[32]Although live-plucking is illegal in the United States and Europe, it is known to occur in two European countries (Poland and Hungary) and in China. Chantell Marie said it well. it is inhumane to trap and kill live animals just for fashion !!!!!!! “Lean manufacturing, faster throughput, lower work in process, better quality, continuous improvement – it’s all here,” Moran says. What are ethical materials for winter coats? My, my, my . I'm a CPA & CMA (Certified Management Accountant) & I tweet mostly about investing and literature. Manufactured – U.S.A. MFG Process – Molded. They tell you. Sickening. And it happens in Canada. There is no humane way to kill any animal that does not want or deserve to die. As for the coyote trim, coyotes will be trapped in Canada for population and disease management. So tired of this lame argument. Coexistence with coyotes is happening all over the world, http://coyotewatchcanada.com/coexisting-with-coyote/. Better move out of Canada…. Thanks for the opportunity to promote an awesome company that actually cares about the planet. The coarse feathers of the wing and tail are then removed by hand with the remainder of the feathers and down removed either by a plucking machine or by hand. Animals are individuals- they have personalities and social relationships. If you were hurting a person, would that person not have the right to “impose their personal views” on you to stop? Is your house insulated? A diet that involves stuffing yourself with supplements to get all of your nutrients. Ignorant. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_feather. Nylon and polyester are out. And that is one of the reasons that people are buying more fur. The 45,000 square-foot facility is … A word that is tossed around much to easily. Speaking directly to anti coyote activists it is very easy to note that the majority against are city folk and have little knowledge on this subject and tremendous difficulty grasping the logic which is verite. This despite being banned in the EU, a bunch of US states and being opposed by, among others, the American Veterinary Association and the Sierra Club. Just because you are feeling guilty about your choices don’t accuse others of doing the same. As a rule of thumb, when demand is vigorous, a manufacturer will see higher margins as it increases the "value-added" component of its good and reduces outsourcing. Wow, “minor detail” left out – that of a suffering coyote as it’s killed for the trim. So that leaves 97% of Canadians who eat meat or eat animal by-products. Join to Connect Canada Goose. [31] The precise percentage of down harvested in this manner is uncertain; while some references report that it is only a small fraction of the total (less than 1% in 2011),[30] a 2009 Swedish documentary reported that it might be as much as 50–80% of the total supply, a figure supported by IKEA (a home furnishing chain) and an industry representative. Who is the brain star that thought this was a good article to post? They want to feel the earth and explore new environments. Background Canada Goose was founded in 1957, with the idea of manufacturing outerwear for any cold weather condition. My post is merely highlighting that it isn’t as black and white as animal rights activists would like us to believe, especially in the instance in which animal rights activists insult and demean those who do not share the same opinion. And loving the acrylic lining, that’s wonderful for the environment. Good luck! What an ignorant article. Take the classic Canada Goose parka—the Langford—which takes 300 … I would hope with these comments that each and every one of you is a fully practicing vegan…..just saying. The suffering caused to these animals is immense. Last time I checked, keeping warm in winter is not about “fashion”, it is about survivial. Farming is farming, whether you are killing them for their fur or milking them. Bolts of fabric are stored in rows along the factory floor. Try http://www.TruthAboutFur.com for another side of the story! This article represents the opinion of the writer, who may disagree with the “official” recommendation position of a Motley Fool premium advisory service. You’re so concerned about the environment? If you love your dog so much, do them a favor and stop supporting a business that kills their cousins. Just out of curiosity, do you sleep on a mattress? No one is saying that CG as practiced done anything anti-competitive. The company was founded in 1957 by Sam Tick, under the name Metro Sportswear Ltd. [2] Canada Goose markets a wide range of jackets, parkas , vests, hats, gloves, shells and other apparel through various avenues, both wholesale and direct to customer with their own retail stores. It’s the do nothing if you can’t do everything attitude. So I guess this means if you havea dog, you also can’t eat meat. Copy link. Market data powered by FactSet and Web Financial Group. While clothing manufacturers tend to outsource a higher degree of production as they grow, the opposite often occurs in the luxury segment