … back and forth arguments! Veganism: "A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, animals and the environment. A vegan diet is generally very healthy, but doctors have warned about the potential lack of B12, an important vitamin for brain function that is found in meat, eggs and cows’ milk. Everybody’s doormat. Here we list 15 ways in which Veganism helps the environment, backed up by bombshell scientific and environmental studies that will open your mind to what Veganism is really able to achieve! Getting your nutrients from plant foods allows more room in your diet for health-promoting options like whole grains, fruit, nuts, seeds and vegetables, which are packed full of beneficial fibre, vitamins and minerals. Deciding to become vegan is not just about the health benefits. Veganism Argument Without Analogies. That’s just science for you today folks! An animal-based agriculture is destroying the environment and all of the sentient beings therein. Eventually, the rubber hits the road. After all, there's nothing … 4. 1. Step 1: REMIND THEM THAT HUMANS HAVE BEEN EATING MEAT FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS No vegans are aware of this, but one thing they are aware of is that if humans have been doing something for thousands of years, it must be acceptable. Fishing is destroying our oceans, contrary to the environmentally-friendly image many pescetarians wish to paint of their diet. Ethics. I hate meat eaters they are destroying this world, I love fellow vegans because we need to save this planet, also those poor animals who get slaughtered for the selfish meat eaters. Close. What’s more, any food in any diet that either comes from “conventional” (industrial) agriculture or has been transported thousands of miles to get to our table, that’s a model that cannot be sustainable. February 20, 2020 1,198 Shares. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts im vegan come at me with your weak arguements! Veganism, however, minimises land usage, as far fewer resources are needed to feed you as a vegan. Try… Can a vegan love a meat eater. Someone told me that vegans do more harm than omnis because of eating expensive imported produce instead of locally raised animals. All the arguments above focus on the problems that arise from mass production of animal products; intensive farming, factory animals, mass slaughter. It's time for vegans to take a long, hard look at their lifestyles and choose the path that is truly more ethical. For all of these reasons, and for our general good health, we should consider reducing the amount of meat in our diet. The idea that vegan diets are expensive seems to come from ready meals, processed foods and from restaurant menus – some of which have been known to overprice vegan options. An argument, heard often, is that plant-based diets are production-intensive and increase emissions of greenhouse gases. In the end, pescetarianism is really just a diet; it is not an ethical stance, and it is not an environmentally-friendly choice. Destroying a strawman of your making does not invalidate your opponent’s argument. Another week and it’s time for another embarrassing misfire by prickly meat-eaters trying to pin Something Bad on vegans. 0. Discussion. A professor of animal science at Oregon State University, Davis based his argument on the theory that modern crop harvesting kills more animals than eating cows who grazed on pasture. a farmed animal) eating anything in-between. Posted by 1 year ago. Consequently, he finds the recent shift towards plant-based diets troubling, though he’s sympathetic to the arguments for doing so. Animal Welfare Arguments for Veganism. Is it true that harvesting crops for vegans kills more animals than farming grass-fed beef? This may be the most common type of ethical argument made about going vegan. We choose to either participate in the protection of these natural systems, or to destroy them at our own peril. Vegan antinatalists oppose human procreation, believing that overpopulation and pollution are destroying the planet Many online forums devoted to the discussion of these beliefs make it … That is the ludicrous conclusion of a 2003 paper by Steven Davis published in the Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. Going vegan cuts out the middle moo, so to speak, as there is no one being being housed on any land, requiring any food, in order to feed you. So vegetarians are on drawdown of their biological reserves. The vegan diet is widely regarded to be better for the planet than those that include animal products, but not all plant-based foodstuffs have a small environmental footprint. And I get it. Posted by 18 hours ago. A vegetarian diet — and especially a vegan diet — does not provide for the long-term maintenance and repair of the human body. The concept of a food chain is a human construct that imposes a rigid and competitive hierarchy among species, rather than a good faith understanding of the complexity of the ecosystems to which we belong. Discussion. Rather, the food goes directly from the soil, to your plate, without anyone (i.e. Best way to destroy this argument? The argument is that factory farms are extremely cruel to animals, fur farms treat animals abusively, animal research labs treat animals cruelly, and so forth—and going vegan is the best way to protest this cruelty. Selectively appealing to biological determinism also ignores the fact … Does a vegan diet lead to more animal deaths than an omnivorous one? Your details are safe with us, and we promise we won’t share them with third parties. It’s time to wake up. by Marla Rose. After reviewing the figures, I concluded that veganism "is the only ethical response to what is arguably the world's most urgent social justice issue". A study conducted by Carnegie Mellon investigated how vegetarian and ‘healthy’ diets could be harmful to the environment. The vegan argument that “animal farming is destroying the planet” is a falsehood. Close. First off, you know that an argument is on its last stand when it’s erratic. 1. Affirmative Argument Animal agriculture requires massive amounts of land, food, energy, and water; results in polluted land, water, and air; and causes immense animal suffering. However, it’s science that offers the biggest contribution to the “vegan for the planet” argument. Environmental Arguments Against Veganism Whilst this potato plantation uses quite a bit of water, it is only a small fraction of what animal farming uses. As the World Burns: “Vegans Are Destroying the Planet” and Other Half-Baked Claims When meat-eaters point a finger at vegans for consuming “water-intensive” crops, three fingers point right back at them. #2: The Vegan Diet is Better for the Environment “Cow farts are destroying the environment.” “Animal based diets will boil the oceans.” This is nonsense. 4. A sustainable future must be centered on a return to more local farming. Mic'ing the vegan community with scientifically sound arguments to defend themselves and fight on behalf of the animals, health justice, and the environment. For the environment. However, a vegan diet which is based on fresh fruit and vegetables, beans, pulses, cereals and grains, can be much cheaper than relying on animal products such as cheese or meat. Archived. Water conservation. A common objection to veganism is that if we all ate a plant-based diet, we would have to cultivate more land and that this would result in our killing more sentient nonhumans. Best way to destroy this argument? Not what you're looking for? But that is not true. A vegan diet results in more animal deaths than an omnivorous one. r/DebateAVegan: A place for open discussion about veganism and vegan issues, including genuine questions or arguments about animal rights and … Press J to jump to the feed. The second reason is that I didn’t want a whole new group of idealistic young people to destroy their health. Going vegan is a great opportunity to learn more about nutrition and cooking, and improve your diet. Let’s take a deeper look at this recurring argument and let the facts speak for themselves. And the vegan diet is going to ensure the momentum continues downhill.

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