of the industry. In fiscal 2017, DTC sales expanded to 28.5% of total revenue, with the segment accounting for 71.5% of Canada Goose's top line. How disgusting. I say we get real luxurious and “utilize cruelty” against everyone of these douche-bags that wear these coats. We also can’t forget about the horrible plucking the Geese endure. I didn’t mean to upset anyone with my comments. . Walk down any Toronto street between October and April and you’ll spot about 20 zillion down-filled parkas stamped with the unmistakable Canada Goose logo. How do you know if someone is a vegan? It is clear from this comments page that the local “animal rights” networks have been busy! The more the general public knows, the more they stop wearing fur, eating meat and buying unethical products. I have never ever owned anything made of cashmere and no longer wear wool. What would be an “ethical” fabric to wear in winter? How much were you paid for this? Some people choose not to eat meat or wear leather or fur, and that’s their personal choice. Come out to countryside, visit a farm, watch the wild animals running free, see the cattle, horses and poultry living in comfort. Volume-. The last step? If “most Canadians” (and others) really didn’t want fur, presumably Canada Goose wouldn’t be making and selling it?!! . Trapper training courses (mandatory for Canadian trappers) teach methods for assuring that new traps are very selective. A coat of non-renewable synthetic fabric made from petroleum by-products? Watch later. I’d like to see one of these articles on how the material is obtained for the making of these jackets… The cruel trapping of animals and plucking of feathers is crucial to the process of making a Canada Goose Jacket. If meat consumption is on the decline, that is because people have realized that eating meat every day is not healthy. We all do the best we can. Thanks for being clear about how compassionate and progressive and democratic you really are! I work in an industry with animals. Not for one second do I beleive that a hemp and cotton coat is good enough for minus 20. Go Vegan. You missed the part about coyotes being brutally trapped and inhumanely killed for fur trim. Shopping. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqIL-7njHFY. You forgot a few steps to list. They are currently investigating Canada Goose. It can only help the cause of us “animal-rights” activists. They would kill you if you tried. This story should start with the part where coyotes are cruelly trapped by their paws in leg hold traps, where they may suffer alive for days before the trapper returns to “dispatch” them, i.e., strangle them or club them to death so as not to spoil the pelt with a gun shot hole. Good choice, my brother worn that parka and he loves it. Employees work with Canada Goose jackets at the Canada Goose factory in Toronto on Thursday, April 2, 2015. Reproduction in whole or in part strictly prohibited. Victimizing animals is not. The needless violence and animal cruelty. These species are not threatened. Once all the coat’s panels are stuffed, they’re sent back to the factory floor to be pieced together. This is a fact that cannot be denied. And building brand mystique is critical to the company's bottom line -- how else would it move its top-of-the line men's "Drummond 3-in-1" parka, which retails for $1,500? This article is not about fur at all. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2544075/Revealed-Chilling-cruelty-unspeakable-suffering-corporate-denial-Is-TRUE-cost-seasons-Canada-Goose-coat.html. I suppose you’d call that “violence” too? Our “animal rights” friends would like to impose their personal views on all of us! Fact. You are either a liar or you are wearing layers of cashmere and wool underneath. How are they killed? If you want to leave a comment, at least put a moment’s thought into it. Let’s agree to disagree. Hey Toronto Life, 2 things: 1. denote this as a sponsored post because it obviously is. People don’t wear Canada Goose for fashion (or at least, not most of them.” They wear it to keep warm. It’s a fact, all industries overlap, all animals (including humans) overlap. The soon to be born lambs were ripped out of the ewes and all were left to die. All rights reserved. You’d also be able to feed more of the planet if yiu didn’t have to feed so much garin etc to animals raised for meat. This makes sense within Canada Goose's market niche. Would you put a dog in a kennel for 24 hours, pass food through their crate and argue that their mental and physical needs are being met? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqIL-7njHFY. You walked into this lady. In the deal Canada Goose gains a 45,000 square-foot production facility, now its second manufacturing in the Greater Toronto Area, and about 70 employees. At the company’s 90,000-square-foot headquarters uptown, 300 workers spend their days designing, cutting, sewing, stuffing and cleaning the ubiquitous coats. But a having diet without any meat or animal by-products makes it extremely difficult to get all of your nutrients without supplements, and close to impossible for a child. No one, and I mean NO ONE, skins animals alive in the fur industry. I will not wear anything that has real fur on it ….. or stuffed with real feathers …. How many coyotes will need to die for fashion? When I got involved the product was worn by people who lived and worked in the coldest places on Earth, and that is still the case. It’s been pretty educational to learn the process of a large manufacturing company. Toronto Life is a registered trademark of Toronto Life Publishing Company Limited. In more ways than one. Really Toronto Life? Check out http://www.furisgreen.com. In contrast, under the DTC model, Canada Goose bears the risks for inaccurately forecasting demand. [31] Public sentiment against the practice has, in some countries, been strong. Workers use a quilting technique to ensure the down doesn’t shift around inside the jacket. Step 1: Trap and skin coyotes for their fur for brutally unnecessary trim. It’s great to see a company that has kept it’s manufacturing in Canada, providing jobs in the apparel industry that has virtually disappeared from this country. You go ahead and live your life without the use of any animals, and I will live mine and use them responsibly. It is only because of a powerful lobby and a non-progressive government that the barbaric practice of trapping is allowed to continue. Wish I could afford one…I have to make do with other down filled coats and clothing. Not pictured here, wild coyotes trapped and tortured for their fur: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2544075/Revealed-Chilling-cruelty-unspeakable-suffering-corporate-denial-Is-TRUE-cost-seasons-Canada-Goose-coat.html. Surely not more than a third of them, at best. Do you really think welfare issues are at the forefront of a business owner’s agenda? Leg-hold traps (including the ones without teeth) have one intention – to keep the animal from escaping while the animal fights desperately for its life, often for days. How Canada Goose, the king of all parka companies, makes one of its coats, http://www.animaljustice.ca/media-releases/animal-justice-files-false-advertising-complaint-canada-goose/, http://furbearerdefenders.com/other-faqs/what-about-canada-goose, https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=533430736805918&id=100004169893244&set=a.533430843472574.1073741827.100004169893244&source=56&ref=bookmarks, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_feather, http://furbearerdefenders.com/blog/the-fur-policy-of-canada-goose-inc-revisited, http://coyotewatchcanada.com/coexisting-with-coyote/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaXZUJsC2W0, http://nypost.com/2014/10/20/woman-goes-to-fox-farm-for-fur-coat-gets-pet-instead/, https://www.vegansociety.com/try-vegan/definition-veganism, We’ll (hopefully) be able to check out new restaurants again soon. Part of Canada Goose’s success can be attributed to playing up its humble founding five decades ago in a small warehouse in Toronto (the outerwear is still made in Canada). Synthetic: made from 92% recycled insulation. Coyote populations have to be culled whether or not we use the fur, so isn’t it more ethical to use them?….Several provinces and states have even offered bounties to control coyote populations, to protect lambs and veal calves. Thus, gross profit margin is getting a lift from the expansion of DTC as the organization bypasses middlemen. Overpopulated coyotes are eating people’s pet dogs and cats…..and are even threatening children, something rarely seen before. We’re motley! Making animals suffer needlessly is not something to strive for. clearly some companies can afford to buy the media because of all the money they make from exploiting animals…. You are forgetting someone in you assessment. Okay, maybe not – how about your sofa? Janice Randall – nothing “humane” about the killing. Step 2: convince all the lemmings in Toronto to wear it. However, I guess if they did, Canada Goose would never place a full-page ad in their magazine. Many animals die trying to free themselves – either from dehydration, blood loss or hypothermia. Anyway, we are off topic. Alan, I can see what an emotional issue this is for you. Why do you insist on saying that coyotes are killed “in a way that is agonizingly painful”?? Hey Mr. Canada Goose, at what age did you lose your compassion and common sense? How many vegans think they are unconsciously not killing animals, maybe not directly. I think to our company, being sold out is a good thing, and it shows that there [is] lots of demand for our product.". Thanks for the correction. My family have been farmers of livestock and grain for generations. Canada Goose raises all kinds of animal welfare concerns. It takes about 24 minutes for a laser Gerbercutter from Germany to slice through all the fabric layers. Canada Goose jackets go through a meticulous manufacturing process that ensures every stitch, seam, and detail is where and how it should be. Google the Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards. I can only hope that when other people learn more, they will also use their wallet to stand up for animals. The Canada goose's body plumageis brown. And – quite frankly – deserve everything they might get. Great article to post, someone should be fired. To be more precise if you have leather handbags, belts booties and garments, these are animal products. It’s a far better winning idea than continuing with current factory farm processes while ruining the planet. How convenient of you to leave that part out. The important thing is to promote welfare, and unfortuantely activists focus on abolition instead of caring aboutt he animal’s treatment. Enough said ! Please provide an informed, balanced story that shows consumers what they are really buying — animal suffering at $825 a piece. Or do you the common sense of following the advice of the World Conservation Union (and every other credible environmental conservation authority) that it is preferable for us to use sustainably-produced natural materials (like fur and down) vs petroleum-derived (i.e., noon-renewable) synthetics?! There is no point arguing this anymore because ultimately I believe that animals are a resource and not people. They want to live. Oh, and a conservative estimate shows that at least 10% of Canadians are vegetarians and those that aren’t are eating less meat than ever. The company’s global headquarters is located at 250 Bowie Avenue, just north of Eglinton West and Caledonia. Canada Goose opened a factory in Boisbriand in 2017 which employs 500 people. I love animals of all kinds but I know that they are not human, they are here for a reason. Animal rights is becoming the new repressive religion for some! I have a large and it’s long enough to the waist and … Simone Olivero – you are promoting and advocating cruelty and torture. Stop with the propaganda! I would take the logic over the emotion, Canadas’ wildlife happens to be abundant due to educated management who have the situation well in hand. EVOLVE and please stop perpetuating false information. Regarding using animals ‘responsibly’. $800 for a coat to walk the dog, you are a stupid ass. OUTLAW CANADA GOOSE CALL. PASS. How about pillows? A very cruel industry. DTC includes Canada Goose's country-specific online stores that currently target the U.S., the U.K., Germany, France, Ireland, Austria, Sweden, and the "Benelux" nations of Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. . Don’t insult me by talking about cruelty to animals when you probably have not raised anything but spoiled cats or dogs. So when I go to Alpine skiing all my friends will be so impressed. Once that’s done, they’re ready to sell. They are an awesome company that actually cares about the planet. The brand’s latest looks are displayed in a showroom inside the main entrance. Therefore badly done stitching is an obvious sign that the jacket is not genuine. Canada Goose added nearly 700 employees last year to a previous base of 1,350, and the majority of these were manufacturing jobs. As for Coyote fur and down, this is a personal choice. So foxes get all their food passed into the small cage where they reside with no enrichment and no opportunities to be physical, and you’ve deemed that stress-free? I personally think it’s amazing that the fur is used instead that thrown away (like in Europe when they also trap animals, what a waste of natural resources!). You know there are countries that can make the same quality product in less than half price. How Canada Goose, the king of all parka companies, makes one of its coats. To obtain feathers and down at the time of slaughter, the normal process is to first scald the geese in hot water (60-68°C) for 1-3 minutes. “To set the facts straight … the FTC never asked; no changes that we made were mandated,” Reiss said. So your comment about 97% of Canadian each animals almost every day is totally and factually wrong. Presently, Canada Goose supplements its own production capabilities by utilizing 30 Canadian and seven European subcontractors to manage overflow work. Shameful. There are better ways. As you suggested, I do use my wallet to prove my point. Supporting Canada Goose is supporting horrific and unnecessary animal cruelty. It expects to … nothing is skinned alive…..clearly you have no idea what is involved…I actually own geese, and ducks and chickens…..I would love for you to come and try and pluck a goose alive. The animal cruelty and suffering that goes on behind the scenes… Really?! Local jobs are important – hopefully that aspect will last as they push to keep expanding. How a Canada Goose Parka is made - BRANDMADE.TV - YouTube. It’s amazing that you’ve someone managed to determine that all those videos showing abuse in factory farms have been doctored. Misreading demand trends over the long-term could cause gross margin trends to move in the opposite direction. Canada has an abundant renewable resource that is well regulated Under Provincial jurisdiction. There are at least seven subspecies of Canada goose, but it's difficult to distinguish between some of them because of interbreeding among the birds. How often does an activist group release a video “filmed 3 months ago” of poor conditions on a famr (or doctored to look like poor conditions on a farm, but I digress…” If these so-called activists reallt cared, they would be releasing the videos immediately and requesting the farm adhere to welfare standards. It’s completely astounding, the amount of absolute ignorance and stupidity people display. And you need to kill coyotes so that you can skin them for coats because? Education is the correct response, have you studied in this field? Sorry: the whole point of Canada is that we can all make our own decisions about what to wear, thank you! Share. But If you went to SportingLife and spent a grand to walk your dog around in lots of dead animals and stop at starbucks? If you eat meat and wear leather, the same rules apply. It feels more accurate to say that Canada Goose doesn’t manufacture winter coats but crafts them. Founded in 1993 by brothers Tom and David Gardner, The Motley Fool helps millions of people attain financial freedom through our website, podcasts, books, newspaper column, radio show, and premium investing services. “A percentage of the world’s supply of down feathers has been plucked from live birds,[30] a practice which is condemned as cruel by animal welfare groups. Let him write his ill-informed opinion for everyone to see. You forgot to show the pain and misery of the coyote’s being killed in a trap very slowly. I studied fashion marketing and I think it’s really interesting and positive that in this economical context, an outerwear brand still produces (and creates jobs) in Canada. I don’t advocate that, and neither do most meat eaters. Once the pieces are cut, they’re bundled and distributed to different production lines. Everything comes off a production line these days, churned out as cheaply as possible in pursuit of the mighty dollar. In addition to its existing five production facilities in Toronto, Winnipeg, and Montreal, the organization opened a new facility in June 2017, in Boisbriand, Quebec, dedicated to the production of core products such as down-filled winter coats. Fear, starvation, pain, strangulation: welcome to owning a Canada Goose coat. Those red round logo’s make great targets. By keeping its manufacturing in Canada at a time when the trend among apparel makers is to produce more cheaply in Asia, Canada Goose has created 200 new jobs in the past year. you have to stop and wonder under what conditions they are made. The company famous for its parkas opened a new global headquarters in Toronto, including a 96,000-square-foot factory which doubles previous production capacity. On the left, a finished Langford parka. (The equivalent of 120 jackets can be cut in a single session.). http://nypost.com/2014/10/20/woman-goes-to-fox-farm-for-fur-coat-gets-pet-instead/. Once the lining has been assembled, it’s sewn into the outer shell. http://furbearerdefenders.com/blog/the-fur-policy-of-canada-goose-inc-revisited. You don’t have to be vegan to be concerned for animal welfare… just saying. Here are seven to keep an eye on, Growing up, she dreamed about owning this Kawartha Lakes mansion. Once we are killing them, isn’t it more ethical to use as much of the animal as possible?? It is not a personal choice when there are victims involved. And, by the way, a good percentage of CG buyers are not even aware of the fact that the trim is real dog fur. How long do the coyotes sit in these traps until they are killed? Tap … The feathers are gathered from geese and ducks that are used for food. Join to Connect Canada Goose. University of Windsor. As a case in point, Canada Goose Holdings (NYSE:GOOS) CEO Dani Reiss recently announced in an interview with Reuters that the 60-year-old purveyor of premium outerwear would produce at least half of its goods in-house within the next few years, up from roughly one-third today. You could only imagine what is going on behind close doors – mutilation and abuse. They are looking at the environmental impact of synthetics and people are realizing that fur is ethical, sustainbale, biodegradable, long lasting, warm, and local (if you are a Canadian buying Canadian fur…) Farming is not all evil, neither is trapping. ... the number of Canadians in clothing manufacturing fell … Industrial Engineering at Canada Goose Greater Toronto Area, Canada 500+ connections. Hi vegan. You forgot to mention about this https://vimeo.com/38429304?ref=fb-share and the geese live plucking. Patagonia making great strides in achieving this goal. Fur farmers have every reason to ensure their animals are well fed and stress free. Here’s a link to an illinois fur farm. Discounted offers are only available to new members. So everyone is ignorant except animal activists? oh and how do they kill them after they are trapped? Director Manufacturing at Canada Goose Canada 187 connections. I very commiserate to canada goose, because of all this greenpeace fools that pollute this company, instead of saying thanks for product they made for us. You have a right to feel that no animals should be killed unless “absolutely necessary”….but PETA and other “animal-rights” groups do not believe that it’s necessary to kill animals for food either, yet most Canadians eat meat. In any case, I’ve left this discussion now that I’ve seen how distressing it is for readers who are bothered by animal activist arguments. The coyotees , foxez and birds who are tortured and murdering didnt have a choice. I understand that coyote’s are not people, but that doesn’t mean they have no rights at all. I wery love their coats and I gonna buy tomorrow new coat, and I hope that these people will grow up (in intellect way) and stop saying nonsense about animals… They all are just expendable material, like a chicken or cow for food…I despise that sort of people because they are kind of moralfags, that look at other people and dont look at theirselfs. And eating meat is not a personal choice, not when there is a victim that has no choice. They all need to be reminded that they are wearing a relative of their dog, a relative who suffered horribly. position by keeping Canada Goose’s production and marketing models consistent with founding values [see Exhibit 2]. Many say we no longer need to use fur because we have synthetics, but most synthetics are made from petroleum….a non-renewable resource. How many are vegans? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaXZUJsC2W0‘, http://www.patagonia.com/ca/product/womens-stormdrift-3-in-1-parka?p=28110-0. Some states and provinces have even offered bounties to reduce coyote populations. Toronto Life – this is a completely irresponsible post, you have lost one reader I hope you loose many more. The only thing I can come up with is that you never got know an animal and had the opportunity to bond with one. In the stuffing room, each section of the coat is pumped with down. I’m a bit sad to see the comments below are totally focused on the “fur” aspect, there’s a lot more interesting things I took from the article. Just go to a slaughterhouse and bear witness to the transport trucks, full of terrified chickens, pigs and cows, arriving at the slaughter facilities and see if you still feel the same. That is rarely the case…. Canada Goose Holdings Inc. is a Canadian holding company of winter clothing manufacturers. The main reason to utilize these cruelly obtained materials is positioning within the marketplace towards elitist buyers who will pay extra for a little cruelty which they equate with luxury. Those animals don;t have a choice. Oh, and didn’t they also lose their charitable status some years back?? “The more the general public knows, the more they stop …buying unethical products.”. Questioning an investing thesis -- even one of our own -- helps us all think critically about investing and make decisions that help us become smarter, happier, and richer. Counterfeit products, on the other hand, do not. The reality is that most Canadians don’t support fur. Wildlife biologists I suppose are no longer required, the antis know all there is to know about our wild fauna. Do these animals deserve to live free – of course they do. sounds like political lobbying and a lot of money paid to someone for this free advertising. When that coyote is trapped and lying theres scared, starving, and frozen, who’s going to care if the trapper doesn’t show up because of poor weather conditions? I am very sorry that you have read that rubbush from these people. Besides, nothing you say can be taken at face value. Maybe indirectly. The company's desire to produce its own goods dovetails with a corporate commitment to remain a visible leader in the "Made in Canada" movement. I think your targeted audience would agree, you need all available information before you make a choice to purchase something. Toronto Life: you should be embarrassed. I have done my research on veganism and the vegan society doesn’t directly comment on how and which certain farming and agriculture overlaps with animals indirectly. Lol… of course you are. I just think there needs to be consideration to other aspects not just the “animal rights” debate. And your argument that CG wouldn’t be using fur if “most” Canadian didn’t support fur is idiotic. Trapping in Canada is well regulated by the provinces and territories and the activists have much to learn from these agencies. But, since most coyotes I know are not computer-savvy enough to leave messages here, I am doing it on their behalf. Thanks for the price though! The line drawings are turned into patterns, which are copied onto large pieces of paper. Canada Goose sources its duck and goose down from the Toronto-based company Feather Industry. You are kiding, right? Shall we stop using feathers because someone treats their geese badly, but others do not? Most Canadians don’t choose to smoke…but you can still buy cigarettes. Canada Goose denies it made changes to its website in response to the probe.

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